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Wednesday 30 December 2009



  1. No one was harmed?
    Nearly were at this end.

    Almost commited self harm!

  2. Shirl,

    That's brilliant!!!
    Just the thing to shake us out of our post Xmas torpor.
    I recognise your style of graphic art. Is that you singing?
    Tell us how you made the video.


  3. An enjoyable accompaniment to this terminal hangover interlude,and I dont understand why folks keep banging on my door demanding to know if anybody can come to the festa di tarantella,or why the area is swarming with police and ambulances but the good news is that the swine flu epidemic is over,replaced by an outbreak of arrests of both the cardiac and breach of the peace kind, and I had to get my megaphone and inform the populace that it s just the proposed replacement for the TGS Nunc Canamus anthem,to be played on solemn occasions and continuously during future alumni reunions, and peace and tranquillity are gradually returning to the community.

  4. On Picassa, you can make a Panslide or Video from your pictures, with the soundtrack of your choice.

    On Paint, I drew the girl in the red dress, saved her in Picassa and put her on my Desktop, then one day, she heard the Tina Tyrner soundtrack, couldn't resist it, so I took her back to Paint to redraw an arm or leg position, to Flip or Rotate, saved each one as 'Redgirl1 / Redgirl2 / etc. then let her loose on Picassa. She had fun so Keith gave her a leg up to Multiply. I'm happy for her.

  5. SHIRLEYs rampage has shocked and shaken us out of what Keith called our post christmas torpor and restored our vigour and vibrancy. Now is the time to think of New Years Resolutions and immediately reject whatever comes to mind since that would imply that we Could Do Better as the schoool reports used to say, and let,s not admit our inadequacies, No confessions,if you start on that you never finish.
    Instead,lets just carry on, cantankerous and curmudgeonly,perfect in every way, having skipped our sell by date and scamped our dotage and never forget that for years we bore on breast and brow the lion rampant with war cry Vive Audacter (actually I was one of those who crept unwillingly and moused my way through the seven years)
    Anyone for a scrap? Alan? Tom Scriptor?

  6. Shirley (to me you will always be Shirley -cue for song?) I'm full of admiration and,alas, envy.Here am I, a mere man, still struggling to master the use of the relatively simple (or so my children say) techniques for tarting up and sending photos, and you are in the full flush of creativity. More of the same please !.(By the way, did I ever thank you for the "Affable Eric"? Nicest thing I've been called for a long time...)

    Ron - here's a little scrap with handbags at dawn ; the most prostituted word/cliche in current English has to be "vibrant", as used by politicians and journalists to imply that anyone who doesn't agree with their view of the way British society is evolving is an old fuddyduddy, or worse...But come to think of it I don't think I've ever seen the noun before.

    New year's resolution? To look at the site more regularly, and just possibly to add something of interest from time to time.
    May 2010 bring everyone all that their heart desires. Vive Audacter!

  7. Nessun Dorma!
    At crack of dawn you will hear the clash of arms as two of the mightiest wordwarriors of this site meet in mortal combat. Erik the Stab has flung his gauntlet,impugning the Malteser over his use of the word Vibrant. Is he unaware of the hallowed,time honoured nature of this word, used manyu years ago in praise of ths site when it was competing for popularity with otheer alumni blogs?
    Well, I dont really know what it means. Something to do with shaking? Some of us mayu be getting a bitr shaky with old age and someone is bouind to chip in an and say he is not so vibrante as he once was,but juist as vibrant once as he ever was.

  8. Well,my previous comment escaped before I could check it and the last bit disapppeared so I m repeating that bit
    Eric did not attack my use of the word Mouse as a verb.No doubt he is amassing ammunition in the hope of delivering a coup de grace.But he should heed the Poets immortal words

    He that badly mouseth,knowing no stealth,
    May seize the cheese but sacrifice his health,
    But he that mouseth well shall have great wealth
    (A Midwinter Mornings Dream,Act 6,Scene 15)

  9. Did you know Wyndham Lewis once accused James Joyce (him what wrote "Finnegans Wake") of writing from, "The Haunted Ink Bottle, no number, Brimstone walk, Asia in Ireland." Now Ron, wonder who/what made a technical man like me, remember something like that?
    Allan the LIberated

  10. Since you ask me,Allan, I would say that if you are youthful and vigorous (like me) you remember things that have just happened but in old age you only remember things that happened long ago. You have to be in a pretty advanced stage of decrepitude to remember what Wyndham Lewis said fifty years ago and even more confused if what you remember he said was said to the author of Finnegans Wake.But on second thoughts you can delete the words (like me)above because I remember well all that happened to me in 1929 but where the hell are my glasses that I was wearing five minutes ago?
    Ron *also liberated.The stretch I had to serve was a thirteen year sentence from 29 to 42 including 7 years guess where.

  11. Ron, we never got educated to start with. We got two basic lessons. (1) There exists only one correct answer for every question. (2) Memorise this correct answer, and be prepared to regurgitate it in a thing called an "examination". Then you went into a job and had to learn how to become deaf, blind and dumb. Always tell your superiors what they wanted to hear, what suits their prejudices/wishful fantasies. If they don't want to know - keep yr mouth shut.
    Or you could have been a scientist, where we all know education is bottom up. The young 'uns are brighter than the 'old uns. The student knows more than the teacher.
    In fact I can give you a true case history. A young lad, early twenties (played an excellent game for me at inside centre), wrote copy. This was in the early days of weed killers. We came up with a killer for monocotyledons - he called it "Monotox". (Notice the subtle intro of death word TOX). Then we went for Dicotyledons, but he was up for it with DICOTOX. We went hell for leather thro Moss, Clover, et alia, but he could stand the pace using suffix TOX. Until we poured the lot into one tank, and he had to bow out with SUPERTOX. Then my flatmate (a winger) was working on a cure for Vaginalis Trichomonas - a rather nasty little tadpole thing which lives in womens bits. Difficult one to crack, but he could cope - "Flagyl" was born (cos of the built in flagella it has.) The world was now his oyster. He moved on to Heineken. Had a brainwave. "Penetrates the parts that other beers cannot reach." International fame. Got to nearly 40. Tap on the shoulder, "You're burnt out!" Massive golden handshake and the young uns moved in. It's not all Mme Curie messing abt in a shed at the bottom of the garden you know. That was a bit long winded - but I was there. Bet you didn't know I had a view on education. I didn't. Allan

  12. THere are no fairy stories above, but take care with medical stories. Flagyl just grew and grew. Some of the guineau pig ladies attending the Sexual Health Clinics noticed a vast improvement in their gingevitis ridden gums. That was another lucky dip. And it is now showing excellent results in combating cancer. So no need to fill a bath with hot water and Dettol at the first mention of the drug..........Al

  13. I m not certain what we are talking about,Allan, but I m fairly sure that I couldnt agree less with most of what you say.About education, I m glad they made me learn to read and write and do simple sums,but then,off my own bat, I achieved the supreme technological skill of mastering the switch. There are two positions and you can go from ON to OFF and I remained Off for most of the time until I reached an age (about 60) when I could distinguish fairly well between sense and nonsense. My teachers used to say I had a mind like a sieve, well I have and am glad of it. I m also glad that some of you scientists are now concentrating on how not to make what used to be called PROGRESS.

  14. This all resulted from you wanting to side step, as compared to recognising, my surprising talent (cor blimey, it surprised me) for digging out yr ideal address. If I were you I would install a food/drink taster into the Ronmalta household. Us lot have our ways you know of getting even. One nasty jab with an umbrella in the thigh, and revenge can be quick and sweet.
    Be happy Allan

  15. Illustrissimo Signore Allan di Rondinogallese,

    We acknowledge receipt of your esteemed application for a position in the ronmalta household as food and wine taster but must regretfully inform you that we anticipate no vacancies in the foreseeable future.
    We have nevertheless noted,for future revengeance, your valuable qualifications,in particular in the field of asassinio ombrellino.
    Receive,Signore, the expression of our distinguished consideration,
    Lucrezino di Borgia
    Maestro de Credenza e Maggiordomo,
    Palazzo Ronaldo,Isola de Malta

  16. In the news this week, Alberto Giacometti's, L'Homme Qui Marche, a stick thin sculpture based on several sketches of the human form with repetition of lines erased & reworked which went for £65m at Sotheby's. That's the method I used for La Femme Qui Frappe Une Pose, a screen resolution of a girl in the red who went for a song on video.

  17. Shirl, she needs a good title,let s not detract from the charm of the girl in red by saying frappe une pose which just doesnt mean anything in French, let s say qui prend une pose. English is a violent language, you re always striking or hitting something (a match,a bargain, lucky,up a tune,up a friendship etc etc but French is rather more gentle....but if prend une pose sounds too inert, what about La femme qui s anime ?

  18. Mercy buckets Ron - je winsome lieusome - but your La femme qui s anime strikes l'accord with me.

  19. .....on balance though I'll stick with la femme qui frappe une pose, the girl who struts her stuff.

  20. Okay,Shirley, she' s yours and I'm sure she'll be happy frapping her pose. Just hope no Shakespeare scholar will come along and start talking about a tale..........................

  21. Out, out brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage.

  22. ....'and is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signfying nothing.' He struts his stuff Lady Macbeth is snuffed out, a stab in the dark or did she take a powder....on those lines, but Shakespeare puts it better.

  23. Strutting,it seems,has been a fine art from ancient times.
    Robbie Burns tells us that "yon birkie ca'd a Lord,who struts and but a coof for a' that"
    Strutting is facilitated by uniforms,high headgear enhanced with feathers or other bits of animals, jackboots and high heels. Does anyone remember Carmen Miranda,famously strutting with bananas on her head? Actually,I find strutting in its female manifestation quite alluring, but in its macho form it's just blatently supercilious and ultimately ridiculous.
    At TGS nobody taught us to strut. Sneaking along the corridor when you arrived late or crouching in a rugby scrum is something quite different.Later,though, we learnt the Slow March,which is a sort of subdued strut.
    And also the tango, which is a sly and sensuous strut.

    Then there's a kind of strutting with nothing physical about it.Perhaps the regular contributors to this site are nothing but strutters.
    I'd better plead guilty. Maybe get off with a detention.
