
Share your Memories of TGS School Days
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lished blog at this new site, click on "Join this site" below this message.
If you do not already have a Google account (with a gmail address), you will be prompted to create one, and get your own personal web page. Your user name will be good for anything that Google owns, including Blogger, Youtube, Picasa, Google Plus, and lots of other things. One password covers all.

Saturday 19 May 2012

The Site Rules - OK ?

The Site Rules

1. The purpose of this alumni site is:

To provide a medium for announcements of general interest to former pupils and staff of Thorne Grammar School.

To provide a social forum and encourage social contact between former pupils and staff of Thorne Grammar School.

To preserve the history, traditions and achievements and other records of Thorne Grammar School.

To protect and enhance the reputation of Thorne Grammar School and its former pupils and staff.

2. The site is managed by the Administrators, aka The Management Team.

3. The site is run as a Multiply Groups Restricted site, that is to say the group is listed in the Multiply Groups data base and anyone may view the Welcome Page, but only members may read the Blogs, post messages, view or post photographs and the other historical material on the site.

4. Anyone applying to become a member must give the years he/she joined and left TGS, and the name by which he/she was known at school, in the "About Me" box on their personal Multiply site.

5. Any member may contribute messages to the Blogs, elect to receive messages by e-mail, contribute pictures or documents to the Photo albums. Documents, or amendments to documents, to appear as Notes can only be posted by an Administrator, who will receive requests from members.

6. No member may take any action on the site that is in conflict with the Multiply Terms of Service, and particularly the rules for content posted by members, which can be read in full at In particular that code forbids the use of indecent, offensive, illegal or defamatory contributions, or the misuse of data or contributions supplied by other members.

7. The Management Team may add, rename, reorder, edit, hide, or delete pages and folders on the site, update the site description, policy settings, and categories of membership.

8. The Management Team may send e-mail messages to all members registered on the site.

9. The Management Team may delete contributions from members which do not meet the requirements of paragraphs 1, 4 or 6 above.

10. The Management Team may bar from further membership any individual who makes contributions which in The Management Team's opinion repeatedly or flagrantly fail to meet the requirements of paragraphs 1, 4 or 6 above.

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