
Share your Memories of TGS School Days
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Saturday 31 January 2009

Viewing and Posting Photos

To reduce the problem of finding photographs that may interest you we have grouped the 2600 jpg images into 94 "subject" albums, and grouped the albums so that similar "subjects" are together. The groups are:

Heads & Teachers (1 album)
Classes & Groups (4 albums in date order)
School Panoramics (9 panoramic photos in 1 album)
The School (3 albums)
Sports Teams & Events, including OT rugby (9 albums)
Plays & Musicals (23 albums)
School Trips, camps, walks (7 albums)
Internationally Renowned OB&Gs (1 album)
Me then & now (1 album)
Reunion Photographs (5 albums)
Thorne & District (1 album)
Official Opening of TGS 1930 (1 album)
Speech Day Programmes (1 album)
Prospectuses & Info for parents(1 album)
Dunston on TGS (1 album)
Brooke's Trust 250th Anniversary service (1album)
Brooke's Trust Tercentenary Reunion (1album)
Other Memorabilia (1 album)
Actas (31 albums).

Clicking on the group name above will take you to the first album in that group. To move to the next or previous album use the link at the bottom of the album page. The albums display "thumbnail" copies of all the photos in that album. Click on the thumbnail to see an enlarged version. You can see an even larger version by clicking on Zoom In in the top right corner of the picture frame. The quality of the picture depends on the resolution recorded when the picture was uploaded.

If you have photos to post it is in everyone's interest that they go into the most appropriate album, but on Multiply members cannot upload photos into an album that someone else has created. To get photos into the right album members have three options:

1. scan the photos and send .jpg versions by email to the Admin who owns the appropriate folder (the name is displayed on the folder).

2. if no scanner is available send the originals by post to an Admin and he/she will scan, post and return them.

3. scan and upload your contribution into your own new folder and the Admins will download and repost them into the folders they own, with acknowledgement of the source. When all the photos have been reposted your new album will be deleted.

On Multiply you will find several window inviting you to upload photos, e.g. into the photos section on the TGS site, or into the photos section on your own site, or to post a "headshot". Clicking on Add Photos takes you to a page where you can select individual photos from your computer or from other sites on the internet to upload. You will also see notices urging you to use the Multiply AutoUploader. WARNING - if you download the AutoUploader it will search your hard disk and copy all your photos into your Multiply Media Locker. (Click on My Site then My Media Locker on the right, then All Photos on the left of the next screen to find them.) Of course, you may see that as an advantage, allowing you to free up space on your hard disk. But you may prefer to keep your photos under close control on your own machine.

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