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Monday 15 December 2008

Sports Teams & Events - Cross Country

Start of the race at TGS. Allan Swales (in dark shirt) leads after 5 yards. Also in the picture behind and to the right of Allan are Eric Stables, Martin Thompson and "Mac" MacLaughlin.
Picture supplied by Allan Swales and first posted by Keith Williams on 11.01.2003


  1. Ref. photo #5.

    Mirabile dictu ! but the truth of the matter is that this event took place darn nigh 60 years ago. I recall it with total clarity, in contrast with yesterday's events which are already fading into obscurity. Although sartorially challenged when compared with the previous year's team, following JEST's comments our heroes were forever afterwards known as "The Immortals". Anyone doubting the veracity of these tales should turn up their Tacitus and his account of the battle of Mons Graupius.

    keep well and warm ~~~~~~~ geoff.

  2. We didn't have the facility of commenting about the photos etc. on the MSN site, and I think it will prove to be a big advantage.

  3. If I add a comment to a specific photo, does it also appear on the group of photos on the entry page?

    let's find out ~~~geoff
