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Thursday 11 December 2008

Panoramic photos of staff & pupils

1931 panoramic supplied by Mary Peck and first posted by Keith Williams on 10.10.2003
1936 panoramic supplied by Audrey Middleton and first posted by Eileen Gerrard on 21.05.2007
1938 panoramic supplied and first posted by Rod Jacobsen on 23.05.2007.
1954 panoramic supplied by Tony Smith and first posted by Keith Williams on 02.04.2006
1957 panoramic supplied and first posted by Les Grantham on 12/01/2002.
1959 panoramic (girls) supplied by Meffuts and first posted by Keith Williams on 07.10.2003
1959 panoramic (boys) supplied and first posted by Malcolm Cockayne (Cocky) on 20.11.2002
1962 panoramic (boys) supplied and first posted by Malcolm Cockayne (Cocky) on 20.11.2002
1965 panoramic (seniors) supplied and first posted by Anne Rhodes on 27.05.02
1965 panoramic (juniors) supplied by John Stamp & posted by Eileen Gerrard on 07.02.2009


  1. John Stamp has provided the latest panoramic photo - 1965 May, Junior school.

  2. I have an almost perfect copy of May 65 on my wall. One day I will copy it and send it in (behind a frame on my wall). Philip Harrison (6th from the R on the front row).
