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Tuesday 22 September 2009

Reunions - Punch Bowl Reunion - 18 Sept 2009


  1. Is there another Ann Rhodes because that is certainly not me in the photo.... I was not even there for the reunion as I am too young!

  2. Ann,

    I've just checked on Facebook and they have 396 people called Ann Rhodes, so we are fortunate in only having two. In any case, I always preferred you as "Chocaholic".


  3. Ann,

    I've just checked on Facebook and they have 396 people called "Ann Rhodes", so I suppose we are fortunate in only having two. In any case, you always choose the most appealing nicknames.


  4. Just a reminder that in order to view these photos you have to click on the thumbnail version to display them in an enlarged version. You can then progress through the full set by clicking on "prev" or "next" just above the picture. On many of the pictures you will be able to "Zoom In" by clicking on those words above the upper right corner of the picture.

    The photographs were taken with cameras owned by Eileen Gerrard (EG) and Eric Stables (ES). The copies on the site are mostly low resolution and suitable for display only on a computer screen. The original high resolution .jpg files are still held by Eileen and Eric who will be happy to supply copies on request.

    The owners of any other photos received for posting in this album will be identified in the same way.

  5. Must add my thanks to Eileen, Tom and Alan for making the reunion possible. Having missed the big one in 2003 (I only learned about the site some time later thanks to my son) I was determined not to miss this one. As for the photos labelled (ES), I had expected that there would be cameras clicking all over the place and was slightly embarrassed at first to find myself playing the paparazzo...but then started to enjoy the role. These are essentially snaps, taken on a Fujifilm Finepix which I bought for 85 euros in my local Leclerc supermarket in France. I make no artistic claims for them ..but hope they will give you all pleasure. Luckily we have a site manager who knows all about uploading photo albums, otherwise I fear these might have remained grounded - thanks Keith -and thanks for the captions.

    For some reason I am suddenly reminded of a comment by Alan Bennett, to the effect that you can always spot former grammar school girls and boys at weddings and other events, because they sing the hymns without looking at the hymnbook. So, "Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing." Delighted to have been there. Eric

  6. My computer was dead when I got back from the Reunion but has now just been brought back to life. I would like to thank and congratulate those responsible for their valiant efforts in arranging this most interesting and enjoyable experience for us: Allan and Tom and Eileen et al. Now, for some people like me who hardly knew anybody, all these characters, including some very improbable ones have really come to life.Gaudeamus,igitur!

  7. I accept graciously but I still stick by what I said on the day. Eileen did 50%, Tom did 50%, and I phoned every now and then pleading to hear that everything was under control. Which it always was.

    But moving on. I have already told you I have written to the Punch Bowl management thanking her and her team for the day. And I emphasise "team." I am not qualified to differentiate between Nikala or the chef etc. The whole shooting match had to deliver for us to get what ever we went for. So I would just like to share with you a letter that came yesterday:-

    "Dear Allan, Thankyou very much for your letter. It makes a nice change for someone to take the time to write when everything has been a success, but are quick enough if they feel they have a complaint. I am glad everyone enjoyed themselves, which makes it all worthwhile for yourself as organiser, and ourselves on providing a good service. I have passed your thanks on to every member of staff involved that day. I do have a very good team at the moment, and when we get a letter like yours, it makes us feel quite proud of the training they have been given. Once again Allan thank you very much, and we hope we may see you again at some point in the future.
    Y f Ann Armitage (Manager)"

    Be happy Allan

  8. With all those photos up above I have chosen a bad time to compete, but I have just found out something. I stuck a few piccies up on the wall of the Function Room and one of our guests requested a couple of prints, if poss (the post card sized ones). Getting them done is quick and simple (sick and quimple) and only cost peanuts. So if anybody would like a print or two, give me a bell or something, and I will oblige.

    Be Happy Allan

  9. Four more photos added to the Punch Bowl reunion folder - thanks to Joy Abram (JA) and her daughter Helen.

  10. Ron, it really was so good to meet you in the flesh after reading your comments on this site I am sure everyone enjoyed your company you certainly amazed my daughter she found it hard to believe I knew such educated people
    I suppose to amaze anyone is rather astonishing since each generation knows better but seems to cope less.
    Be rich and healthy Joy R.L.P.

  11. Great to see old friends after so many years and particularly to meet in the flesh people I've been chatting to for months on the site.Shame there wasn't time to talk to everybody.Should really have had a chat with Eileen and didn't really have a talk with Ron from Tanunda.Better luck next time?

  12. Hmm an error on the listing on this photo as I did not attend so must be some other Ann ...................maybe?
