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Thursday 16 February 2012

Thorne Grammar School 6th Form Closure

Local TV News Report featuring a lot of angry people.
Date around 2000.


  1. So some of us should feel guilty about ruining the finances of the country. There were no more than 20 in the sixth form as I remember it in 1939.Did UK become so much poorer by 2000 that education had to be massive to be economic?BUT I think there must have been a reprieve ? We had a contribution from a girl who must have left Thorne about 2005 to study law and i can't think she jumped up from the fifth form to university.

  2. Thank you for posting it Ray. It's very interesting. I must have seen or heard about it at the time, but I truly can't remember it.

    Ron, the girl you mean, was ready for the sixth form when the academy was opened in 2005. That was what she was being so decisive about in our old MSN site. She said she wasn't going into the new sixth form, she wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.....and she went to John Leggot sixth form at Scunthorpe.
