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Wednesday 1 February 2012

TGS Magazines 1921 and 1927


  1. These are great Ray. I see that in the 1921 edition we are even given the names of the missing head masters after Constable and before Shipley Turner. Thank you very much for posting them. We'll leave them here for a time so anyone can look at them, and later place them in their date order.

  2. Thank you for these insightful pages. Interesting to note several surnames that continued to frequent TGS into my day (60s) - and probably even beyond.

    Rowena Turner Stewart

  3. I see in the 1927 edition on the last page, there is some excitement about the new Picture Theatre and café shortly to be cost the princely sum of £14,000. I take it that they are talking about the Kensington Cinema. At the moment there is great excitement because some serious work is taking place there. I went past the other day, and all that is left of the cinema is the facade........and a lot of rubble. My grandson heard Kevin McCloud of Grand Designs discussing it in a café in Thorne, and since then, it appears to be correct that whatever is being built is going to feature on Channel 4....Grand Designs. That will be interesting to watch if it happens.

  4. Thank you for this posting as part of the school heritage it was most interesting

  5. As I've just had a cataract operation, I now need new specs because my sight has changed and the ones I have are rather useless, so I am slowly working my way through these pages. The piece about the cinema stands out on the back page. I keep reading a small amount at a time, but I agree Joyce, they are important to us, and it is a big thank you to Ray for posting them.

    There are some very familiar names in them, and some very quaint expressions!
