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Monday 8 December 2008

Heads & Teaching Staff


  1. I think the teacher 2nd. from the right on the back row is Gerald Taylor, a Physics teacher. He left in 1958 and Mr. Mould took his place.

  2. 2nd from the left on the back row is Mr Peter Addinall. On the next row in, 5th from the left is Mr Voyce.

  3. Thank you Anne, all the teachers are now named on this photo.

  4. 3rd from the left on the front row is, I think, Miss Binns, but not a terribly good photo of her.

  5. The lady teacher in between Mrs Best and Miss Sutcliffe is Miss Craig.

  6. Everyone looks so young, even though tthey were teachers during my time at TGS! I can't name everyone, but could have a bash at some of them.
    Front row: Miss Stafford, Mrs ? (Domestic Science), Mrs Layland, Mrs Martin, Miss Oliver (Senior Mistress), Mr Griffiths (Headmaster), Mr Colvin, Miss Binns, Mrs Mount, ?

  7. Wonderful enthusiastic gifted teacher Charles Leveson

  8. Jimmy Vickers was a particular hero of mine for his unique approach to the teaching of both junior history and scripture. His end of term treat for his history classes was the performance of a Stanley Holloway monologue. My special favourite was "The Battle of Hastings".
    His scripture lessons were totally unique in that he brought new life to the Acts of the Apostles. It is hard to credit in these Godless days, but in the post war years the weekly comic "Eagle" ran a back page comprising the Acts of the Apostle in what would now be called "a strip cartoon". Jimmy persuaded as many pf his studebts as possible to donate their copies and then cut out the back pages and pasted them in to hard back books for later class use - a brilliant idea. Thanks. Brian Bristow
