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lished blog at this new site, click on "Join this site" below this message.
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Friday 12 December 2008

*** C'mon - let's have a laugh! ***

A good pun is its own re-word. So here goes:

In democracy your vote counts. In feudalism, your count votes. 

Shotgun wedding: A case of wife or death. 

Energizer Bunny arrested - charged with battery. 

A pessimist's blood type is always b-negative. 

Practice safe eating - always use condiments. 

A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother. 

I used to work in a blanket factory, but it folded. 

Marriage is the mourning after the knot before. 

A hangover is the wrath of grapes. 

Corduroy pillows are making headlines. 

Is a book on voyeurism a peeping tome? 

Sea captains don't like crew cuts. 

Does the name Pavlov ring a bell? 

A successful diet is the triumph of mind over platter. 

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. 

A gossip is someone with a great sense of rumour. 

Without geometry, life is pointless. 

When you dream in colour, it's a pigment of your imagination. 

Reading while sunbathing makes you - well - red. 

A man's home is his castle, in a manor of speaking. 

Dijon vu - the same mustard as before. 

When two egotists meet, it's an I for an I. 

A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired. 

What's the definition of a will? (Come on, it's a dead giveaway!) 

A backward poet writes inverse. 

A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. 

If you don't pay your exorcist, you get repossessed. 

With her marriage, Pat got a new name and a dress. 

Show me a piano falling down a mine shaft, and I'll show you A flat miner.

When a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds. 

The man who fell into an upholstery machine is fully recovered. 

You feel stuck with your debt if you can't budge it. 

He had to break into song because he couldn't find the key. 

Your calendar's days are numbered. 

A lot of money is tainted. It t'aint yours and it t'aint mine. 

A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat. 

He had a photographic memory that was never developed. 

The short fortuneteller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large. 

Once you've seen one shopping centre, you've seen a mall. 

Those who jump off a Paris bridge are in Seine. 

When she saw her first strands of grey hair, she thought she'd dye. 

Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead-to-know basis. 

Are Santa's helpers subordinate clauses? 

Acupuncture is a jab well done.

And finally;

If you prefer philosophy to equestrianism you're probably putting Descartes before the horse.


  1. It is early days yet. I have become a creature of habit and veiw any changes with suspicion. However I have now managed to navigate the site and think it will be a suitable substitute. I am lost in admiration for all the work and dedication that has gone into the change over. The joining precedure went OK with a little help.The layout is very good except for the white text on a black /dark background.....I find that irritating......but my eyes have never been very good.

  2. Thanks Pat. More views welcome. If the white on black is unpopular we can change it, but we would lose the spectacular view of Thorne from across the canal, that features at the top of the page.

  3. Thorne must have changed a lot since our time! Are we going to see pit head gear shaped islands extending out over the canal a la Dubai?

  4. I found the white on black awkward at first, but I have got used to it now and it isn't too bad. This type is good on the creamy background, actually easier for the eyes than the white, but a variation of types, colours etc. are good for now. Time will tell when more members join us. I imagine that there will be problems which ever we try for someone, so it's better to wait and see for now.

  5. Keith,Thanks for the invitation.If there are any problems in joining the Multiply TGS site you can be sure that they will find me.Having said that here I am,and approval took only a short time,not the within 24 hours that I had assumed would take me through 'til tomorrow.I was briefly stuck following the instructions between steps 4 and 5, on your email, where there seems to be an extra screen which does not have 'Join the Group' on it. You have to click on the small TGS logo which then takes you to the 'Join the Group' screen you mention in point 5. I am sure most of our brilliant TGS members will not find this a problem-only those of us who ponderously follow instructions to the t at the same time mouthing the words and one finger typing. Well what do you expect from the 13th. member to 'pass over'?

  6. Mick, Thanks for the comment. Very helpful. The instructions will be amended accordingly.

  7. Hi everyone, nice to meet you all again on a lovely, clean website. I found steps 4 & 5 a temporary barrier but if I can navigate through it I think anybody can!
    I think the site is very good. I have been looking at photos and I think they are a lot easier to see and well laid out.

  8. Is it posible to install an icon to get straight onto this site or do I have to enter the web site everytime I want to come on., also are the messages no longer under the former headings or do they just roll along.

  9. Anne,
    Nice to see you here too. Last night I posted three new photos in the Tennis Section (55, 56, 57) and one in the Cricket Section (56). Unless my memory is failing, I think you supplied some sports teams photos from around that time that you posted on the old site, although I can't find them now. Your photos had all the names overprinted. Coming from TGS of that era, I wonder if you can replace any of the ?s that I put in the descriptions by the names of the people pictured.

  10. Having just joined the new site, I find it much easier to access and post entries than on the old site, which I had not been unable to access for some months. Obviously a lot of work has been put in by the Team - well done.

  11. Thanks, Shaun. I also find Multiply easier to access than the TGS site on MSN, which has become slower and slower, presumably because MSN are reducing the capacity on their network dedicated to Groups as they close down the service. Some of the functions formerly available on that site no longer work - e.g. I found it impossible to edit the Welcome Page, so we will have to forgo the traditional Xmas tree and carols. But I may try God Rest Ye on the music section here, when I have time.

  12. I'm sure I shall get used to navigating the site but do miss the clear list of subjects in the Message Board.

  13. Hello Keith ~~~~~~~ so far, so good, where do I find just how to start a new thread/blog? or should send for my free copy of how to blog?
    ~~ geoff.

  14. hi all this is a lovely website just been looking at the photos and the video i seen some of my old teachers in the photos but not all of them i went to TGS in 1985 and left in 1988 now im look for photo in that yr
    but its a cool website keep it up thanks

  15. Good question Geoff. I think this info. might be classified for the moment.My question is how do we add a comment to an existing thread on the old site that isn't on our new site.Unfortunately I can no longer access the old site so may be missing all kinds of vital info. re. the 'big switch', as well as my daily dose of Alan.

  16. Mick,
    The old site is still working. I posted an announcement from there to everyone today, Brian L posted a message, and we had one new joiner. Some of the management facilities don't seem to work, and access is very slow. Perhaps MS is not allocating enough resource to MS Groups as a way of encouraging Groups and individuals to move on.

    We plan to move a number of threads over (or at least the later entries) before the old site disappears into the ether. If you will let me know which one you are interested in, I'll try to move it first.

    Unfortunately we are all deprived of Allan's unique contributions pro tem. He has builders "improving" his residence who have succeeded in disrupting his land line. He can't therefore access the net, and he doesn't want to get it fixed until the builders go away in case they repeat their success

  17. Allan M (doctorv90),
    Thanks for the comment - Eileen & Rob have worked very hard for a few weeks to get the content organised. We all owe them a big thanks.

  18. Geoff (and Mick),
    To start a new thread/blog, click on Home. Scroll down to the Blog section. Click on "Add to Blog" and you will get a special type of reply box with more editing facilities than we have in these "comments" boxes, including a space for your Blog title. I look forward to reading the next erudite pearl of wisdom from New Sarum in a new blog.

  19. Er......when I wrote about the Multiply Inbox as the "right hand tab" in the last comment, I was of course assuming that you were standing behind your screen looking through it towards your keyboard. Some simple minds might have described it as the "left hand link or tab".

  20. Brian L,

    Of all the alternatives we considered (Windows Live Groups, Google Groups, Yahoo Groups etc) only Multiply offered unlimited storage space to both individuals and the whole Group. The maximum available from any other of these sources was 1GB for the Group, and we reckon we have already exceeded that. That doesn't mean we should start posting photos without considering their size in bytes. Some member are still accessing the internet on dial up, and an unnecessarily large .jpg will take an inordinate amount of time before it appears on their screen. But we no longer have to keep on re-registering with a new identity each time we exhaust our 3MB quota.

    And another advantage is that we can post messages in many different places on the site - directly under the photo or music or video or other file we want to comment on - which makes it more convenient to catch the eye of others interested in the same file, photo, music video. But that means that all messages are not together anyway. So note the clever way this site arranges to show you all new posts in descending time/date order, either in your own regular e-mail in-box, or if you don't want to clog up that in-box with Multiply trivia, in your own Multiply In-box accessed through the left hand link or tab at the top of the window.

    And have you noticed how easily you can check on the identity of a member by clicking on his name or headshot, which takes you directly to his/her web site "About Me" box where Name and Dates at TGS are displayed (provided of course the details have been entered as required by the joining instructions and the site rules.

  21. Geoff (and Mick),
    To start a new thread/blog, click on Home. Scroll down to the Blog section. Click on "Add to Blog" and you will get a special type of reply box with more editing facilities than we have in these "comments" boxes, including a space for your Blog title. I look forward to reading the next erudite pearl of wisdom from New Sarum in a new blog.

  22. Allan M (doctorv90),
    Thanks for the comment - Eileen & Rob have worked very hard for a few weeks to get the content organised. We all owe them a big thanks.

  23. We plan to move a number of threads over (or at least the later entries) before the old site disappears into the ether. If you will let me know which one you are interested in, I'll try to move it first.

  24. There are two threads I can think of that I would like to have on here please. They were both Mick's.
    1. Read any good books lately. 2. How's the weather, or something like that. They were always good for keeping things ticking over. It's the first time I have noticed that when replying on here, you get a choice of where you send your message to. Perhaps Keith has already mentioned that. It's all new and completely different,,,,,,,,and I like it. I've just noticed you can quote the original message!

  25. I got a welcome note fron Eileen which was very nice but having read it I now want to remove it. How do I do that? I went to 'customise' but couldn't find any 'delete'.
    JK I don't think I posted any sport photos. I didn't really shine at sport. My contribution was to be r/l inner at hockey which meant I only had to run halfway down the pitch.

  26. Anne,
    Apologies for the false memories - just more evidence of rapidly encroaching senility.
    When you use "Customise" you have three options for the Guestbook (Move, Hide, and Edit) . Hide will remove it from the site altogether, but it can be restored. To edit or remove individual messages, click on "View Guestbook" in the top right corner of the Guestbook box. I think the "View Guestbook" option only appears if you have an entry in the Guestbook.

  27. Well, following a veiled threat of dismissal [with or without thy blessings], and a one on one tutorial lasting several megabytes it could be that 3147411 has metamorphosed into geoffnunns. We'll find out on pressing the submit button.

    Here goes ~~~~~~~~~ geoff.

  28. Thanks Keith. We shall get used to the new format and I shall wonder why I initially found it a little strange. I think it will be easier when the old messages ( albeit not all of them) are transferred. Thanks for being so available to answer our queries. Cheers. Brian

  29. Anne,
    Nice to see you here too. Last night I posted three new photos in the Tennis Section (55, 56, 57) and one in the Cricket Section (56). Unless my memory is failing, I think you supplied some sports teams photos from around that time that you posted on the old site, although I can't find them now. Your photos had all the names overprinted. Coming from TGS of that era, I wonder if you can replace any of the ?s that I put in the descriptions by the names of the people pictured.

  30. Anne,
    Apologies for the false memories - just more evidence of rapidly encroaching senility.
    When you use "Customise" you have three options for the Guestbook (Move, Hide, and Edit) . Hide will remove it from the site altogether, but it can be restored. To edit or remove individual messages, click on "View Guestbook" in the top right corner of the Guestbook box. I think the "View Guestbook" option only appears if you have an entry in the Guestbook.

  31. Eileen, Thanks for the plug re' Read any good books lately' and 'How's the weather'.I would say we could start a new weather thread but I'd like to see the books list brought over as I use it for reference when I'm ordering books from the library.I kept a record of my own readings over this last year and it comes to almost a book a week.I find the suggestions made on our thread help me avoid some of the rubbish I would otherwise waste time on...Mick.

  32. Computer Fundamentals was a thread,on the old site, that was always near the top of the list as the frequent questions would keep it floating,like cream, to the surface. Other popular threads or blogs, such as the humour one, were also readily accessible and it was easy to keep track of everything that was going on.Right now we have less than a dozen threads but if we look ahead we could have hundreds as on the old site. If the popular ones don't float then I fear they may be lost.Will you have to go down to the bottom of a long list of threads to get to Computer Fundamentals.Will you have to go to every thread to see if a new comment has been added? What am I missing here.? I know there will be a simple obvious answer somewhere but it's avoiding my wave length.

  33. In setting up the site we have tried as far as possible to use the facilities available on Multiply to simulate the facilities available on MSN. The Blog is the nearest thing that Multiply has to a Message board, but its not the same. In some ways it's better, some ways it's worse, but in truth Multiply did not intend it to be used in quite the same way as the Message Board on MSN.

    The MSN Message Board allowed anyone to start a new subject at will on what we called a new "thread" (but MS Groups called a "Discussion"). We used that facility in a profligate way, creating new threads on the flimsiest of excuses, like not being able to think which thread would be most appropriate, or sometimes not thinking at all. It didn't seem to matter much at the time, because our latest pearl of wisdom was always at the top. But it did make it very difficult if you wanted to find that pearl some months or years later because there were hundreds of threads added after you posted. There were over 900 threads.

    Multiply is designed on a different concept. The Admin (management) starts a blog on a current topic and the members respond, but the blogs are short lived and removed when they are no longer current. In fact, we don't need that many blogs to cover the sort of subjects discussed here. We have started the following blogs which should cover most of our rquirements:

    - Welcome - New Members.
    - Memories of TGS.
    - Thorne & District News.
    - News from the Rest of the World.
    - The Next Reunion.
    - Computer Fundamentals (for IT technical advice).
    - Read any good books lately?
    - The "No Thread" thread (a "catch all" for messages that don't fit on any other blog)
    - Using Multiply.
    - C'mon - let's have a Grump (a safety valve for those sensing the imminent collapse of Western Civilisation).
    - C'mon - let's have a Laugh (an antidote to the previous blog).

    Comments about photos, music or videos posted on the site can be posted under those features.

  34. Keith.
    Thanks for the tip.Been there.Done that.Got the T shirt.The lights are going on. I hadn't realised the interconnection between my site and the TGS site and that my site would be more focal for me than the TGS site.I was under the impression that I had to join Multiply and that my site was just a gateway to the new TGS. In fact I put the new TGS site in My Favourites so that I could go directly there without going through my site first.
    The list is a good start.It's broad and could include many of our previous threads.A suggestion might be to have 'Current News about Thorne and District' to be a wider 'Current News' considering how widespread the membership, and 'Thorne and District History' to be 'Thorne and District History and News' We could get such news as local and worldwide weather or news from Wales and several popular topics all under Current News

  35. hi all this site is cool sorry about this but i need to post someing i can not find ware to post so i will post here if you dont mind
    im looking for a photo with my sister on it my sister name was diane mathieson she went to the grammar school in 1983 to 1986
    i have look at the pics with this date but i can not fine my sister in the photos if anyone has got one i would be happy if it been posted if you have time
    thank and sorry for posting here have a happy new year to you all

  36. Mick et al,

    Thanks for your comment on my list of permanent blogs. I have delayed my response in case anyone else wished to add their views. I will try to work towards the following list which will eventually appear as the bottom nine blogs on the list:

    Memories of TGS
    Thorne & District News & History
    News from the Rest of the World
    Using Multiply
    Computer Fundamentals
    Read any Good Books?
    Let's have a Laugh!
    Let's have a Grump! (The rapid deterioration of the quality of life as we knew it, and the imminent collapse of Western Civilisation.)

    Members will be asked to use these in preference to starting a new blog. Any new blog will appear above these, and risks being removed as soon as it becomes dormant. This way we should keep the number of blogs to a manageable number.

    Moving MSN "Discussions" is a chore. It involves:
    Copying each page in a Discussion (there are 52 in "Let's have a Laugh").
    Pasting it into a Word document.
    Editing mis-postings and deleted messages.
    Saving as a text file to remove underlying HTML and CSS code, but this also removes any picture files.
    Editing again to remove messages which have lost pictures, if necessary, and words which are buttons in MSN (Delete, Edit, Next, Reply etc).
    Adding separator lines between messages.
    Copying and then pasting the file as a blog on Multiply.

    It has proved to be impractical for the very largest Discussions, but smaller ones with less than 100 messages are manageable. In due course, we will try an automatic migration of all threads to a new site in Multiply, and then pick and choose the threads to be kept for posterity. But because of the disruption that this will cause on the old site it will be done only when we think there are no more stragglers trying to find us who need to use the old site as a lifeline. It must be done sufficiently early to allow Multiply to re-migrate the files if necessary, before MSN closes down. Many groups have used the automatic migration process, found that they could not make sense of the results, and asked Multiply to repeat the migration while their members sit and wait in limbo for days or weeks.

  37. On the 14 December we had 6 members. 12 January we had 58. 1st February we have 94. But not all have been properly identified.

    One of the benefits of a school site like this is the facility it provides for contemporaries to identify each other and renew old contacts, often many decades after their last meeting. When joining, members are therefore asked to provide their TGS name and dates in the "About Me" box on their personal web page. We feel that it is unfair to those who contribute to the site on the understanding that all members have been identified as TGS alumni, if there are members reading their contributions who have not been so identified. Identification is also an inhibitor to misuse of the site.

    Insisting on properly recorded identification details as a precondition of entry proved impracticable during the early rush. And perhaps it is also an unfair burden for technological tyros struggling with the intricacies of joining Multiply. The site management have therefore decided to relax the rule, and allow all applicants to join immediately, on condition that they complete the identification requirements within one month, or before posting anything on the site, whichever is earlier.

    And Adin, what about those OT reunion photos you promised!

  38. Is anyone else having problems posting messages? I've tried four times to tell Peter how to change his time, and after submitting, the message didn't appear. That was on the Reunion thread. I'll see if I can post on here.

  39. No problem on here......sorry Peter, I did try, but that thread's taken against me!!

  40. Pat et al,

    Please read point 1 in the blog above, and let me know whether the modifications to the text are acceptable.

  41. Is there no end to the marvels offered by Multiply?

    I've just discovered the "Preferences" link in my "Inbox" (alongside the words "Recent Updates"). If you click on that and then change "View as: "Summaries"" to "View as "Table"", you get a list of all the latest postings in a style close to that we were all familiar with on MSN. But then you can tailor it to show the information you want to see by ticking a set of boxes. I ticked the first, second and ninth box so that I can see at a glance which blog is referenced, who posted the last comment, how long ago and how many replies have been posted. The ninth box gives me the option to delete an entry from the table.

    And I like the very clear indication of which messages are new, i.e. that I have not yet looked at.

    Perhaps Site Management would like to add this point to the "Tips on Using Multiply!

  42. I don't know what I'm missing. I can't see Recent Updates anywhere and wonder what I'm doing wrong or not doing.

  43. R0n,

    You go to your Inbox. If you click on Inbox just above the Thorne Grammar School at the top of any page on Multiply, you will see Recent Updates when it opens. I hope that helps.


  44. Eileen,I don't know exactly how, but it worked after I followed your instruction. Thanks for your help.

  45. Keith - I cannot even remember what the previous colours etc looked like. Just shows my easy going, easily pleased temperament!! But this new lot are O.K. for me.

    Be Happy Allan

  46. Pat, Shaun and Michael went to pay their last respects to their recently deceased friend who was lying in his coffin in his front room, waiting for the undertakers to come to screw down the lid. Father Flynn was present and seemed a bit concerned - "I've got to say a few words about your friend at the burial service in an hour or so, and I didn't really know the man", he said. "If you were lying there in your coffin, what would you like the priest to say about you?" he asked.

    "Sure, and I'd like someone to say I was a true and loyal husband, devoted father and family man", said Michael.

    "Hmm" said the priest, "and what about you Shaun?"

    "I'd like someone to say that I was an achiever, and did great things - whilst not forgetting, of course, that I was a loyal family man and devoted parent".

    "And what about you, Pat", said the priest.

    "Oh" said Pat, "I'd like someone to say 'Look! He's moving'!"

  47. Yesterday I answered a knock on the door, only to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner.

    'Good morning,' said the young man. 'If I could take a couple of minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners.'

    'Go away!' I said. 'I haven't got any money!', 'I'm broke!' and proceeded to close the door.

    Quick as a flash, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed wide open. 'Don't be too hasty!' he said. 'Not until you have at least seen my demonstration.' And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse manure onto my hallway carpet.

    'If this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse manure from your carpet, Madam, I will personally eat the remainder.'

    I stepped back and said, 'Well I hope you've got a good appetite, because they cut off my electricity this morning. What part of broke do you not understand?'

  48. I've been waiting to post this. Two prawns, Julian and Christian, were right big mates and played together etc for hours and hours. But after a bit Julian got tired of it. They were only little and were continually at the mercy of predators. Now Julian knew Cod was a bit of a magician so he paid a visit. "What can I do for you my son?" I am sick to death of being bullied and chased around. I want to big and strong myself. Can you turn me into a shark?" "Of course." And straightaway he became a shark. Lean and mean and covered in muscle. Off he swam chuffed to bits. But after a few days he got tired of the life. Everybody was frightened of him and swam away and hid. He was hungry and lonely. So off he goes to find cod and ask to be changed back. "Of course my son." So off he swam to look up his old mate. When he got there he asked for him, and was told he was hiding under a shell. So he swims over and gives his mate a shout. "Are you coming out to play?" "No I am not. You are a shark and will eat me up." "No, you are alright. I found Cod, and I am a Prawn Again Christian."

    Be Happy Allan

  49. Another corny one:

    I was having trouble with my computer. So I called Eric, the 11 year old next door. Eric clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.

    As he was walking away, I called after him, 'So, what was wrong? He replied, 'It was an ID ten Terror.'

    I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, 'An, ID ten Terror? What's that? In case I need to fix it again.'

    Eric grinned... 'Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?'

    'No,' I replied. 'Write it down,' he said, 'and I think you'll figure it out.'

    So I wrote down: I D 1 0 T

  50. This comes courtesy of Allan Swales:

    Subject: Kids Science Exam

    Q: Name the four seasons.
    A: Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar.

    Q: Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink.
    A: Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists.

    Q: How is dew formed?
    A: The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire.

    Q: How can you delay milk turning sour?
    A: Keep it in the cow.

    Q: What causes the tides in the oceans?
    A: The tides are a fight between the Earth and the Moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature hates a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight.

    Q: What are steroids?
    A: Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs.

    Q: What happens to your body as you age?
    A: When you get old, so do your bowels and you go intercontinental.

    Q: What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty?
    A: He says good-bye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery. (The kid gets an A+ for this answer!)

    Q: Name a major disease associated with cigarettes.
    A: Premature death.

    Q: How are the main parts of the body categorized? ( e.g., abdomen)
    A: The body is consisted into three parts -- the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain; the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abdominal cavity contains the bowels A, E, I, O, and U.

    Q: What is the fibula?
    A: A small lie.

    Q: What does 'varicose' mean? (I do love this one...)
    A: Nearby.

    Q: Give the meaning of the term 'Caesarian Section.'
    A: The Caesarian Section is a district in Rome .

    Q: What does the word 'benign' mean?'
    A: Benign is what you be after you be eight.

  51. Seen on church notice boards and in magazines.

    The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.

    The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'

    Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.

    Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say 'Hell' to someone who doesn't care much about you.

    Don't let worry kill you off let, the Church help.

    Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.

    For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

    Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.

    Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.

    At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice.

    Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.

    Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.

    Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.

    The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.

    Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM prayer and medication to follow.

    The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.

    This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.

    Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. is done.

    The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.

    Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door.

    The eighthgraders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

    Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.

    The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday: 'I Upped My Pledge Up Yours.'

  52. This not a joke, This is for real, but absolutely creases me. Look out on Telly for the Cadburys Milk Tray ad. Two little kids with elastic foreheads so that their eyebrows leap up and down to music like caterpillars on speed. I give up. Words cannot describe it. Just look and crack up.

    Be Happy Allan

  53. Hi, everybody. I thought my first contribution to the new site would be some genuine claims made to motor insurance companies.
    "The accident happened because I had one eye on the lorry in front, one eye on the pedestrian and the other on the car behind."
    "The car in front hit the pedestrian but he got up so I hit him again"
    "Coming home in fog, I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I don't have."
    "The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him."
    "My car was legally parked as it backed into another vehicle."
    "The pedestrian had no idea which way to run, so I ran over him."
    "I saw a slow moving, sad faced old gentleman as he bounced off the roof of my car."
    "I had been learning to drive with power steering. I turned the wheel to what I thought was enough and found myself in a different direction going the opposite way."
    "The pedestrian ran for the pavement, but I got him."
    "I knocked over a man; he admitted it was his fault for he had been knocked down before."
    "I was going at about 70 or 80 mph when my girlfriend on the pillion reached over and grabbed my testicles so I lost control."
    "In an attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole."

    Keep walking to Orum, farmer Crescat. Anne

  54. Anne,
    That's the funniest contribution since you left. Welcome back to the site where our virtus may be concussa, our honor no longer certus, but our fides is as rara as ever.

  55. These are all (supposedly) taken from letters written to council housing departments.
    "I am writing on behalf of my sink, which is coming away from the wall".
    "I request permission to remove my drawers in the kitchen".
    "I wish to report that tiles are missing from the outside toilet roof. I think it was bad wind the other night that blew them off".
    "I wish to complain that my father hurt his ankle very badly when he put his foot in the hole in my back passage, and my neighbour's 18 year old son is continually banging his balls against my fence".
    "50% of the walls are damp, 50% have crumbling plaster and the rest are plain filthy".
    "The toilet is blocked and we cannot bath the children until it is cleared".
    "Will you please send a man to look at my water, it is a funny colour and not fit to drink".
    "Our kitchen floor is damp. We have two children and would like a third so please send someone round to do something about it".
    "I have had the clerk of the works down on the floor six times but I still have no satisfaction".
    "This is to let you know that our lavatory seat is broken and we can’t get BBC2".
    "My back passage has fungus growing in it".
    "Can you please tell me when the repairs will be done as my wife is about to become an expectant mother."
    "I am a single woman living in a downstairs flat and would you please do something about the noise made by the man I have on top of me every night".

    And these were sent to government agencies ...

    "Dear Sirs, please stop my assistance since I got a job begging in October".
    "I cannot get sick pay. I have had 6 children. Can you tell me why?"
    "I am glad to report that my husband who was reported missing is dead".
    " Please find for certain if my husband is dead, as the man I am living with can’t do a thing until he knows".
    "I am very much annoyed to find you have branded my boy as illiterate. This is a dirty lie. I was married to his father a week before he was born".
    " I have no children yet as my husband is a bus driver and works night and day".

  56. We'll Miss George

    The problem with a natural orator like Obama is that you don't get the words of wisdom that George used to bring tears to our eyes!

    'The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country.' - George W. Bush

    'If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure.' - George W. Bush

    'One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'. - George W. Bush

    'I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future.' - George W. Bush

    'The future will be better tomorrow.' - George W. Bush

    'We're going to have the best educated American people in the world.' - George W. Bush

    'I stand by all the misstatements that I've made.' - George W Bush

    'We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe . We are a part of Europe ' - George W. Bush

    'Public speaking is very easy.' - George W. Bush

    'A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.' - George W. Bush

    'I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don't always agree with them.' - George Bush

    'We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.' - George W. Bush

    'For NASA, space is still a high priority.' - George W. Bush

    'Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.' - George W. Bush

    'It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it.' - George W. Bush

  57. Schoolboy howlers ...

    People said Nero was an emperor who fiddled while Rome burned, but this was a lie. He was really in the Fire Brigade.

    We had a longer holiday than usual this year because the school was closed for altercations.

    John Milton wrote Paradise Lost. Then his wife died and he wrote Paradise Regained.

    Poetry is when every line starts with a capital letter and doesn't reach the right side of the page.

    An abstract noun is one that cannot be heard, seen, touched or smelled.

    The Dutch people use water power to drive their windmills.

    Magna Carta meant that you couldn't be hanged twice for the same offence.

    Medieval people were violent. Murder during this period was nothing. Everybody killed somebody.

    Victims of the Black Death grew boobs on their necks.

    The King wore a scarlet robe trimmed with vermin.

    In the middle of the 18th-century, all the morons moved to Utah.

    President Carter faced the "Iran Hostess Crisis".

    Vacuums are nothings. We only mention them to let them know we know they are there.

    A circle is a figure with no corners and only one side.

    The end of the world will make a turning point in everyone's life.

    The seventh commandment is "Thou shall not admit adultery".

    The natives of Macedonia did not believe in Paul, so he got stoned.

    The largest mammals are to be found in the sea because there is nowhere else to put them.

    The 19th-century was when people stopped reproducing by hand and started reproducing by machine.

    A census taker is a man who goes from house to house increasing the population.

    Gonads are a tribe of wandering desert people.

    Merchants appeared and roamed from town to town exposing themselves and organising fairies in the countryside.

    Very slowly yet strategically, Hitler acquired divine power.

    The government of England was a limited mockery.

    Habeas Corpus is what the people used to say to the undertakers at the time of the Great Plague of London in 1666. It means "You may have the body."

    Vergil was a man who used to clean up churches.

  58. A man hates his wifes cat so much that one day he bundles it into the car and drives several streets away and abandons it. He gets back only to find the cat is sitting in the armchair at home. He tries again the next day, taking the animal to the next town - same again, cat is home before him. On his 3rd attempt he takes the puss to the next county, but once again it 'homes' before he does. Finally, he grabs the animal and drives wildly, all night and all day and abandons the cat in a forest.

    Hours later he phones home and asks his wife

    "Is the cat there?"

    "Yes!" she replies.

    "Well put him on will you? I'm lost!"

  59. robdog104 wrote on Apr 2

    About odd socks!! One of my great nephews said to me one evening "why is it uncle Rob, that you've got odd socks on?" I replied, " I've got another pair at home but they're the opposite hand, or is it foot"?
    Somehow he seemed to be a little amused, he was only 7 after all.

    I went to the doctors the other day, the doctor asked me what was the trouble, I replied by asking if I could be prescribed some Viagra.
    The doctor said that it wouldn't be a problem.
    I then asked if they could be cut into quarters please?
    Doctor. They won't do much for your sex life being in such small amounts.
    Me. I'm not too bothered about the sex life, I just want it to stick out far enough so I don't pee down my leg.

    Keep taking the pills and smile why don't you

  60. Not fair.How does Robdog get that scary old headmaster's picture on his messages? If I could just get Ship's photo on mine, folks might read them, they'd be too fritt not to.

  61. Have you heard the one about the teacher who had an affair with his colleague's wife and ended up with a £135000 job courtesy of Trinity Academy !

  62. Phone rings in office of department manager in busy department store on 23 December:

    Boss: "Hello",

    Won Tun: "Hello boss, can't come in today. Got flu."

    Boss: "Oh Won Tun, you can't let me down. This is the busiest day of the year. We need all the sales we can get. Hard times stare us in the face next year. You can't let me down."

    Won Tun: "Velly solly, Boss, feel sick, not well at all."

    Boss: "Look Won Tun, when I feel like that, I just turn to my wife, make passionate love, and then I feel terrific - I can tackle anything. Give it a go and see if it works for you."

    Won Tun: "OK Boss, if you say so."

    Half an hour later phone rings again in office of department manager in busy department store:

    Boss: "Hello",

    Won Tun: "Hello boss, it works, I feel tellific."

    Boss: "Great, Won Tun. Now get in here pronto - we need all the help we can get."

    Won Tun: "OK Boss, coming straight away. And Boss, you got a velly nice house."

  63. Did you hear the story of the farmer up in the Dales who was visited by a southerner who couldn't understand that the pigs were kept in the farm house (cold winters out there),and who exclaimed when he heard that they slept in the bedroom "But what about the smell?" The farmer answered "T'pigs soon get used to it".

  64. A few old jokes that make me snigger-

    A dyslexic man walks into a bra

    What do you call a fish with no eyes?
    A fsh.

    Patient. "Doc, I can't stop singing The Green Green Grass Of Home."
    Doctor. "Sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome"
    Patient. "Never heard of it. Is it rare"
    Doctor. "It's not unusual"

    Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other
    "Does this taste funny to you"

    Gandhi walked everywhere and ended up with impressive callouses on his feet.
    With his sparse diet and fasting he was frail and plagued by bad breath.
    This made him a super-calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.

  65. Yesterday I was at Tesco's buying a large bag of Purina dog chow for my pet the Wonder Dog and was in the checkout queue when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog.

    What did she think I had, an elephant?

    So since I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again.

    I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.

    Horrified, the woman asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me.. I told her no, I stepped off a curb to sniff an Irish Setter's ass and a car hit us both.

    I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Tesco won't let me shop there anymore.

    Better watch what you ask retired people. They have all the time in the world to think of things to say.

  66. From the diary of a Pre-School Teacher:

    My five-year old students are learning to read.
    Yesterday one of them pointed at a picture in a zoo book and said:

    "Look at this! It's a frickin' elephant!"

    I took a deep breath, then asked...."What did you call it?"

    "It's a frickin' elephant! It says so on the picture!"

    And so it did.......
    "African Elephant"

    Hooked on phonics! Ain't it wonderful?

  67. I know you've seen all these before, but you've probably forgotten them. So please enjoy them again:

    I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad I take something for it.

    Follow your dreams, but not that one where you're naked in church.

    Sometimes too much to drink isn't enough.

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken.

    Heaven is where the police are British, the chefs are Italian, the mechanics are German, the lovers are French and it's all organized by the Swiss. Hell is where the police are German, the chefs are British, the mechanics are French, the Lovers are Swiss and it's all organized by the Italians.

    A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory

    The statement below is true.
    The statement above is false.

    I may be schizophrenic, but at least I have each other.

    I am a Nobody.
    Nobody is Perfect.
    Ergo - I am Perfect.

    Dyslexics haev mroe nuf.

    I love cooking with wine, and sometimes I put it in the food.

    Preserve the Spotted Owl (in formaldehyde)

    Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

    When you work here, you can name your own salary. I called mine Fred.

    Money isn't everything, but it sure keeps the kids in touch.

    Reality is an illusion resulting from a lack of alcohol.

    I like cats too. Let's exchange recipes.

    Red meat isn't bad for you. It's fuzzy green meat that's bad for you.

    Corduroy pillows are making headlines!

    I would like to die while asleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.

  68. Posted on behalf of RonMalta:

    Kids Are Quick

    TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America .
    MARIA: Here it is.
    TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?
    CLASS: Maria.

    TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
    JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.

    TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'
    GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L'
    TEACHER: No, that's wrong
    GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.
    (I Love this kid)
    _____________________________________ ` _______

    TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
    DONALD: H I J K L M N O.
    TEACHER: What are you talking about?
    DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.

    TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
    WINNIE: Me!

    TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
    GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.

    TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with ' I. '
    MILLIE: I is..
    TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.'
    MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'

    TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
    LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.

    TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
    SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.

    TEACHER: Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
    CLYDE : No, sir. It's the same dog.

    TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
    HAROLD: A teacher.

  69. Best Newspaper Headlines (all apparently authentic !)

    Include Your Children When Baking Cookies

    Something Went Wrong in Car Crash, Experts Say

    Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers

    Drunks Get Nine Months in Violin Case

    British Left Waffles on Falkland Islands

    Clinton Wins Budget; More Lies Ahead

    Plane Too Close to Ground, Crash Probe Told

    Stolen Painting Found by Tree

    Two Sisters Reunited after 18 Years in Checkout Counter

    War Dims Hope for Peace

    If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last a While

    Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide

    Man Struck by Lightning Faces Battery Charge

    Kids Make Nutritious Snacks

    Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half

    March Planned For Next August

    L.A. Voters Approve Urban Renewal By Landslide

    Patient At Death's Door--Doctors Pull Him Through

    Latin Course To Be Canceled--No Interest Among Students, et al.

    Croupiers On Strike--Management: "No Big Deal"

    Stadium Air Conditioning Fails--Fans Protest

    Lawyers Give Poor Free Legal Advice

    Fund Set Up for Beating Victim's Kin

    Killer Sentenced to Die for Second Time in 10 Years

    Cancer Society Honors Marlboro Man

    Nicaragua Sets Goal to Wipe Out Literacy

    Autos Killing 110 a Day--Let's Resolve to Do Better

    Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures

    Half of U.S. High Schools Require Some Study for Graduation

  70. Some spontaneous one-liners you can plan to use as appropriate:






































  71. If you want to bone up on Oz Marine Biology try the following. You'll have to turn the sound well up. I haven't been able to paste it so I will have to have first go and if errors have crept in edit it in 2 mins. So give me a bit..............Allan

  72. It doesn't work. It is the right address. Don't know what to do now. Just leave it and wait and see, while you all wait and wonder what you are missing.....................Allan


  74. Ta Keith. Now we all can share, hope you all enjoy. Be Happy Allan

  75. 1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.

    2. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

    3. Intaxicaton: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

    4. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

    5. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

    6.. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.

    7. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high

    8. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

    9. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

    10. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

    11. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.

    12. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

    13. Glibido: All talk and no action.

    14. Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

    15. Arachnoleptic Fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

    16. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

    17. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating.

    The Washington Post
    has also published the winning submissions to its yearly contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for common words.

    And the winners are:

    1. Coffee, n. The person upon whom one coughs.

    2. Flabbergasted, adj. Appalled by discovering how much weight one has gained.

    3. Abdicate, v. To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

    4 esplanade, v. To attempt an explanation while drunk.

    5. Willy-nilly, adj. Impotent.

    6. Negligent, adj. Absentmindedly answering the door when wearing only a nightgown.

    7. Lymph, v. To walk with a lisp.

    8. Gargoyle, n. Olive-flavored mouthwash.

    9. Flatulence, n. Emergency vehicle that picks up someone who has been run over by a steamroller.

    10. Balderdash, n. A rapidly receding hairline..

    11. Testicle, n. A humorous question on an exam.

    12. Rectitude, n. The formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.

    13. Pokemon, n.. A Rastafarian proctologist.

    14. Oyster, n. A person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.

    15. Frisbeetarianism, n. The belief that, after death, the soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.

  76. A Year One school teacher had twenty-six students in her class. She presented each child in her classroom the 1st half of a well-known proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb. It's hard to believe these were actually done by Year one students.. Their insight may surprise you. Keep in mind that these are 6-year-olds, because the last one is, well a classic!

    Number 26 is funny :-)
    Don't change horses
    until they stop running.
    Strike while the
    bug is close.
    It's always darkest before
    Daylight Saving Time.
    Never underestimate the power of
    You can lead a horse to water but
    Don't bite the hand that
    looks dirty.
    No news is
    A miss is as good as a
    You can't teach an old dog new
    If you lie down with dogs, you'll
    stink in the morning.
    Love all, trust
    The pen is mightier than the
    An idle mind is
    the best way to relax.
    Where there's smoke there's
    Happy the bride who
    gets all the presents.
    A penny saved is
    not much.
    Two's company, three's
    the Musketeers.
    Don't put off till tomorrow what
    you put on to go to bed.
    Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and
    You have to blow your nose.
    There are none so blind as
    Stevie Wonder.
    Children should be seen and not
    spanked or grounded.
    If at first you don't succeed
    get new batteries.

    You get out of something only what you
    see in the picture on the box
    When the blind lead the blind
    get out of the way.
    A bird in the hand
    is going to poop on you.
    And the WINNER and last one!
    Better late than

  77. As The old year rolls out and the new one is just abt ready to roll in, so I thought you might fancy a little quiz. You've done with Charades for a year, put all the Bath Salts into the Bathroom, no more crackers to pull. And so as not to stretch you too much, you need only go for 3 out of 10. See, nice an' easy.

    1. How long did the Hundred Years War last?

    2. What ccountry makes Panama hats?

    3. From which animal do we get cat gut?

    4. In which month does Russia celebrate the October Revolution?

    5. What is a camel hair brush made of?

    6. The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal

    7. What was King George V I first name?

    8. What colour is a purple finch?

    9. Where do Chinese Gooseberries come from?

    10. What is the colour of the Black Box in a commercial aeroplane?

    All finished? Good. Go to the Red Dragon Thread and look up the answers, and then brag if you exceeded 3 out of 10. The rest of you can remain anonymous, if you like. I don't mind. It is only a bit of fun.

    Be happy and a great New Year everybody...................................Allan XXX

    P.S. Don't be in a rush if you see/hear this arrive. Gimme five to type up the answers. Should've done that first!!!

  78. The only cow in a small Scottish village stopped giving milk. The town folk found they could buy a cow in Wales quite cheaply. They bought a cow in Wales and it was wonderful. Produced lots of milk every day and made everybody happy. So they bought a bull to mate with the cow to get more cows, and they would never have to worry abt milk again. They put the bull in the pasture but whenever the bull tried to mount the cow, the cow would move away.. Whatever direction, he was never able to do the deed. The people were very upset so decided to take advice from their Vet, who was very wise. "If he moves in from the back she walks forward - approach from the front and she backs off - tries from the side and she moves to the other side." The Vet rubbed his chin and pondered before asking, "Did you buy this cow from Wales?" The people were dumbfounded, since no one had mentioned they had brought the cow over from Wales.

    "You are truly a wise Vet" they said "How did you know we got the cow from Wales?"

    The Vet replied with a distant look in his eye, "My wife is from Wales"

    Be Happy Allan

  79. Apply Scottish burr as appropriate to the following.....
    A Canadian of Scottish background decided to make a trip back to Scotland and visit the village from which his grandfather had emigrated. Arriving mid afternoon he noticed flags and bunting and a big sign on the pub saying '100thAnniversary-Prices As They Were 100 Years Ago'. Naturally he went in and ordered a pint and a wee dram.
    "That's a penny", said the landlord.
    The place was crowded with locals and as the Canadian enjoyed his drink and looked around he noticed no one else had a drink. "How come nobody is drinking"? he asked.
    "They are all waiting for Happy Hour" answered the Landlord.

  80. Good one Mick.

    I heard this at lunch today - perhaps a bit too near home:

    Four friends who started school together chanced to meet up 40 years later and decided to have a celebration meal. "Where shall we go?", asked one. Another replied: "What about the Red Lion - all those pretty waitresses, with legs up to their armpits, ample bosoms and low cut necklines - lets go there". So off they went, had a good time, and agreed to meet up again ten years later.

    At the 50 year reunion the same question was asked. This time the answer was "What about the Red Lion. The chef has an excellent reputation and the wine list is superb - lets go there." A great time was had by all and they agreed to continue the tradition.

    At the 60th year reunion the Red Lion was proposed again. The rationale was rather different "It's the ambience - beautiful decor and you can hear yourself talk - not like those other noisy places down town".

    Came the 70th year reunion and the same question was posed. "Let's go to the Red Lion" was the winning suggestion. "They have superb facilities for people like us - ramps for your wheel chairs and toilets fitted with wide doors and emergency pulls - let's go there!"

    Surprisingly they were all still around for the 80th year reunion, and the same question was raised. "Let's try the Red Lion" was the answer "I've always wanted to try it and as far as I can recall we have never been there".

  81. I found this and immediately thought of my Butty Ron. He likes his food and he is fond of all things Mediterranean. But if you want a giggle be my guest.

    This married Englishman was having a bit of a fling with this Italian girl, and she told him she could be pregnant. "This would be the end of my marriage - you'll have to go back to Italy straightaway and see what happens next. You can send a letter but it will have to be in code. Let's see. You could write "Spaghetti" if you have a baby. It will look like a bit of a menu. I would immediately set up for you to have money sent out every month for its upkeep. And a blank sheet if it's a false alarm." Anyhow the months went by, until one day he comes in from work, and hiis wife hands him a letter from Italy. He tore it open, read the contents, went white as a sheet, and fainted right away. His wife was a bit puzzled by all this, so read the letter and was really no wiser.


    Three with Meat Balls and two without.

    And I'll need some extra sauce.

    Be Happy Allan

  82. Hello folks - Allan is back. If you want a bit of a puzzled laugh follow my instructions. Go to "" Don't use the quotation marks. I put those in as an attention grabber. Don't be inhibited by thinking it is too much to be bothered to type. Only one or two swipes with your index finger or middle finger, whichever you type with. I'm a middle finger person. Just one or two swipes and Google will know. Or copy and paste if you like. Hope you all enjoy...............Be happy Allan

    P.S. You'll never guess what I have been enrolled into. Em and Alex are having a trip to London. Visiting friends or going to a show or something. I wasn't really listening. They have 2 geriatric dogs and feel they are past kennels. So instead of boarding them out, they are boarding me in for 3 or 4 days to be their house mother.. Should be a bit of fun wrecking her place instead of mine, and they are two lovely Staffs. Caspar is the living image of Shipley Turner. If I have time I might even send progress reports. Wait and see.

    Be happy Allan

    A man and a woman were having a dinner in a fine restaurant.

    Their waitress, working on a table a few yards away, suddenly noticed the man slowly sliding down and under the table, but the woman just carries on unconcerned. The waitress watched some more until he was completely out of sight under the table.
    Still the woman appeared calm and unruffled, apparently unaware her dining companion had disappeared.
    The Waitress went over to the table and said, "Excuse me Ma'am, but I think your husband just slid under the table."
    The woman calmly looked up at her and said, "No he didn't. He just walked in through the door

  84. Strange Encounters.I remember telling you all about Shipley Turner's cognac,cigar and poker parties in his study after lunch,reserved of course for his 6th form latin class,and when Eileen read it she saw a pig flying over Moorends.This time it was a horse and I could have landed in jail.
    I heard a noise this morning and when I opened the door, there he was..
    He walked right in,making little snorting noises as if to say I don't think much of this place.
    Aida said Ron,Ron,tu dois le faire sortir!
    But I don't know how to talk to a horse. In UK they are all called Gee gee but in Malta??
    I didn't follow him because I know that horses kick backwards,that's why you can't teach them to play football,they score own goals all the time,though they are good at polo.
    He soon had enough of us and made for the door,stopping half in half out,then two men a rough looking fellow dressed like a shepherd,shouting something about bloody foreignersand horse thieves, and a policeman. Aida was still crying Fais le sortir,fais le sortir!. Then the horse decided to clump down the steps but as he turned to go the cop said to me Don't do it again,stealing horses is a serious offence,but I could see that he wasn't serious, he was laughing his head off.
    Thank god there was only one,one horse,one horseowner,one policeman, I couldn't have coped with more, and it was the oneth of April.

  85. Lets liven this place up with a bit of Yorkshire humour. A bit o' blunt talkin'

    How to get to Heaven from told to me by a lass from Barnsley.

    I was testing children in my Barnsley Sunday School class to see if they understood the concept of getting into Heaven.

    I asked them, "If I sold my house and my car, had a big jumble sale and gave all my money to the church, would that get me into heaven?"
    "NO!" the chidren answered.

    "If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the garden and kept everything tidy, would that get me into heaven?"
    Again the answer was "NO!"

    By now I was starting to smile.

    "Well, then, if I was kind to animals and gave sweeties to all the chuldren, and loved my husband, would that get me into heaven?"
    Again they all answered "NO!"

    I was just bursting with pride for them.

    I continued, "Then how can I get into heaven?"

    A six yr old boy shouted,


    Brings a tear t'eye.

    Be Happy Allan

  86. .
    After closing time at the bar, a drunk was proudly showing off his new apartment to a couple of his friends.
    He led the way to his bedroom where there was a big brass gong and a mallet.
    'What's with that big brass gong?' one of the guests asked.
    'It's not a gong. It's a talking clock,' the drunk replied.
    'A talking clock? Seriously?' asked his astonished friend.
    'Yup,' replied the drunk.
    'How's it work?' the friend asked, squinting at it.
    'Watch,' the drunk replied.

    He picked up the mallet, gave the gong an ear-shattering pound and stepped back.
    The three stood looking at one another for a moment. Suddenly, someone on the other side of the wall screamed,
    "You @#$%! It's three-fifteen in the morning!

  87. Some of you may have seen this. It fits in very well with the tune.

    To commemorate her birthday, actress/vocalist, Julie Andrews made a special appearance at Manhattan 's Radio City Music Hall for the benefit of the AARP. One of the musical numbers she performed was 'My Favorite Things’ from the legendary movie 'Sound Of Music'. Here are the lyrics she used:

    (Sing It!) - If you sing it, its especially hysterical!!!

    Botox and nose drops and needles for knitting,
    Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings,
    Bundles of magazines tied up in string,
    These are a few of my favorite things.

    Cadillac’s and cataracts, hearing aids and glasses,
    Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses,
    Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings,
    These are a few of my favorite things.

    When the pipes leak, When the bones creak,
    When the knees go bad,
    I simply remember my favorite things,
    And then I don't feel so bad.

    Hot tea and crumpets and corn pads for bunions,
    No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions,
    Bathrobes and heating pads and hot meals they bring,
    These are a few of my favorite things.

    Back pain, confused brains and no need for sinnin',
    Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin',
    And we won't mention our short shrunken frames,
    When we remember our favorite things.

    When the joints ache, When the hips break,
    When the eyes grow dim,
    Then I remember the great life I've had,
    And then I don't feel so bad.

  88. Welcome back folks. Nice to see you. Hope you both well.

    Cheryl is starting to buck up. I went to see her yesterday and took her a grape. I heard today it is 3/4 eaten.

    Be Happy Allan

  89. At a recent password audit it was found a secretary was using the following password - MickeyMinniePlutoHueyLouieDeweyDonaldGoofyBrisbane. When asked why she has such a long password, she said she was told that it had to be at least 8 Characters long and to include at least one Capital.

    Be Happy Allan

  90. Geographic knowalls are allowed to substitute Canberra for Brisbane. People like Ron.

  91. On the contrary,Allan.I'm more of a know-Nothng in Geography and just about everything else, certainly no match for you in knowledge of masochistic sports and ear-splitting modern "music".Now I think we must all defer to the experts to know what is going on with that thing called the Phiggs Bosun particle or something like that, because there is a rumour that they have gone and found it.Our member who started a thread on that subject a year or two ago may have something to say about it and this time I promise to try not to deflect the search for the truth,though the swineherd of Streonsall, first English poet and perhaps one of my ancestors would certainly have liked to have his say.

  92. What the 'ell are you on about? When addressing me, please use monosyllables.

    Very pleased to see you back. I just need a bit of training (reading my Pocket Oxford), and then back to sparring again. And as for yr defamatory remarks like putting quotation marks round my music. I will have you know, if you nip over to the Red Dragon saga, you will find I was mixing it with old Prokofiev only last week. Made the point the double base player was bowing his instrument. All rockers know you put them on their side, you stand on the other side, crouch, and pluck like mad. That's why they are so fat from back to front. Otherwise you would fall off. Don't believe me, try it with a violin!!! A bit o' pizzicato is what it is all about. Never heard of Bill Haley?

    Much love Allan

  93. .
    I was very depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, social security, retirement funds, etc. so I called the Suicide Hotline. I got a call centre in Pakistan, and when I told them I was suicidal there was a moments silence, then they and asked if I could drive a truck................

  94. Allan,I see some elucidation is required,and that's the only 5-syllable word I'll use, as you used only one such in your latest
    Since we no longer have the thread on the Particle,I refer you to thefollowing dcuments:
    Streonsall Chronicle,June 610: First poem in Englisc tongue, The CREATION composed by Caedmon,swineherd at St Hilda's monkhouse,Streonsall.
    Begen-Stavanger Saga-Herald,Oct 650:Streonsall sacked by Vikings,renamed Whitby,
    Whitby Gazette, Nov 1914:Hun flotila bombards N E Coast.Mrs Christiana Fisher (later.grandma of Ronmalta,mourns demise of pig slain in the assault,
    TGS Website 2010: Name of deceased pig believed to be Piggs-Bosun. Claim never disputed,
    Daily Telegraph,July 2010:Rumours that Piggs-Bosun particle,Key to CREATION of UNIVERSE has been discovered.

    As they say, what goes round....
    If you delve deep enough, all is conected: the rose in my garden, the dandelion on your lawn,the Fountain of Youth and the Whirlpool of Old Age.

  95. Ron as you know I love a fight, but Chwarae Teg, or if you like, Fair Do's. This is the joke page and, and we should not be hijacking this territory for our usage. Our territory is the Red Dragon one and I'll see you there. But not tonight. I came on line with a mission which I must fulfill first. So if you and our disciple(s) go there now you can get caught up first.

    Be Happy and patient please.......................Allan

  96. I found this by accident on the net, and would like to share it with you. It is a collection of daft and funny, shorty (ca 3 mins.) videos, plus (inevitable nowadays) virals. No smut. No porno. Just an old fashioned giggle. Or if it is a cat and dog having a cuddle, you can say "Aw".

    Are you and to get you started, go for a leg pull by adding /high-tech-car-door.htm

    Having seen that you can find umpteen others on the same page.


  97. Ta Keith for that timely intervention, and bringing in the required couple of Forward Slashes. Just testing you all.

    a Humble Allan

  98. O.M.G. Just tried it and the address I gave you brought up half a dozen busty girls from Cardiff "looking for fun". Or for the cosmopolitan minded, similar "fun girls" from the Urals to the Himalayas. Don't anybody tell Ron. He'll have a ball.


  99. Allan,

    I thought the wedding ceremony was both the funniest thing I've seen for years and every young couple's nightmare:

    But you need sound to get the full impact. A great find - thanks


  100. I am O.K. there. Got a 2 + 1, or is it 1 + 2, speaker system. Whatever, some sort of surround sound.

    But I must tell the truth. Umpteen people from all round the world send me jokes. I read this one and passed it on. Then another arrived from somewhere else using the same web page. So I thought it was worth having a bit of a closer look. With this bit of intellectual curiosity, all was revealed. I didn't find it Keith, it found me. Things just happen.

    How abt this bit from the education industry. Tonights local paper. 5 female teachers from Glan Usk Primary School are in the family way. 2 are married, and 3 are single (altho one is shacked up with a male teacher on the staff). Even the Head has owned up that he is going to be a grandad come the Autumn Term. It wasn't like that in our days. Not with Mrs Gosling as a role model.

    Be Happy Allan


    So you're a sick senior citizen and the government says there is no nursing home available for you - what do you do?

    Our plan gives anyone 65 or older a gun and 4 bullets. You are allowed to shoot 2 MP's and 2 Ministers - not necessarily dead!!

    Of course, this means you will be sent to prison where you will get 3 meals a day, a roof over your head, central heating, and all the health care you need!! New teeth - no problem. Need glasses, great. New hip, knees, kidney, lungs, heart? All covered. (And your kids can come and visit you as often as they do now.)

    And who will be paying for all of this? The same government that just told you that they cannot afford for you to go into a home.

    Plus, because you are a prisoner, you don't have to pay Income Tax any more.


    I was feeling pretty ratty over my Bran Flakes, as I read in Wales on Sunday that £200K compo has been paid out to prisoners in Welsh jails over the past 5 years. £15K to 4 drug addicts who claimed for breach of Human Rights as they went cold turkey because they were locked up. A triple murderer was in for life and got £44,500 for toothache. etc, etc. Then this joke thro email, and I just spilled over. And what nicer people could I find to share my frustrations, than you lot on Multiply.

    If you need a bit of Enlightenment try - "Failure is a great opportunity to begin again more intelligently." Or "Sometimes it is good to go some place you've never been before." Or "Let yesterday go, seize today, and put as little trust as you can in tomorrow."

    Be Happy ALLAN

  102. Not feeling bitter today. Today I pick on the Irish. But could be Wales or England.


    Paddy and Murphy were talking one afternoon when Paddy tells Murphy,

    "Ya know, I reckon I'm 'bout ready for a vacation. Only this year I'm going to do it a little different. The past few years I took your advice about where to go. 3 years ago you said to go to Haiwaii..........I went to Haiwaii and Molly got pregnant.

    Then 2 years ago, you told me to go to the Bahamas and Molly got pregnant again.

    Last year you suggested Tahiti and, darn me, but Molly didn't get pregnant again."

    Murphy asks Paddy, "So what you gonna do that's different?"

    Paddy says, "This year I am taking Molly with me."

    Be Happy Allan

  103. Subject: Holy Email

    One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the rascally
    behaviour that was going on. So he called one of His angels and sent
    the angel to Earth for a time. When he returned, he told God, 'Yes, it
    is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and only 5% are not.

    God thought for a moment and said, 'Maybe I had better send down a second angel
    to get another opinion. So God called another angel and sent him to
    Earth for a time.When the angel returned he went to God and said,
    'Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving, but 5%
    are being good.'

    God was not pleased, so He decided to e-mail the 5%
    who were good, because he wanted to encourage them and give them a
    little something to help them keep going.

    Do you know what the e-mail said ????
    ; Okay, I was just wondering, because I didn't get one either.

  104. .
    A man walks out to the street and catches a taxi just going by. He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says, "Perfect timing. You're just like Frank."

    Passenger: 'Who?'

    Cabbie: 'Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything right all the time - like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened like that to Frank Feldman every single time.'

    Passenger: 'There are always a few clouds over everybody.'

    Cabbie: 'Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros.. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy.'

    Passenger: 'Sounds like he was something really special.'

    Cabbie: 'There's more. He had a memory like a computer. He remembered everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Frank Feldman, could do everything right.'

    Passenger: 'Wow, some guy then.'

    Cabbie: 'He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But Frank, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too - He was theperfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up to Frank Feldman.'

    Passenger: 'An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?'

    Cabbie: "Oh, I never actually met Frank. He died and I married his wife."

  105. An elderly couple were driving cross-country, and the woman was driving.
    She gets pulled over by the police.
    The officer says, "Ma'am,did you know you were speeding?"
    The woman turns to her husband and asks, "What did he say?"

    The old man yells, "HE SAYS YOU WERE SPEEDING."

    The policeman says, "May I see your license?"

    The woman turns to her husband and asks, "What did he say?"

    The old man yells, "HE WANTS TO SEE YOUR LICENSE." The woman gives him her license.

    The policeman says, "I see you are from Essex. I spent some time there once, had the worst sex with a woman I have ever had."

    The woman turns to her husband and asks, "What did he say?"

    "HE THINKS HE KNOWS YOU," the old man yells...

  106. Here's one for the Scrabble addicts:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:


    When you rearrange the letters:


    An atheist was walking through the woods.

    'What majestic trees!'
    'What powerful rivers!'
    'What beautiful animals!'
    He said to himself.

    As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him.

    He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards him.

    He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder & saw that the bear was closing in on him.

    He looked over his shoulder again, & the bear was even closer.

    He tripped & fell on the ground.

    He rolled over to pick himself up but saw that the bear was right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw & raising his right paw to strike him.

    At that instant moment, the Atheist cried out:
    'Oh my God!'

    Time stopped.
    The bear froze.
    The forest was silent.

    As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky.

    'You deny my existence for all these years, teach others I don't exist and even credit creation to cosmic accident.'
    'Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament?'

    'Am I to count you as a believer?'

    The atheist looked directly into the light, and said:

    'It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps you could make the BEAR a Christian?'

    'Very well', said the voice.

    The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together, bowed his head & spoke:

    'Lord bless this food, which I am about to receive from Thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.,'


  108. • The meek shall inherit the earth.....after we're through with it.

    • If a thing is worth doing, it would have been done already.

    • Ham and Eggs: A day's work for a chicken; A lifetime commitment for a pig.

    • Lord, if I can't be skinny, please let all my friends be fat.

    • Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die

    • .Confession is good for the soul, but bad for your career.

    • Sometimes too much to drink isn't enough.

    • Always try to be modest. And be damn proud of it!

    • If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of mortgage payments.

    • Attempt to get a new car for your spouse - it'll be a great trade!

    • Chastity is curable, if detected early.

    • Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.

    • Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of a woman scorned.

    • Bills travel through the post at twice the speed of cheques.

    • Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.

    • Borrow money from pessimists- they don't expect it back.

    • A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.

    • If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.

    • I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.

    • One last thought: Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity. That, about sums it up.

  109. YOU KNOW YOU ARE LIVING IN 2010 when...

    1. You accidentally enter your PIN on the microwave.

    2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

    3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three.

    4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.

    5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.

    6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries.

    7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen

    8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't even have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.

    10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee.

    11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. : )

    12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.

    13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.

    14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.

    15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list.

    Well, there's a break thro. Didn't type. Copy and paste.

    Be Happy Allan

  110. Thought you might like this -

    Well, you might have thought that you knew how the Internet started, but here's the TRUE story ... In ancient Israel, it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a young wife by the name of Dot.

    And Dot Com was a comely woman, broad of shoulder and long of leg. Indeed, she had often been called Amazon Dot Com.

    And she said unto Abraham, her husband: "Why dost thou travel so far from town to town with thy goods when thou canst trade without ever leaving thy tent?"

    And Abraham did look at her as though she were several saddle bags short of a camel load, but simply said: "How, dear?"

    And Dot replied: "I will place drums in all the towns and drums in between to send messages saying what you have for sale and they will reply telling you which hath the best price. And the sale can be made on the drums and delivery made by Uriah's Pony Stable (UPS)."

    Abraham thought long and decided he would let Dot have her way with the drums. And the drums rang out and were an immediate success. Abraham sold all the goods he had at the top price, without ever moving from his tent.

    But this success did arouse envy. A man named Maccabia did secrete himself inside Abraham's drum and began to siphon off some of Abraham’s business. But he was discovered, arrested and prosecuted for insider trading.

    And the young men did take to Dot Com's trading as doth the greedy horsefly take to camel dung. They were called Nomadic Ecclesiastical Rich Dominican Siderites, or NERDS. And lo, the land was so feverish with joy at the new riches and the deafening sound of drums that no one noticed that the real riches were going to the drum maker, Brother William of Gates, who bought up every drum maker in the land. And indeed did insist on making drums that would work only with Brother Gates' drumheads and drumsticks.

    And Dot did say: "Oh, Abraham, what we have started is being taken over by others."

    And Abraham looked out over the Bay of Ezekiel, or eBay as it came to be known. He said: "We need a name that reflects what we are."

    And Dot replied: "Young Ambitious Hebrew Owner Operators." "YAHOO," said Abraham. And because it was Dot’s idea, they named it YAHOO Dot Com.

    And that is how it all began. Truly!


  111. Not sure this belongs on a joke page. Wait and see what people have to say.

    Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100 and If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

    The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.

    The fifth would pay $1.

    The sixth would pay $3.

    The seventh would pay $7.

    The eighth would pay $12.

    The ninth would pay $18.

    The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.)

    So, that's what they decided to do.

    The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve.

    "Because you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20." so drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

    The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected...They would still drink for free...But what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?'...They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33...But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer..So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.

    And so:

    The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).

    The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).

    The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).

    The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).

    The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).

    The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

    Each of the six was better off than before...And the first four continued to drink for free...But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.

    "I only got a dollar out of the $20,"declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man," but he got $10!" "Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man.

    "I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I!"

    "That's true!!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!"

    "Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"

    The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

    The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

    And that, ladies and gentlemen, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the-- highest taxes-- are entitled to get the most from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

    David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.

    Professor of Economics

    University of Georgia

    For those who understand, no explanation is needed.

    For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.

    So keep on forking out folks. Be happy Allan

  112. A man in Aberdeen calls his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and says, "I hate to ruin your day but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough".

    "Dad, what are you talking about?'" the son screams.

    "We can't stand the sight of each other any longer", the father says. "We're sick of each other and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Leeds and tell her".

    Frantically, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone, "Like hell they're getting divorced", she shouts, "I'll take care of this".

    She calls Aberdeen immediately and screams at her father, "You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?"and hangs up.

    The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife.

    "Done! They're coming for Christmas - and they're paying their own way."

  113. A little offering from the other side of the world:-

    An Australian schoolteacher explains to her class that she is a Wallabies fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they, too, are Wallabies fans. Everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl.

    The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says, "Janie, why didn't you raise your hand?" "Because I'm not a Wallabies fan," she replied.

    The teacher, still shocked, asked, "Well, if you are not a Wallabies fan, then who are you a fan of?" "I am an All Blacks fan, and proud of it," Janie replied.

    The teacher could not believe her ears. "Janie, why are you an All Blacks fan?" "Because my mum is an All Blacks fan, and my dad is an All Blacks fan, so I'm an All Blacks fan too!"

    "Well," said the teacher in an obviously annoyed tone, "That is no reason for you to be an All Blacks fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mum were a moron and your dad were a moron, what would you be then?" "Then," Janie smiled, "I'd be a Wallabies fan."

    A man walked into the produce section of his local supermarket, and asked to buy half a head of lettuce. The boy working in that department told him that they only sold whole heads of lettuce. The man was insistent that the boy ask his manager about the matter.

    Walking into the back room, the boy said to the manager, 'Some old b****** wants to buy half a head of lettuce.' As he finished his sentence, he turned to find the man standing right behind him, so he quickly added, 'and this gentleman kindly offered to buy the other half.' The manager approved the deal, and the man went on his way.

    Later the manager said to the boy, 'I was impressed with the way you got yourself out of that situation earlier. We like people who think on their feet here. Where are you from son?' 'New Zealand, sir,' the boy replied. 'Well, why did you leave New Zealand?' the manager asked.

    The boy said, 'Sir, there's nothing but tramps and rugby players there.' 'Really,' replied the manager? 'My wife is from New Zealand!' 'Really??' replied the boy. 'Who'd she play for?'

    My mate has a vested interest - being a Kiwi living in Oz.

    Be happy.......enjoy a laugh..........Allan

  114. If 8 out of 10 cats eat Whiskas, what do the other two do? Shave or wax?


  115. My New Years Resolution:- to live long enough to see the end of the D.F.S. Sale.


  116. Prison Governor, "Any last requests?"

    Man in electric chair, "Yes. Will you hold my hand."


  117. Right Ron. Right Mick. Just been collecting a few facts to blow your cover. In future, don't mess with Allan.

    You know you're Canadian when...............

    !. You only know 3 spices: salt, pepper and ketchup.
    2. The mosquitoes have landing lights.
    3. You have more miles on your Snow Blower than on your car.
    4. You live in a house that has no front step yet the door is one metre above the ground.
    5. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled in with snow.
    6. You think sexy lingerie is tube socks and a flannel nightie.
    7. The most effective mosquito repellent is a shot gun.
    8. Your snow blower gets stuck on the roof.
    9. You clean the grease off your BBQ so the bears won't prowl on your deck.
    10. You know which leaves make good toilet paper.
    11. The major parish fundraiser isn't Bingo. It's sausage making.
    12. The trunk of your car doubles as a deep freeze.
    13, You attend a formal event in your tux etc and wellies.

    Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho and hoho. Allan

  118. Some more facts

    It's summer that is uncomfortable in Canada,not winter

    . Mosquitoes are not much of a problem,compared to Black
    Flies, which don't just puncture your skin,but tear a piece out

    Nobody wears wellies, at least I never saw any

    Nobody reads Jack London and Robert Service any more,except Allan Swales

  119. "There's a race of men that don't fit in
    A race that can't stay still
    So they break the heart of kith and kin
    As they roam the world at will."

    Stuff like that is impossible to forget. Don't need to read it - it's all in my head. Plus "Eskimo Nell, McGee and Dan McGrew and all my other old friends."

    "A gang of the boys were whooping it up, in a Malamute saloon
    And back of the bar sat a rag time kid, playing a ragtime tune." etc etc.

    Happy New Year................Allan

  120. Scientists have discovered that on average everybody eats at least 18 spiders in their sleep, during their lifetime.

    So sleep well tonight folks..............hehehehehe..............Allan

  121. 3" of snow this morning. Think our local AA men are heading for a breakdown!!

  122. I am not hung over. I am having wine flu.

  123. Went to the doctor this morning and she said I was paranoid. Well, not so much saying it, but I knew she was thinking it.

  124. With age comes wisdom

    A man is 84years old and loves to fish. He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, 'Pick me up.' He looked around and couldn't see anyone.

    He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again, 'Pick me up.' He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog. The man said, 'Are you talking to me?' The frog said, 'Yes, I'm talking to you.'

    Pick me up then, kiss me and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous because I will be your bride!' The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front pocket.

    The frog said, 'What, are you nuts? Didn't you hear what I said? I said kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride.' He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said, 'Nah, at my age I'd rather have a talking frog.'

    With age comes wisdom.

  125. "Money is evil! It causes arguments, jealousy, splits up families, and can even cause depression and suicide. So quickly, save yourself, and send all of yours to me."

    But that is not what I came on here for. If you understand txtspeak, you can indulge yrself in some DIY LOL by going to and wander around the site having a good old cackle. Enjoy.

    Be Happy Allan

  126. On the other hand, get involved here and find it totally addictive. Go to the link and follow the simple instructions.[1].swf

  127. Or you could be a cat lover and go to the following and enjoy. Type in

    Whoops it hasn't gone blue. Finger crossed it might still work. Have faith.

    Be Happy Allan

  128. Told you. Me. Just didn't know it waits for you to hit Submit before going blue.....................Al

  129. We are close to election day here in Canada. There are four parties, four leaders, and a lot of disenchanted voters who would have preferred not to have another election so soon after the last two. Keeping that in mind here goes with the joke.

    All four party leaders have been kidnapped by terrorists who are threatening to burn them to death unless they get a ransom of 4 million dollars by noon. Traffic jams all over Ottawa are the result of individuals stopping cars and asking drivers for a donation for the terrorists. A TV reporter asks one of the collectors" What is the average donation". The answer, "About a litre."

    The way things are going lurkers please note...THIS IS A JOKE.


  130. Two tramps came across a large stone in the grass at the side of the road.
    “What’s that stone with the writing on it” says Shaun
    “Why, it’s a tombstone” says Michael “and it’s for someone who lived 152 years”
    “Gee” said Shaun “he lived that long? And what was his name?”
    “Miles” said Michael, “from London”.

  131. The Teacher asked young Patrick Murphy: "What do you do at Christmas time?"

    Patrick addressed the class: "Well Ms. Jones, me and my twelve brothers and sisters go to midnight mass and we sing hymns; then we come home very late and we put mince pies by the back door and hang up our stockings. Then all excited, we go to bed and wait for Father Christmas to come with all our toys."

    "Very nice Patrick," she said. "Now Jimmy Brown, what do you do at Christmas?"

    "Well, Ms. Jones, me and my sister also go to church with Mum and Dad and we sing carols and we get home ever so late. We put cake and a glass of milk by the chimney and we hang up our stockings. We hardly sleep, waiting for Santa Claus to bring our presents."

    Not wanting to leave the small Jewish boy out of the class discussion she asked, "Now, Isaac Cohen, what do you do at Christmas time?"

    "Well", said Isaac, "it's the same thing every year. Dad comes home from the office. We all pile into the car; then we drive to Dad's toy factory. When we get inside, we look at the empty shelves and sing: 'What a Friend We Have in Jesus'. Then we all go off to Florida."

  132. Anyone who likes a good laugh on a dreary winters day should look at the comments on Michael Goves suggestion that everyone should contribute to a new Royal Yacht. You can take the Guardian for robust responses or the Daily Telegraph for more subtle searches for possible traces of intelligence in the minister's psyche.

  133. A Spanish Teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.

    'House' for instance, is feminine: 'la casa.'
    'Pencil,' however, is masculine: 'el lapiz.'

    A student asked, 'What gender is 'computer'?'

    Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether computer' should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.

    The men's group decided that 'computer' should definitely be of the feminine gender ('la computadora'), because:

    1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;

    2 The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else;

    3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval; and

    4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.


    The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be Masculine ('el computador'), because:

    1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;

    2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;

    3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and

    4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.

    The women won.

  134. Only because the teacher was a woman Eileen. The men's comments are sooo much funnier.

  135. A Biologist, a Statistician and a Mathematician are watching people going into and coming out of a building. First they see two people going in, then after a while three people come out.

    The Biologist concludes, "They're mating!"

    The Statistician says, "No, there must have been a measurement error of +/- 50%."

    The Mathematician says, "If someone else goes in, it'll be empty."

  136. After Quasimodo's death, the bishop of the Cathedral of Notre Dame
    sent word through the streets of Paris that a new bell ringer was

    The bishop decided that he would conduct the interviews personally
    and went up into the belfry to begin the screening process.

    After observing several applicants demonstrate their skills, he
    had decided to call it a day. Just then, an armless man approached
    him and announced that he was there to apply for the bell ringer's job.
    The bishop was incredulous.

    'You have no arms !'

    'No matter,' said the man. 'Observe !'

    And he began striking the bells with his face, producing a
    beautiful melody on the carillon. The bishop listened in
    astonishment; convinced he had finally found a replacement for

    But suddenly, as he stepped forward to strike the bell, the armless
    man tripped and plunged headlong out of the belfry window to his death
    in the street below.

    The stunned bishop rushed down two hundred and ninety five church
    steps, when he reached the street, a crowd had gathered around the
    fallen figure, drawn by the beautiful music they had heard only moment

    As they silently parted to let the bishop through, one of them

    'Bishop, who was this man ?'.

    'I don't know his name,' the bishop sadly replied,

    ( scroll down )

    ' ................. BUT HIS FACE RINGS A BELL'

    WAIT ! WAIT ! There's more

    The following day, despite the sadness that weighed heavily on his
    heart due to the unfortunate death of the armless campanologist, the
    bishop continued his interviews for the bell ringer of Notre Dame.

    The first man to approach him said, 'Your Excellency, I am the
    brother of the poor armless wretch that fell to his death from this
    very belfry yesterday. I pray that you honour his life by allowing me
    to replace him in this duty.'

    The bishop agreed to give the man an audition, and, as the armless
    man's brother stooped to pick up a mallet to strike the first bell, he
    groaned, clutched at his chest, twirled around, and died on the spot.

    Two monks, hearing the bishop's cries of grief at this second
    tragedy, rushed up the stairs to his side.

    'What has happened ? Who is this man ?' the first monk asked

    'I don't know his name,' sighed the distraught bishop, 'but...'

    (. . . Wait for it .....)

    (.. . . It's worth it.. .....)



    In a Tottenham church Sunday morning a preacher said, "Anyone with 'special needs' who wants to be prayed over, please come forward to the front of the altar."

    With that, Leroy got in line and when it was his turn the Preacher asked, "Leroy, what do you want me to pray about for you?"

    Leroy replied, "Preacher, I need you to pray for help with my hearing."

    The preacher put one finger of one hand in Leroy's ear, placed his other hand on top of Leroy's head, and then prayed and prayed and the whole congregation joined in with much enthusiasm.

    After a few minutes, the preacher removed his hands, stood back and asked, "Leroy how is your hearing now?"

    Leroy answered, "I don't know. It ain't 'til Thursday."

    I'll get me coat!

  138. I'm posting this because I think it's very funny, more than likely fiction, but it might brighten the site for a minute. If it offends, I'm sorry.......

    The 'Middle Wife' by an Anonymous 2nd grade teacher

    I've been teaching now for about fifteen years.

    I have two kids myself,but the best birth story I know is the one I saw in my own second grade classroom a few years back.

    When I was a kid, I loved show-and-tell. So I always have a few sessions with my students. It helps them get over shyness and usually, show-and-tell is pretty tame.
    Kids bring in pet turtles, model airplanes, pictures of fish they catch, stuff like that.
    And I never, ever place any boundaries or limitations on them. If they want to lug it in to school and talk about it, they're welcome.

    Well, one day this little girl, Erica, a very bright, very outgoing kid, takes her turn and waddles up to the front of the class with a pillow stuffed under her sweater.

    She holds up a snapshot of an infant. 'This is Luke, my baby brother, and I'm going to tell you about his birthday.'

    'First, Mom and Dad made him as a symbol of their love, and then Dad put a seed in my Mom's stomach, and Luke grew in there. He ate for nine months through an umbrella cord.'

    She's standing there with her hands on the pillow, and I'm trying not to laugh and wishing I had my camcorder with me. The kids are watching her in amazement.

    'Then, about two Saturdays ago, my Mom starts saying and going, 'Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh!' Erica puts a hand behind her back and groans. 'She walked around the house for, like an hour, 'Oh, oh, oh!' (Now this kid is doing a hysterical duck waddle.)

    ' My Dad called the middle wife. She delivers babies, but she doesn't have a sign on the car like the Domino's man.. They got my Mom to lie down in bed like this.' (Then Erica lies down with her back against the wall.)

    'And then, pop! My Mom had this bag of water she kept in there in case he got thirsty, and it just blew up and spilled all over the bed, like psshhheew!' (This kid has her legs spread with her little hands mimicking water flowing away. It was too much!)

    'Then the middle wife starts saying 'push, push,' and 'breathe, breathe.. They started counting, but never even got past ten. Then, all of a sudden, out comes my brother. He was covered in yucky stuff that they all said it was from Mom's play-center, (placenta) so there must be a lot of toys inside there. When he got out, the middle wife spanked him for crawling up in there.'

    Then Erica stood up, took a big theatrical bow and returned to her seat.
    I'm sure I applauded the loudest. Ever since then, when it's show-and-tell day, I bring my camcorder, just in case another ' Middle Wife' comes along.

  139. A man in London walked into the produce section of his local Tesco supermarket and asked to buy half a head of cabbage.

    The boy working in that department told him that they only sold whole heads of cabbage.

    The man was insistent that the boy ask the manager about the matter.

    Walking into the back room, the boy said to the manager, "Some old b******d wants to buy a half a head of cabbage."

    As he finished his sentence, he turned around to find that the man was standing right behind him, so he quickly added, "and this gentleman kindly offered to buy the other half."

    The manager approved the deal and the man went on his way.

    Later, the manager said to the boy, "I was impressed with the way you got yourself out of that situation earlier, we like people who can think on their feet here, where are you from son?"

    "New Zealand, sir," the boy replied.

    "Why did you leave New Zealand?" the manager asked.

    The boy said, "Sir, there's nothing but prostitutes and rugby players there."

    "Is that right?" replied the manager, "My wife is from New Zealand!"

    "Really?" replied the boy, "Who did she play for?"

  140. A bit more holiday chat:-

    I have been in many places, but I've never been in Cahoots. Apparently, you can't go alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone.

    I've also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there .

    I have, however, been in Sane. They don't have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my friends, family and work.

    I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I'm not too much on physical activity anymore.

    I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often.

    I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.

    Sometimes I'm in Capable, and I go there more often as I'm getting older.

    One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old
    heart! At my age I need all the stimuli I can get!

    I may have been in Continent, and I don't remember what country I was in. It's an age thing.

    My job is done!

    Life is too short for negative drama & petty things.

    So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!

    From one unstable person to another... I hope everyone is happy in your head - we're all doing pretty good in mine!

    Remembering your age.....I have sent this in large print.
