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Monday 1 December 2008

Reunions - Brooke's Trust Tercentenary 1st October 2005


  1. This photo is not accurately labeled. These people all started in the academic year 1942-43. And where did b.jpeg come from?

  2. Would you mind letting me finish uploading them please, I haven't looked at them yet.Then I will go through them with the MSN site copies and they will be correctly labelled and in the correct position. \\they were in the correct position when I backed them up! I think you are being very unfair!!

  3. Hello Eileen
    Many thanks for posting this programme. For myself, one of the most memorable moments was the rededication of the Memorial with its list of names of Old Boys who did not return from World War II. Any chance of posting a photograph of the board on this site?

    Thanks for the thought ~~~~~~~~~~~ geoff.
