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Saturday 6 December 2008

Speech Day Programmes

1947 Speech Day Copy first posted by Keith Williams on 19.05.2003
1948 & 1949 Speech Day Copies first posted by Keith Williams on 21.02.2003
1950 Speech Day Copy supplied by Geoff Nunns. First posted by Keith Williams on 01.03.2004
1951 Speech Day Copy first posted by Keith Williams on 03.03.2004
1951 Speech Day WRCC Copy supplied by Eric Stables. First posted by Keith Williams on 24.05.2006
1952 Speech Day Copy supplied by Geoff Nunns. First posted by Keith Williams on 03.03.2004
1954 Speech day Copy supplied by Vera & Malcolm Driver & posted by Rod Jacobsen on 30.01.2009
1954 Speech day cutting from Yorkshire Post supplied by Brian Bristow & posted by J.K.Williams 30.11.2011
1958 Speech Day Copy supplied & first posted by Rosaline Smallcombe on 07.08.2002
1965 Speech Day Copy supplied by Malcolmn Cockayne & posted by Eileen Gerrard on 15.02.2010
1968 Speech Day Copy supplied & first posted by John Skelton on 25.09.2001
1973 Speech Day Copy supplied by John Stamp and posted by Eileen Gerrard on 09.02.2009
1974 Speech Day Copy supplied by Brian Aspinall. First posted by Keith Williams on 06.02.2005
1977 Prize Giving Copy supplied by Brian Aspinall. First posted by Keith Williams on 16.02.2005
1978 Prize Giving Copy supplied by Brian Aspinall. First posted by Keith Williams on 16.02,2005
1979 Prize Giving Copy first posted by Mark Hepworth on 03.03.2005


  1. The Speech Day programme was uploaded on 30th January 2009. The programme was provided by Vera & Malcolm Driver. There is an accompanying photo of some of the certificate and cup winners in Classes and Groups 1896 - 1960.

  2. 1973 Speech Day programme has been supplied by John Stamp on 09.02.2009

  3. I have a Jan 1976 certificates and prizes/ speech day and also Jan 1977, if anyone is interested.

    Shaun Beal

  4. Yes please Shaun, we would like to borrow any memorabilia to post in the appropriate folders.

    Can we arrange how I can pick it up?

  5. A new Speech Day leaflet for 1965, has been provided by Malcolm Cockayne, This has now been placed in correct order. Thank you Malcolm.

  6. Press photo of MP Geoffrey De Freitas visiting TGS for 1954 Speech day provided by Brian Bristow. Was this the last press photo of JEST?
