
Share your Memories of TGS School Days
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To follow the estab
lished blog at this new site, click on "Join this site" below this message.
If you do not already have a Google account (with a gmail address), you will be prompted to create one, and get your own personal web page. Your user name will be good for anything that Google owns, including Blogger, Youtube, Picasa, Google Plus, and lots of other things. One password covers all.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Article Published in the Local Press - July 2005

This article was compiled and edited by Sue Holbrook and John Platt. It was published in the Thorne Courier and the Doncaster Free Press in July 2005 as a part of the closing procedures of the Grammar School. I was looking through some of my old papers, stored in the shed, and found this in remarkably good condition. It is a four page wrap around spread and I have split each page into two parts to assist in the clarity of text and photos. A couple of the pages have been uploaded elsewhere on the site.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Guidance on using Photo Albums

To reduce the problem of finding photographs that may interest you we have grouped the 2600 jpg images into 94 "subject" albums, and grouped the albums so that similar "subjects" are together. Clicking on the group name below will take you to the first album in that group. To move to the next or previous album use the link at the bottom of the album page.

The albums display "thumbnail" copies of all the photos in that album. Click on the thumbnail to see an enlarged version. You can see an even larger version by clicking on Zoom In in the top right corner of the picture frame. The quality of the picture depends on the resolution recorded when the picture was uploaded.

The groups are:

Heads & Teachers (1 album)
Classes & Groups (4 albums in date order)
School Panoramics (9 panoramic photos in 1 album)
The School (3 albums)
Sports Teams & Events, including OT rugby (9 albums)
Plays & Musicals (23 albums)
School Trips, camps, walks (7 albums)
Internationally Renowned OB&Gs (1 album)
Me then & now (1 album)
Reunion Photographs (7 albums)
Thorne & District (1 album)
Official Opening of TGS 1930 (1 album)
Speech Day Programmes (1 album)
Prospectuses & Info for parents(1 album)
Dunston on TGS (1 album)
Brooke's Trust 250th Anniversary service - May 1955 (1album)
Other Memorabilia (1 album)
Actas (31 albums).

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Tips on Using Multiply

The following tips on using Multiply were developed as answers to questions raised by Members. New Members will find that if they take the time to read them their visits to this site will be much more productive.

1. Your first port of call on Multiply should be your Inbox. There you will find a list of links to the latest postings on the TGS site. Click on the word Inbox at the top of any Multiply page, or better still, put a link on your Windows Desktop, or on your Links toolbar, or in your Favourites, that takes you straight to your Multiply Inbox .

2. The Inbox acts like the "What's New" feature on MSN, with the link to the latest posting always at the top. But each link gives much more information than you got on MSN, including title of the Blog ( we called them Threads or Discussions on MSN) in which the comment (message on MSN) appears, who started the Blog, how many comments have been made, how long ago the latest comment was posted and by whom.

3. Other things will appear in the Inbox, like personal messages that you have sent to or received from other members of Multiply. You will probably want to deal with those and delete them, but keep the links to the permanent Blogs.

4. Or you can go to the TGS site (click on Groups, then the TGS logo, then View Group Site) and click on Blog in the black menu bar just below the Thorne Grammar School title. That takes you to a page where all the Blogs are listed in a more compact form, but you will not be able to see where the latest posts are without going through all the Blogs in turn. On Multiply the order of the blogs does not change.

5. You can start your own Blog here on Multiply - just like we used to in the old days on MS Groups. To do that, click on HOME in the black menu bar just below the picture of TGS at the top of the TGS page, scroll down to the box titled BLOG, and click on + Add to Blog. One of the benefits of starting your own Blog is that you can see who reads it and when.

6. A Blog can attract hundreds of comments. If you chose the Chronological option at the head of the list of comments, they are all displayed on one page in chronological order starting with the earliest. If you choose Reverse the latest will appear at the top of the list. If you choose the Threaded option and there are more than 50 comments on a Blog, only the first 50 are shown on the first page, and a link appears after the 50th to take you to the later comments on subsequent pages.

7. If replying to a comment typed some time ago use the Reply link on the message you are replying to. Then your reply will appear next to the message you are replying to, provided the reader has chosen Threaded at the top of the page of replies. The threads are then much easier to follow.

8. When you type a comment (message) remember to use the Preview & Spell Check facility before clicking on Submit. It might spoil the spontaneity, but it could improve our understanding of your comment.

9. It's normal to have second thoughts, or see ways of improving the pearls of wisdom you are leaving for posterity. You can go back and "improve" your contribution by using the Edit link in the top right corner of any text you've posted.

10. When you post a comment or a message, the time of posting is recorded at the top of your post. But the time shown reflects the Time Zone you chose when you registered. If you skipped that item when registering, the time shown will be wrong (unless you live in the US/Eastern (-5:00 GMT) zone). To correct it, click on My Account in the top right corner of any Multiply page, then My Account Info, then scroll down to near the bottom of the page and pick your correct Time Zone (e.g. Europe/London (-0:00 GMT) if you are in the UK).

11. If you want to find a photo, go to Notes on the black menu bar. The third Note contains a convenient list of all the subjects covered by the photos. This list has links to the first album in each subject group, and you can progress from one album to the next by clicking the Next and Previous link at the bottom of the album page. You can also click on Photos on the black menu bar and use the links now provided in the first album, or just browse through all 2600 of them if you prefer!

12. If you want to communicate directly and privately with another member use the Personal Message facility. Click on his/her ID or "headshot". That brings up a menu including an item with a red balloon. Click on that balloon to bring up an edit box from which to send your private message. But it is important therefore for EVERYBODY TO LOOK IN HIS/HER MULTIPLY INBOX on a regular basis to see any private messages.

13. It is tempting to use the Guestbook to leave a message for another member whose site you are visiting, but the Guestbook is really intended for visitors to leave a comment on the "creativity" and "taste" exhibited by the site owner (see point 15 below). Your message will be on public view.

14. If you want to remove or edit an embarrassing message left on your Guestbook, click on View Guestbook in the top right corner of the Guestbook box. The View Guestbook option only appears if someone has made an entry in the Guestbook.

15. Browse through the Notes from time to time. These are intended as reference files, but they do get updated - particularly the Looking For file and this one.

16. If you get a bout of nostalgia, look through the History files, mysteriously called Review in that black menu bar at the top of the page. That's because the Admin people have not yet mastered all the intricacies of the site. Any member with a knowledge of CSS technology may be able to rectify that problem, and effect other welcome changes to the site.

17. Each of us has his/her own site where we can modify the image we present to the Multiply world. To go to your personal site click on the name you registered when joining Multiply (next to Inbox & Media Locker at the top of any Multiply page) and then click Customise this Site in the right hand margin to open up many possibilities. You can display your own photos, share your music or video clips, and start your own private blog. If you do so, invite a few friends to be Contacts. They will then receive links in their Inbox to all you post on your site.

18. And there is more to Multiply than TGS and Your Site. Try searching for other groups that share your hobbies/interests.

We all learn from other people's experience, so if you think you've learned something else about using Multiply that we could all benefit from - please add it as a comment below this Note.

Saturday 31 January 2009

Viewing and Posting Photos

To reduce the problem of finding photographs that may interest you we have grouped the 2600 jpg images into 94 "subject" albums, and grouped the albums so that similar "subjects" are together. The groups are:

Heads & Teachers (1 album)
Classes & Groups (4 albums in date order)
School Panoramics (9 panoramic photos in 1 album)
The School (3 albums)
Sports Teams & Events, including OT rugby (9 albums)
Plays & Musicals (23 albums)
School Trips, camps, walks (7 albums)
Internationally Renowned OB&Gs (1 album)
Me then & now (1 album)
Reunion Photographs (5 albums)
Thorne & District (1 album)
Official Opening of TGS 1930 (1 album)
Speech Day Programmes (1 album)
Prospectuses & Info for parents(1 album)
Dunston on TGS (1 album)
Brooke's Trust 250th Anniversary service (1album)
Brooke's Trust Tercentenary Reunion (1album)
Other Memorabilia (1 album)
Actas (31 albums).

Clicking on the group name above will take you to the first album in that group. To move to the next or previous album use the link at the bottom of the album page. The albums display "thumbnail" copies of all the photos in that album. Click on the thumbnail to see an enlarged version. You can see an even larger version by clicking on Zoom In in the top right corner of the picture frame. The quality of the picture depends on the resolution recorded when the picture was uploaded.

If you have photos to post it is in everyone's interest that they go into the most appropriate album, but on Multiply members cannot upload photos into an album that someone else has created. To get photos into the right album members have three options:

1. scan the photos and send .jpg versions by email to the Admin who owns the appropriate folder (the name is displayed on the folder).

2. if no scanner is available send the originals by post to an Admin and he/she will scan, post and return them.

3. scan and upload your contribution into your own new folder and the Admins will download and repost them into the folders they own, with acknowledgement of the source. When all the photos have been reposted your new album will be deleted.

On Multiply you will find several window inviting you to upload photos, e.g. into the photos section on the TGS site, or into the photos section on your own site, or to post a "headshot". Clicking on Add Photos takes you to a page where you can select individual photos from your computer or from other sites on the internet to upload. You will also see notices urging you to use the Multiply AutoUploader. WARNING - if you download the AutoUploader it will search your hard disk and copy all your photos into your Multiply Media Locker. (Click on My Site then My Media Locker on the right, then All Photos on the left of the next screen to find them.) Of course, you may see that as an advantage, allowing you to free up space on your hard disk. But you may prefer to keep your photos under close control on your own machine.

Who's Who

This list was created on the MSN site and transferred here when that site closed. If you would like to add your details, or amend details already posted, please leave a message in the comment box below the list, and click on "Submit".

Nickname Nosey
Name Marion Parker
Location Australia ( Clare Sth Australia )
When at TGS 1932 - 37
Comments: : Hello ! First things first. I am putting this in on behalf of my mother under my nickname and email as my mother has neither.

I'm Marion Parker née Hardy. I am Sylvia and David Hardy's older sister. The teachers at the school then were Mr Shipley Turner: Head Master ( Latin ), Miss Todd: Head Mistress ( English ), Mrs Freeman , Mr Davis ( French ), Mr Jones ( Geography ), Mr Moore ( Chemistry & Physics ), Miss Proctor ( Biology ), Miss Marsh ( Scripture ), Mr Tomkiss ( Maths - known as the wanderer from Wolverhampton ! ), Miss Alexander ( Art ), Mr Cartlidge ( also Latin ).
I think our gym teacher was Miss Moreton ?
There was a domestic science teacher whose name I can't remember ?
Some of my class mate's were : Barbara Barnes (who's parents owned the shop where we bought our school uniforms), Phyillis (Pillar) Wilcox, & Muriel Varley.
The only boy I can remember was called Machin . He sat in the front row of the class, and when Gaff was giving a latin lesson he would keep lifting the lid of his desk to fend offf the spittle that proceeded from gaffs mouth!. Gaff got very enthusiastic and excited when he taught his beloved latin.
Two speech day guests I remember are: 1. Herbert Sutcliffe, who played cricket for Yorkshire and England. 2. Lady May Abel Smith.

I served in the W.A.A.F in the second world war and have lived in South Australia's Clare Valley wine region since 1951 CHEERS!!

Nickname ronbidmade
Name Ron Bidmade

When at TGS 1935 - 42
Comments: Born Loftus, N.Riding. Lived in Broadway. Undistinguished academic performance in Lower School, twice achieving 33rd place out of 33 pupils in half-term orders. In Set 3 (the lowest) for Maths because there was no Set 4. Aptly described in one report as "'taking no interest, preferring day-dreaming to learning his work". Scraped through School Cert with 3 failures then prospered doing only English, French and Latin which required a little imagination but no real effort. Especially enjoyed English under the magnificent Miss Houghton. Never had slightest interest or talent for physical activity of TGS variety - rugby etc - but in old age still enjoy swimming and canoeing (gave up skiing a few years ago). Graduated at University College London and taught in London,Switzerland and Sweden,then wandered around the world as a free-lance conference interpreter 48-60, took a permanent job as a language officer, later Section Head with International Civil Aviation Organization (UN Agency) in 1960. Lived in Portugal (Algarve) for 14 years after retirement in 1984. Now spend winters in Malta and summers in a lakeside chalet on Lac Solar, Quebec. Married to Aida Akaoui of Alexandria, Egypt. Have children and grandchildren in Alberta and British Columbia. Would like to hear from other members, especially those of my time at TGS - best time of our lives, or maybe NOT !!

Nickname OLDTOMMO1
Name Tom Clark
Location Epping, Essex
When at TGS 1935 to 1941
Comments: Well I put in OLDTOMMO1 as a nickname for the purposes of an MSN Passport which seems to be mandatoty to get onto this Site. It certainly wasnt my nickname when I was at TGS. The only one I can recall is "Scriboni* allocated by the Latin Master of "Ferulam Magnam Habeo" fame. My friend Cyril Dodds was called "Dolla Bella" but I never did sort that one out since my enthusiasm for all things Latin waned rapidly for fear of being transferred to J.E. Shipley Turners tender care. I have already started an email tussle with Ron Bidmade to see who has forgotten the most. We have got off to a good start. He doesnt remember me and I dont remember him!

Nickname Joyce
Name Joyce Penistone (nee Dean)
Location Rawcliffe, Near Goole
When at TGS 1937-1942 (leaver)
Comments: Left TGS in 1942 and married Reg Penistone (master butcher) from Rawcliffe. Has 2 grown up children Nigel and Penny and 2 grandchildren James and Katie. Would love to hear from any school contacts who were at TGS during same period. (Contact through son)

Nickname ConsettRayner
Name Betty (Elizabeth) Henderson nee Rayner
Location Castleside,Co. Durham
When at TGS 1939 to `1944

Nickname JHM1053
Name John Marlow
Location Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex
When at TGS 1940 to 1943
Comments: I was evacuated from London in October,1940 and billeted in Barnby Dun.I was admitted to Thorne Grammar School the same month after an interview with the then headmaster J.E.Shiplley-Turner and placed in Form 3 Alpha and stayed in that stream until 5 Alpha when I left in the July and returned to London.

The members of 5 Alpha who, according to the local paper,had passed the School Certificate were:- T.Alberry, L.Bilston, J.P.M.Glasby, P.H.Gooderson, myself, D.D.Mobey, T.C.W.Morgan, k.pantry, G.K.Raynor, D.Ripley, R.H.H.Roberts,C.Robinson, J.C.Wesrworth, Norah Batham, Margaret Blakeley, Audrey Braham, Pamela Campbell, Jessie Jackson, Elizabeth Lorder, Muriel Lazenbury, Kathleen Parks, Elsie Perkins, Kathleen Richards, Judith Robinson, Evelyn Rogers, Vera Scott, Elizabeth Smith, Gweneth Topliss and Gladys Walton

And, in 5 Beta:- L.Atha, E.W.Beaglehole, J.P.Boyes, L.Bridge, C.C.Knight, J.Lees, E.McGunnigle, J.Milnes, L.Pickersgill, B.Richardson, D.R.J Sykes, T.G.Waller, R.B.Wood, ?? Whitmore, Molly Barham, Norma Duffin, Jean Henson, Marion Hill, Grace Morbey and Kathleen West.

My sister Margaret was evacuated with me and was 2 years ahead at school, unfortunately she died earlier this year, before I discovered the T.G.S. Web Site, otherwise I would have been able to forward more names of pupils at that time. She took part in the production of "The Mikado" and her name is recorded in the cast list:- Margaret M.Marlow.

After taking my School Certificate I returned to London and went to work for the London County Council. After serving in the Royal Navy I returned to them and was trained as a Chartered Surveyor. After qualifying I left there and worked for Sheffield City Council, Surrey County Council, Manchester City Council,and Southwark. I left Local Authority service in 1972 and became Surveyor to a Merchant Bank and retired in 1987.

I married my wife Chris in 1952, We have two children and three grandchildren. My son is an Accountant in Devonshire and my daughter lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

In 1988 Chris and I decided we would like to live by the sea and moved to Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex

Through discovering the TGS Web Site I have been able to get in touch with Ken Cammack.

John Marlow

Nickname RoyalLemonpie
Name Joyce Abram nee Gregson [Groggy]
Location Southport
When at TGS 1940-1946
Comments: Underachieved all through Beta until leaving mid 6th form to enter a life of service which enabled me to earn enough to pursue a life of travel at weekends,holidays and occasionally months at a time.I am a keen camper under canvas and also have a motor home,my favourite country is Iceland with the Scottish Isles a close second.
I have mixed feelings about wartime education"could do better" was my report,but the foundations of interest in learning were laid and I caught up later.Although I now seem to be older than the antique items on the television I am still travelling light with my second husband.My daughters who I suppose are my greatest achievement in life love to say " mums gone to Iceland".I enjoy the message board and the daily updates especially the poetic Swallow.
I can be contacted at

Nickname Bert
Name Albert Snell
Location Sunderland
When at TGS 1941/49
Comments: Left school and served my National Service in the R.A.F. Fought for my country at R.A.F. Rufforth near York. Like Adolph I rose to the rank of Corporal. Demobbed and entered Bede College Durham with the intention of being a Physical Education Teacher. Signed Professional for Sunderland A.F.C. and played in the 'The Bank of England team'. Played on the big grounds with teamates Len Shackleton, Trevor Ford, Billy Bingham, Ray Daniel etc. Life was great as a wage earning student. It was far too good to last and I received a crippling knee injury that put an end to my soccer career. Shipley Turner would have been delighted. I Ianded on my safety net - a career as a teacher. Two weeks experience convinced me that I was not cut out for P.E. Teaching. I decided to be an intellectual for the first time in my life ( I despised swats at school) and read for a degree in Economics and passed with Honours. Having suffered at the hands of the likes of 'Max' Miller and Colvin I had now joined them. Taught at Bede Grammar School where I was Head of Geography then Head of Economics. Moved to Monkwearmouth School as Deputy Head. Finished up as Headmaster (Certified as Insane) at Heworth School in Gateshead but still resided in Sunderland with a house on the seafront . I thoroughly enjoyed my 'career' but was glad to retire with all the new ideas and pseudo experts crawling all over the place interfering.

Retirement has given me time to pursue my lifetime hobby began at T.G.S. i.e. Photography. I am an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society and tour around giving talks/lectures.

(Sadly Bert died on the 31st of March 2007.)

Nickname KenCammack
Name Kenneth A Cammack
Location Salisbury, Wiltshire
When at TGS 1941-1943
Comments: I must thank Joyce Abram (nee Gregson) for sending me the information on this excellent website. Initially I attended Brockley County School in SouthLondon, 1938-1940, and in 1939 we were evacuated to Wadhurst,near Tunbridge Wells. In November 1940 our family including my sister Beryl were evacuated to Kirk Sandall and returned to Bromley,Kent in the summer of 1943. My memories of TGS are mostly amusing and happy ones. The teaching standards were exceptionally good considering the pressures on staff in war time. The 1944 Spring Edition of ACTA has proven to be very helpful in restoring long forgotten names of fellow pupils in 5 alpha. Our star pupil was Kathleen Richards who was awarded a County Major scholarship in Maths to study at Newnham College (Cambridge); Elsie Perkins lived in Kirk Sandall, and John Marlow returned to London as I did in 1943. I trained as a laboratory assistant at the Wellcome Pharmaceutical Laboratories in Beckenham,Kent. A decision very much influenced by Mr C.Moore (Deputy Head; Physics and Chemistry) on leaving TGS. National Service 1945-1948 spent in various RAMC Laboratories in BAOR (West Germany) confirmed my interest in medicine and biochemistry and after demobilisation I studied at Woolwich Polytechnic (now University of Greenwich) and graduated in 1952 in Special Chemistry with a Class 2 honours degree (University of London), In 1951 I married Mary (Chris) and we have three married children and five grandchildren. I took up a junior research post at the Courtauld Institute of Biochemistry in 1952 which led to a career post as a government scientist in biophyics at MRE. Later,in 1961 I used my research studies to obtain a Ph.D. For many years I was Deputy Head of Biophysics but in 1981 we were transferred to the Public Health Laboratory Service and I became Head of Pharmaceutical Freeze Drying until retiring in 1987. Main hobbies were sailing and gliding (as instructor in the ATC);I joined the squadron at TGS in 1941). Stemming from an early interest in 8mm amateur film making I now enjoy VHS and Digital video editing on my PC.

Name Hubert Piper
Location Barnstaple
When at TGS 1941-1947
Comments: Twin brother of Harry (1940-1947, died 2002)
After National Service and Teacher Training, which included gaining professional qualifications in music, worked in Doncaster, then two schools in West and South Yorkshire. First Headship in Lancashire (1964) followed by similar posts in Leicestershire, and finally Devon.
Married Monica Bird (1936-1941, died 2002) in 1952. One son and one daughter - 5 grandchildren.
Music has played a big part in my life. I was Organist and Director of Music in Parish churches almost continuously from 1957 - 1996, when rheumatoid arthritis put a sudden stop to it all.
Conductor of Choral Societies in Yorkshire, Lancashire and in Devon.
Retired from teaching in 1985, since when I have been able to indulge in my favourite hobby - model railways, and preserved steam railways, the longest of which is not far away at Minehead.
Are any other ex-TGS alumni living in this neck of the woods?

(Sadly Hubert died on 10th March 2006.)

Nickname jkwilliams
Name Keith Williams
Location Winchester, UK
When at TGS 1942 to 1950
Comments: Left TGS to do National Service, mostly in Egypt during the Abadan, Ismalia and Neguib crises. Just got the medal - 52 years later! Returned to UK in 1952 to enter London School of Economics and on graduating joined Civil Service. Lectured on Irish Social & Political history in my spare time, based on excellent 6th form tuition from Mr J.A.Lawson.

Joined IBM in 1959 and then spent 7 years working around the UK, Europe, Middle East, and Canada before setting up and managing IBM UK's Executive Education Centre at Hursley House, Nr Winchester. Seconded to Whitehall for two years (1973/4) as Marketing Director of the then new Employment Service Agency (Manpower Services Commission). Spent five years (1976/81) in Paris at IBM Europe HQ dealing with European national governments and intergovernmental organisations on issues affecting the IT industry. Returned to IBM UK to manage a legal/technical group concerned with regulatory matters. Retired from IBM in 1989 and became freelance consultant to DTI and BSI, edited a technical journal and lectured at Regent's College, London and East London Polytechnic until full retirement in 1995.

Live in Winchester. Four children and nine granddaughters. Set up web sites for local charities and community groups, but like to spend as much time as possible in Brittany.

Nickname Eileen_Gerrard
Name Eileen Gerrard née Pickering
Location Moorends
When at TGS 1942-1947
Comments: I left TGS to train as a nursery nurse at West Rd Infants School, staying there for 13 years. Trained to be a primary school teacher as a mature student at Lincoln1970/73. Began teaching at Moorends First School (formerly the Junior School) in 1973, the date re-organisation began. I retired in 1991.

Was widowed in 2002 after over 49 years happily married to Len. Have two sons and two grandsons.

Interests are watercolour painting, calligraphy, photography, computing and knitting - also spending time with my younger son who lives in Italy.

Nickname ALLAN
Name Allan Swales
Location Pontypool S.Wales
When at TGS 1942-1950
Comments: As Reg Clayton seems to figure, I was in school when Reg came back (he was a former pupil). Very popular guy and soon heavily involved in reforming the Rugby Club. I have no idea who did all the work but Bob Anderson, Dennis Fox, Birkett, Belshaw are names who spring to mind. They made up the team with schoolboys-Johnny Fay, Johnny Bolton, Lawrie Lawton and myself were there. Pre season training was held at Regs' farm. Change in the yard-do your thing-forced to finish by humping 12 stone bags of corn up a ladder into the loft-shower under a bucket with holes and a hose pipe-finish the session with a pint of cider on the house and then a 3 mile bike ride home.
Another good rugby story involved Mr. Colvin. He had loaned Mr. Bentley a penny to toss up at a school game the eveving before. The following day he strolls into our math class so "Dick" Bentley returns the penny. Mr. Colvin then took out a pocket notebook and deleted the debt!!!

Nickname cobner
Name Tom Lewis
Location Kirk Sandall
When at TGS 1942-47
Comments: Left school at 16 after telling J.E.S.T. that I was not cut out to teach Latin to a group of 13-year-olds, most of whom were not the slightest bit interested in the language anyway! Somewhere along the line I also upsset Lawrence Ward by telling him that his plan for me to take one of the leads in the 1948 presentation of Patience was not to be (I was also one of the leading members of his church choir). So, from learning four languages in the lower sixth, I embarked on an engineering career as an apprentice draughtsman at Thorne Colliery. I progressed through the ONC, HNC and endorsements route, turning down the offer of an N.C.B. scholarship along the way. After 14 years with the N.C.B., by which time I had moved into the field of work study, I left to become a Senior Work Study Engineer with Rockware Glass Ltd at Kirk Sandall. Seven years later I was appointed Chief Work Study Engineer at their Knottingley Factory. Over the next 17 years I held a number of executive position at the factory before becoming redundant on reaching early retirement age. Following a six-month rest period, I set up my own employment agency. This subsequently developed into an accountancy practice which I have been operating for the last 17 years.

Quite mundane but hugely enjoyable.

Nickname Stab163
Name Eric Stables
Location London and Provence
When at TGS 1944 -1950
Comments: Failed 11plus but was translated to TGS via a Transfer Scholarship, thanks to the prompting of my parents by my teacher at Stainforth Modern School, Mrs Severn, to whom I shall be grateful to the end of my days. For those who never knew the system in the years before the Butler Education Act of 1944,transfer scholars entered the first form in the third (Summer) term and then moved up into year two with the other pupils. I found myself in 2 Alpha and in Brooke House, of which I became Head in 1949-50, as well as being Head Boy.(My late sister Norma was Head Girl a couple of years after me). Sic transit gloria mundi....
Enjoyed every minute of my time at TGS. School was so much more interesting than life in Stainforth. Couldn't wait for the end of holidays ,to get back to interesting things ....My one regret is that I didn't put more effort into Maths and Science - but English, French, Latin and History were easier- and more immediately interesting. Again, eternal gratitude to JEST,Pat Rice (French),Harold Lowkes (English, who went on to become Reader in Education at Oxford),Mrs Gosling and Jim Lawson (History). Perhaps we may all meet again in the Elysian Fields...Loved playing Rugby, both for school and Old Thornensians (thank you Reg Clayton and Denis Fox). Enjoyed taking part in Gilbert and Sullivan productions, high point of my lyric career being the role of the Mikado in 1949.

BA and MA in French at King's College London. 4 years in RAF Education Branch ,1956 -60, then back to King's as lecturer in French. 1967-73 Head of Languages at Goldsmiths College. 1973 - 2000 Head of Languages then Head of Humanities department at Imperial College,where for a time I had George Porter, another Stainforth boy, as a rather more eminent colleague.

Now divide my time between Hammersmith and Provence, about 40 minutes drive east of Avignon.

Have taken secondary exams under 4 different schemes; School Certificate, Higher School Certificate, "O"level (in Spanish)1959, "A" level (in Italian) 2002. The only card missing from the pack is GCSE.

Nickname JuneWeir
Name June Firth (nee Weir)
Location Queensland, Australia
When at TGS 1944 to 1949
Comments: I left TGS and went to live in Scarborough with my Aunt. I came back to Stainforth in 1950 and promptly left to become a nurse. I am still a nurse but I have major plans for retirement in th very near future. I married a miner and we have 2 sons, both now living their own lives in Brisbane. We emigrated in 1968 and settled happily in Mount Isa for 28 years. When my children left school I heard the call of Academia (Shipley-Turner would probably have said "Better late than never"). I have tertiary qualifications in nursing and this year I completed my Masters degree in 'Public Health and Tropical Medicine', definitely a late bloomer! I gave myself the Internet for Christmas and was delighted to find this site. I would love to hear from anyone of my vintage,or who would like to 'chat' via e- mail.
E-mail jfir@

Nickname annamaywong
Name Anne Clark (Asquith / Snape)
Location Doncaster
When at TGS 1944 to 1952
Comments: Followed the route through TGS in a Beta form. Stayed on to spend three years in the sixth. Tooyoung to apply for college after two years. Favourite subject was art. Hid in art room store cupboard with Stan Butcher's permission, when it was games, as I loathed hockey. Didn't mind tennis and had a go at rounders. Had a year as a prefect when Norma Stables was Head Girl and also was Head of Brooke House - girls. Worst job doing that, was having to sustitute during one inter house hockey match when the goalie didn't turn up. I was terrified, and didn't mind who won, as long as I got home unscathed!
Spent career in a boring way working in local schools. Plover in Intake, the old Hatfield Travis School (Toilets across the yard) 7 years at home with three children. The new Travis school 69 - 71. Moved to Doncaster. For the next 22 years, till retirement, I taught deaf children at the special school on Leger Way. A backwater in many ways. Enjoyed the place, and worked with all age groups (3 up to 16) The last 10 years taught needlework and cookery. A hectic occupation to say the least.
Following retirement spent much time caring for elderly relatives. Was widowed last year. For 4 years have had Parkinsons and would love to hear from any ex- TGS pupils who share the same problem. Terribly frustrating at times!! Therefore please excuse if you see too many of one letter in a word. It's not me it's old Parky playing tricks with my hand again!! Anne


Nickname Basher
Name Don Boyall
Location Now live in Halifax
When at TGS 1944
Comments: Read English at Manchester University. After National Service (RAEC) embarked on a teaching career. Moved around a bit - was Head ofEnglish in Manchester, then in Sidcup, Kent and finally in Halifax. After retirement I started a business publishing teaching resources for English - and I'm still doing it. (Would love to know what happened to an old TGS friend - Martin Thompson - nicknamed "Chuzzer" - read Physics at Manchester University.)

Nickname Shir1020
Name Shirley Hemingway (nee Wheatley)
Location Cumbria
When at TGS 1944-1952
Comments: Followed siblings; Don,Jean, and Mary.
Attentive pupil to Mr.Colvin, Miss Jackson and Miss Lyall.
Very satisfying career in teaching Primary School children.
Life enhanced by marriage to Garry Hemingway(1933-2002) and enlivened by; one son,two daughters and one granddaughter.

Nickname bonz
Name Adin Stafford
Location Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA.
When at TGS 1945 - 1949
Comments: Left school in the forth form. Never quite hit it off with JEST. Knew I wanted to be a motor mechanic. Became reaquainted with the school after National Service via the O.T. rugby club. Could not believe the friendly reception I got from Reg Clayton and Dennis Fox. Played with the old boys until moving to Leicester in 1961. Realised I had to go back to school.
Odd work history. In 1946 I was a wages clerk at Pilkingtons - I retired after over 30 years in the health service as Regional Director of Mental Services.
I keep in touch with many Old Thornesians, most of whom were connected to rugby.


Nickname Africabrig1
Name Brian[Brig} Murray
Location Leeds
When at TGS 1945- 1953
Comments: I enjoyed my time at TGS, especially rugby, including pre-season training at Tudworth.
I Ieft in !953 for Hatfield College Durham where I read geography with surveying, and at the same time played Colleges rugby often against Durham miners clubs. Games with the Old Boys were a good introduction to this type of rugby.
Then after a year at the army school of survey, near Newbury, I worked for the Colonial Survey Department in E. and W. Africa for 5 years.
After getting married I settled in Leeds and became a lecturer in F.E., and am now retired. Have been in touch with JRG Smith and Mick Gallagher recently, and met quite a few more contemporaries at the october reunion at the new Trinity Academy.

Nickname Pat
Name Patricia Abrahams
Location Halifax
When at TGS 1945-1952
Comments: Read History at Manchester
Teacher in S. Yorks
Head of Comprehensive School in Bradford for nearly twenty years before retiring.
Labour councillor for a ward in Calderdale for 7yrs.


Nickname Mole9210
Name Roy Morris
Location Salisbury & Mexico
When at TGS 1947 - 50
Comments: Left school early to live in Nottinghamshire, enlisted in the army after an appreticeship, then the civil service, my own consultancy and now a gentleman of liesure. Why does everyone talk of retirement as though one lives at a liesurely pace, I never stop doing things. I pass my summers in England and winters in Mexico to spend time with mine and my wife's, family - and to avoid the cold weather.


Nickname gymnast39
Name Sylvia Jordan (Hardy)
Location Oxfordshire
When at TGS 1948-1955
Comments: After a working life spent teaching, I am now a contented retiree. I have two daughters and three
granddaughters ranging from 11 to 1, with a fourth granchild imminent.
I am nearly 30 years into my second marriage and life is sweet.
My memories of TGS are entirely happy ones. Mr Smith, my English teacher ,inspired a life-long love of literature and words in general. Mr Morgan made me love French. Mr Lawson made History come alive. My greatest love however was Latin! To be in Mr Shipley Turner's Latin set in year 5 and later in his A-level group was fantastic.
My nickname derives from the annual gymnastic competitions. In my 7 years at TGS I won the girls' trophy 5 times, being pipped at the post once by Heather Overton and once by Shirley Whiting. Needless to say I went on to become a PE teacher!
My close friends at school were Jean Alexander. Janet Brown , Syd Howlett, David Evans, "Dickie" Bird and ,of course, my first husband, Derek Smith.
I have Jean Wright (Greaves) to thank for my introduction to this site. I would be delighted to hear from anyone who has the faintest recollection of who I am.

Nickname petethefeet
Name Clarry Grantham. (Now Peter)
Location Paignton, Devon
When at TGS 1949 - 1954
Comments: After leaving, went into the Signals as a regular, from there a short spell in engineering made me realise it was notfor me. Went into tailoring and the 'rag trade' for twenty years working from shop steward to factory manager. Then became manager of an off-licence/delicatessen for twelve years before retraining at fifty to become a chiropodist. Have been self employed ever since and am still working but only for three days a week. On the 1954 part f photo I am 5th from the right on the back row. Jimmy Phillipson, also on the back row, now lives in South Africa.

Peter Grantham

Nickname John Clark
Name John C Clark
Location Gerrards Cross and Cambridge
When at TGS 1950 to 1956
Comments: Used to live in Armthorpe and bused to Thorne using Felix Motors.Brother of Anne Snape (see her in listing).Went on to Durham University to study Chemistry.First job after graduating was at Hammersmith Hospital with The Medical Research Council.In 1994 transfered to University of Cambridge Clinical School of Medicine at Addenbrooke's Hospital.
I would wellcome contacts from my contemporaries from TGS days.

Nickname Olley
Name Olive Hooton (Bell)
Location Chesterfield
When at TGS 1950-1953
Comments: I left TGS after my GCE O levels.Started work in office as Secretary, later ledger clerk.
Married in 1957, left Doncaster to live inRotherham, moved to Chesterfield in 1966 when husband was promoted to District Sales Manager with his firm. We have 1 daughter and 3 grand daughters. Now retired and since 1992 have been busy researching my family tree.


Nickname AMM
Name Anne Milnes
Location Berkeley, Glos
When at TGS 1950-1957
Comments: I left TGS and went to Hull Municipal Training College - one of the best times of my life - City hall on Fridays and White House Hotel on Saturdays. My group of friends met again in London after 40 years and it was as though we had never been apart. We meet every year now.
I taught for a couple of years and then met and married Eric. We moved to Billingham, Cleveland (ICI) and had 2 children. Donald went to Oxford and now has his own marketing business in London and Catherine went to Bath and teaches in Towcester. We have 4 grandchildren.
We moved to Gloucestershire in 1981 and I had to give up teaching as there were no jobs at that time. We had brought my daughter's pony down with us so I joined the local Riding Club and am now Chairman. I help out at a lot of horsey events in the area. It is the next best thing to being good enough to compete.
Retirement is great!

Nickname mik
Name Michael Horner
Location Toronto
When at TGS 1950-1958
Comments: Went to Kings,Durham for B.A. and Dip.Ed.Taught in Woodlands and Armthorpe and worked in the kitchen at Punchs' Hotel at night.Bought '52 LandRover with Graham Harker and drove it to India.
Worked at the Lake View and Star goldmine in Kalgoorlie, Australia ,
and taught for two years in Melbourne. Travelled to British Columbia and taught Haida children in Prince Rupert.
Drove across U.S. and Canada and decided to teach for one more year in Toronto before returning to England. That was 1967 and am still here .Probably not coming back.Now retired.
Am looking forward to getting involved in the Message Board and renewing some long ago friendships. Am related to the Armthorpe Wood and the Stainforth Horner families.
Mick Horner

Nickname Tone
Name Tony Grayson
Location Leeds
When at TGS 1951 - 1958
Comments: After a great 2 years in the 6th form I left TGS in 1958 to work in the laboratories of BNS. Moved on to other similar jobs, took time out to doa degree in Chemistry at Leeds Uni then finished up in the drinks (alcoholic) trade. Worked the way up the ladder to become Chief exec. of J E Mather (Stowells of Chelsea wines to QC Sherry). Retired a couple of years ago but still do a bit of consultancy work. Norman Naylor, Malcolm Buttons, Dawn Osgathorpe, Caroline Ward (Pop Ward's daughter) were of my era - anyone out there remember?
Being from the Shipley Turner time I still remember a few lines of the school song - but that's about as far as my Latin stretches!

Nickname 23940550
Name Bill Anderson
Location Caerphilly South Wales
When at TGS 1951- Dec 54
Comments: After leaving TGS i stayed in Stainforth for 8 yrs working for Pilkington Bros and International Harvester. In Oct 62 I joined the Army just in time to carry out my basic training in the bad winter months. I remained in the Army for a full career 22yrs reaching the rank of Warrant Officer before retirement in 1984. During my time in the Army I served in UK (Mainland), Belfast for a period of three years, Germany, Borneo, Thailand and Malaya.and represented my Corps and/or Regiment at Cricket, Rugby, Football, Hockey and X Country. Since retiring to S.Wales i have had the honour of being the official scorer for BBC Wales, both radio and TV on numerous occasions alongside the likes of Ritchie Benaud, Ian Botham, Henry Blofeld and others, all this during official time away from work. Now fully retired I spend my time between Cricket and Rugby in the area.

Nickname olga605
Name Olga
Location Scotland
When at TGS 1951-1956
Comments: Former wife of Roy Walker, just found the site. have some pics when I have some spare time.
Any news of Glenda Batten, Maureen Spooner, Brenda Kaye, also Joan Harrison and Wendy Smith

Nickname robdog10_41
Name Michael Robin Street(strogger)
Location Misterton, Doncaster
When at TGS 1951-1956
Comments: My name is Rob Street and I used to live at Branton, went to Cantley College as we used to call it, then to TGS in 1951. We used to travel to Armthorpe by taxi driven by some-one with the name of Jessops I think, and then get picked up by one of the Felix Fleet of buses. I left in 1956 after doing my best not to learn anything, in which I succeeded very well.
I first worked on a farm, tilling the land etc, then onto Civil Engineering (building houses). I then went to work at Peglers, Brass Founders, that took me upto 1967 where-upon went back into Civil engineering for a couple of years. Then worked in Constructional Engineering which took me around England, Wales and Scotland. I did a bit of stint in the Republic of South Africa at Springs for Pilkington Glass new float glass plant, this was in 1976 just after the Soweto Riots. It was a bit hairy at times to say the least especially going into Johannesburg when there was a "KILL A WHITE MAN DAY" in operation.
After a little more unrest, a lot of the "Trouble-makers" debunked into Swaziland (a British Protectorate) which meant that there were armed guards on the South African side of the border, this proved to be the most hairy part of my time there because when we were stopped at the border (this to search the car for stow-aways), I was the driver at the time and when I opened the window to the security I found myself looking into the delivery end of a Sub-machine gun, that tends to focus the mind a little.
Worked for short while in Rhodesia.
Last trip abroad 2001 to Norway at Stavanger, on the oil refinery, that's an expensive place, I'm pleased I wasn't footing the bill.
Retired now do a bit of oil painting, wished I'd listened to Sam Butcher a lot more but what the hell I enjoy doing it, no Picasso here. I have a dog which I inherited from my Brother, another TGS attendee named Howard Martyn Street (Deceased as is his wife), It's an Akita without an ounce of malice in her bones, she's such a dear old dog, the exercise does me good. used to drink fairly well but slowly turned into an alcoholic, litre of Whiskey plus beer or anything else that was available per day, nearly 24/7 it was a close call though. Stopped 3 years ago, went to alcoholics anonymous for a while, that helped tremendously, every-one is the same when you go there, all equal with the same problem.
I also had an older brother who was a pupil at TGS named Peter Ewart Street who left about 1952/53 not really quite sure.
I see Reg Revill occasionally, he also was at TGS 2 years above myself, lives in Eire.
Email Malcolm Orridge ex TGS same year as myself,now and again, he lives in Oz with his wife and family.
So after having spoilt my education some-what, I aint done too bad.
That's all for now folks, thanks for reading this.
Rgds Rob

Nickname Josie Brewer
Name Josephine Cox
Location Leeds
When at TGS 1952 - 1956
Comments: I remember Anne Martindale, Jennifer Cawood, Margaret Wadsworth, Michael Hole, Roy Hopwood, Carol Smallwood, Valerie Roberts, Fay Orridge, Audrey Harper

I remember these teachers: Mr Best, Mr Wright, Mr Wright, Mr Lawson, Mrs Getty, Mrs Morris(French?), Mr Ward, Miss Simmons?(P.E) Mrs Gosling, Senior Mistress, Mr Asquith. J.E Shipley Turner, Head.

Nickname ken.a
Name Ken Atkinson
Location Doncaster
When at TGS 1953 - 1960

Nickname Marty
Name Anne Jackson (nee Martindale)
Location Hampshire
When at TGS 1953 - 1960
Comments: I left Thorne more or less for ever after "A" Levels, apart from brief visits, and settled in the North-East, where I did my Classics degree. Life took a few twists and turns, I went into local politics and ended up as Chairman of South Shields Education Committee at the age of 28. As I was teaching in Sunderland throughout, it gave me such an insight into the other side that I could never join in staffroom "moans" from that day on. I moved down south in 1980, when I remarried (a naval officer) and had my two children after the age of 40 ! My husband is now a bursar at an independent school in rural Hampshire, I've quit teaching and am hoping to carve out a new career in writing. I have just about finished a scifi/horror novel set in the Pleistocene era and my next one will descibe some very strange goings-on in a small Yorkshire market town .... (clue : a lot of the action takes place in a road called the Balk, with a mysterious "mansion" not far away !)

Nickname yorky
Name Valerie Flint nee Hobson
Location Slave Lake Alberta Canada
When at TGS 1953-1958
Comments: What a beautiful trip down memory lane! Thank you all for the memories! So many familiar names, I remember so many of you, now I am wondering ifanyone remembers me! I remember being teased by Dave Welch, John Connolly, Bill Gull,and Brian Lewis!!! Shame on you Brian for not remembering the name of your old school friend and later co-worker (RAF Lindholme)! Good old days eh? Heartbreaking to see the school demolished, like losing a piece of yourself (always was a sentimentalist). Glad my brother took me to see it a couple of years ago before it was demolished.I am coming home to England this summer for a holiday, but I dont know if I want to see the school as it is now! I remember all my teachers , and even the school song! I would like to say a very belated thank you to all my teachers that had the patience to teach me, and to all my classmates for all the memories. Quite a novice at this computer stuff, my kids gave me this for Christmas (never used one in my life before). Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. Take care.

Nickname Jen42199
Name Jennifer Shiels
Location Cambridgeshire
When at TGS 1953-1960
Comments: I have just found this website and hope to get in touch with past pupils at TGS. Rather shocked to see it has been pulled down. I was in 1Delta and stayed on to the 6th form from where I went to D S college. Carol Yeomans, Jennifer Cawood ?

Nickname Brian
Name Brian Lewis
Location Nr.Banbury,Oxon
When at TGS 1953-58
Comments: Hi.Just discovered TGS Website.V.interesting.Recognise most of the teachers mentioned,also some names on notice board.Is Mick Hole or Tony Littlewood out there?Would like to here from anyone who knows me. I'm the one, about 1956, when larking about in metalwork knocked over some steel plates which landed on my pal John Chorltons foot breaking several bones.Fully expected to be expelled but fortunately escaped that. Mrs Gosling was Headmistres at the time.Anyone remember that incident?

Nickname shaun
Name Ellen Jean Swift
Location Thorne
When at TGS 1954
Comments: Ellen Jean Swift lived in Bloomhill Road Moorends and had a brother called Wilfred.
Her mother was Edith Swift, JP.
Went to Sheffield and trained as a nurse where she met Brian Beal who she eventually married. Returned to Thorne( Highfield Crescent) and started a family. ( three children, Shaun, Sharon and Barry), all still local.

Both Jean and Brian were active in local politics.
Sadly passed away in July 2004.
E-mail sbjabeal@aol


Nickname leswatto
Name Les Watson
Location Kirk Sandall, Doncaster
When at TGS 1954 to 1960
Comments: I left TGS in1960 and went to work for the GPO as a telephone engineer untill I took early retirement in 1993. I have been a magistrate in Doncaster for about fifteen years.


Nickname brigraing
Name Brian Grainger
Location La douce Provence.
When at TGS 1954-1961
Comments: Like lots of folk on here , my career and my life , have taken me many miles from my roots and for years my memories of my days at Thorne Grammar School lay dormant and were fading under the layers of 'yonks' that have passed since then .
I had lost contact and sight and knowledge of all my old school friends and of course of the masters and mistresses who did so much to educate and fashion me for the future .
Since Mark Hepworth had the brilliant idea to set up this site , and Keith Williams to further develop it, also so brilliantly , I have been able to repair many broken bridges .The joy this has given me is immense . In addition to rediscovering many friends and teachers I have met other ex alumni who have become part of my WWW life and some of my 'other' life . is the gateway to my WWW life . You would be welcome.

Nickname LES_VG
Name Les Grantham
Location Sydney, Australia
When at TGS 1954-1961

Nickname hardy
Name David Hardy
Location Montreal,Quebec,Canada
When at TGS 1954-61
Comments: A great site to visit! Though I left England in 1969 I have always wanted to maintain contact and have already contacted Brian Grainger who I went to school with all those years ago. Have been teaching here for over thirty years and have seen most of N.America by blowing my whistle at rugby, as well as playing and administrating here in Canada.Have two children and one grandchild.Always remember the care taken of me when, as a 16-year-old in the fifth form, I played my first first-team game for the Old Boys.Would be happy to hear from others who have found the site and want a chat. I already chat regularly with Adin Stafford in Alberta who was one of the older students when I played at Thorne.

Nickname enna
Name nne Robinson,maiden name Martin
Location Tickhill
When at TGS 1955 to 1962
Comments: Teacher,married to Maths.teacher.One son,one grand daughter.Enjoy browsing this site.

Nickname Biffo
Name Graham Parkin
Location Melbourne Australia
When at TGS 1955-62
Comments: Left TGS in 1962 to read languages at Durham, subsequent degrees at University of Sheffield and U.E.A. Have taught languages since 1968 (Russian, Latin, French, German). Currently Head of German at Scotch College, Melbourne, Victoria. Married since 1974, one son, aged 15.
Have a wealth of memories of TGS, and still remember at least one stanza of that appalling school song in Latin!
Learned French with Ken Topham, and German with 'Creep' Colvin. Remember both with deep affection. Likewise 'Pop Ward' amongst several others.

Nickname pazz
Name Linda Norton-Barker, (formerly Parry)
Location Dunedin, New Zealand
When at TGS 1956-1961
Comments: Happily married, working hard and loving life
Settled in the beautiful University City of Dunedin in the stunning South Island of New Zealand
3 lovely daughters, all settled and set on the road of life and producing children of their own


Nickname PickledMadmarj
Name Marjorie Dixon(nee Thomas)
Location Yorks
When at TGS 1956-1963
Comments: What a brill site this is. Ah yes I remember it well.
Fond memories mainly of PE and Music --dear pop Ward. Left in '63,married and lived in London.College there.Divorced.Came back home.Taught music back at TGS in 1971 for a year.
Remarried and taught til 1999 and now it is "my time"- lots of fun now. Love to hear from any other Thornensians

Nickname windy
Name Roger Hurt
Location Kegworth Derby
When at TGS 1956-1964
Comments: What a great find! Sadly I dont recognise any chums yet but I guess things will grow. I loved my time at TGS and can bore the pants of most people talking about it. I'm sure it changed my life and gave many miners sons a chance.


Nickname JohnMBaker
Name John Baker
Location Dunfermline
When at TGS 1957 1959
Comments: My sister June and I started at TGS in September 1957 when our parents moved from RAF Habbaniya in Iraq to RAF Finningley. I do have fond memories of my time at school particularly Cross Country and the Barn Dance with the Gay Gordons forced upon us by Reg Clayton. I also recall being caught in the town one lunchtime by Pop Ward and the subsequent caning received as punishment for my crime. I do not remember to this day the name of my accomplice. My time at TGS was brief in comparison to most when I decided to join the Royal Navy in October 1959 against the advice of Mr Griffiths.

My naval career spanned 34 years, was both interesting and varied and enabled me to visit many foriegn countries, including shore service in Cyprus and Mauritius. I served in a variety of ships including the Aircraft Carrier Invincible. I was commissioned from the ranks after completing my officer training at the Royal Naval Staff College Greenwich before being let loose as a technical officer specialising in Naval Shore Telecommunications. I was placed on the retired list in 1994.

After leaving the service I spent some time with a couple of engineering companies culminating in a partnership and as Managing Director in one of the companies involved in the water and wet process industries in Scotland. I sold my share of the business in March 2007 and am now enjoing my retirement.

I am in contact with a few of my old school friends, but if anyone else remembers me I would be delighted to hear from you.

Nickname Vivian
Name Vivian MacRae
Location Lancashire
When at TGS 1957- 1959
Comments: I was one of the mob from RAF Finningley and would like to hear from anyone who was at TGS at the same time.

Nickname Vern
Name John Vernon
Location Jersey
When at TGS 1957 to 1963
Comments: Left TGS to join Civil Service. Rose through the ranks to become Inspector of Taxes( !!!), then promptly left to take up similar post withthe Jersey Government. Last 10 years have been with a firm of accountants. ( gamekeeper turned poacher!).
Have been here for approx. 22 years with my wife Jan ( nee Deeley), and two lovely daughters Kate and Laura. No grandchildren yet!
Life is good here but I am a bit jealous of all of you that have managed early retirement. You lucky blighters!! Would love to hear from any of you that were at TGS with me.
Best wishes to all.

Nickname Ray H
Name Ray Hardacre.
Location Home base Cantley Doncaster
When at TGS 1957 to 1964
Comments: Lots of things have happened since my school days. My time at scool was not wasted, albeit pupils in my year and the staff who taught me may think so.
I have for the past 30 years been involved in the oil, gas and energy industry. This has taken me to many countries and many cultures, some nice places others not so nice.
I have travelled Russia investigating Oil /Gas development,Philipines in the midst of terrorism and many other countries.
For the past Decade I have been with Shell, currently in New Orleans as consultant to a development project.I was involved in the taking apart of the notorious Brent Spar which became subject to Greenpeace intervention.
I have only just found out about this site, it would be nice to hear from anyone who remembers me or from any staff who may have had some confidence in me.

Nickname Jandy717
Name Janet Vardy ( nee Anderson )
Location Thorne
When at TGS 1957-61
Comments: Hi Everyone !
Here I am back in Thorne, returned to roots 5years ago after leaving the area more than 36 years ago.
After leaving TGS I worked in the laboratory at Pilkingtons, Kirk Sandall.
I married Alan ( Vardy, who went to the other Grammar, Goole ) 40 years ago, still together !
We have 3 grown-up children and 1 grandaughter.
It would be lovely to hear from anyone who remembers me , as after being back in the area for over 5 years I havn't bumped in to many people from TGS years.

Nickname Scotslou
Name Juanita Allan (nee Brooks)
Location West Calder, Scotland
When at TGS 1958 - 1964
Comments: Hi,
I am filling this in on behlaf of my mum - well, actually without her knowledge yet, as I had hoped to get some memories/photos etc to surprise her with on her 60th in Feb.

The dates above are fairly approximate - I do know she passed her 11+ to get in.

So, her name is Juanita Allan (nee Brooks), and she lived in Armthorpe up until leaving school - in Nutwell Lane. Her parents were Arthur and Jessie Brooks. She has a brother, Trevor, 9 years her senior. Not sure which school he attended, but he did go on to study at St Andrews University.

After school, she headed to Leeds to study, before meeting my dad, and marrying 38 years ago. She worked as a school meals supervisor in London and Scotland, before being lucky enough to take early retirement. She now lives in a small town near Edinburgh.

She was keen on athletics at school, and was a member of a regional team I think.

She has 2 kids (my brother and I), and 3 beautiful grandchildren.

Hopefully someone will remember her, despite my vague details.



Nickname jim
Name Jim Cook
Location North Lincs
When at TGS 1958 - 65
Comments: What a lot of 'cooks' already and here's another. There was also another one in our year but I can't remember his name although I think he lived in Fishlake.
From 'Who's Who' remember Roger Hunt,Dave Hardy (Old Thornesians ) had a brother Mick if my memory serves me right and both were in Mowbray,Roger was in Vermuyden I think. Remember Marjorie Thomas ( I'm Jill McGarvie's ,nee Shaw, cousin). That also probably explains the Hardys - Jim McGarvie.Seen Roger Hurts name somewhere as well.
Left TGS, qualified to teach, taught (only in Doncaster, in fact except for 3years, only in the one school), early retirement in 1997 thanks to re-organisation at 50 as headteacher -the school did pass its Ofsted satisfactorily the following term. Alan Lownes (remember) retired at the same time.
During time with DMBC other ex TGS heads in Doncaster included Jill McGarvie. Jim (Mac) McGarvie, Linda Wilkinson, I'm sure there were a lot more but 4 years dulls the brain, and loads of teaching staff and of course that famous or is it infamous old boy Pat Mullaney (only joking Pat).
On a more personal front I have married for a third time and have two young daughters , 2 and 5 and being a house husband and father I have never worked so hard in my life.
My two daughters compliment my older family of two sons from my first marriage.
Enjoy the site and looking forward to keep logging on.

Nickname Freda
Name Freda Dale nee Edwards
Location Adelaide South Australia
When at TGS 1958-1963
Comments: This is a very interesting site. I haven't seen any close friends on it yet but do recognise a few names.
I left the U.K in 1970 to live in Adelaide. I have been married for 36 years, have 4 adult children and 4 grandchildren.
I was in form 1B at the beginning of my years at TGS. My form teacher was Miss Buckley. I remember we girls were dazzled by her lime green jumpers and extremely high stiletto heeled shoes. She taught french and english.
I also remember Reg Clayton (maths) extolling the virtues of becoming proficient in maths so we wouldn't end up working in Woolworths. I am sure in today's world that many a young person would love a career in Woolies.
I remember well the trips to the church hall for music lessons with Pop Ward and chanting "coo, coe, cow" to the scales and other such nonsensical words. What a wonderful person he was!
I would love to hear from anyone to share stories of the good old days.

Nickname Carrots
Name Rachel Yvette Symons
Location Sydney, Australia
When at TGS 1958-1965
Comments: I lived in Stanley Grove, Dunscroft and then Hatfield where my mum was the district nurse. I was one of the first pupils to go to Library School. I worked in Bath after that and then moved to Australia in 1968, married, had two children, Liz (33)and Tanya (30) and am a grandma to Jack aged 8 and Bevan aged 5 (mother Liz) . I divorced 10 years ago and now live in Sydney, working as a Special Projects/ Quality Officer at the University of Sydney. My special expertise is in the analysis, evaluation and reporting of qualitative data (ie student Comments: ) on the student experience. Recently appeared on an Australian Quiz show called the Einstein Factor (October 2007) in which I became the first person to answer all their questions correctly. Would love to hear from old schoolmates, or indeed anyone who remembers the Symons family - Nurse Symons, Rachel, Liz and Josee.

Nickname JimR
Name Jim Rowark
Location Hong Kong
When at TGS 1958-65
Comments: Left TGS in '65 to study Economics, ended up working in the City via Australia. Gave up on making a fortune and returned to university life. Have been in Hong Kong for 25 Years,where I work as Adviser on Higher Education for the English Schools Foundation.

Continued my interest in rugby throughout that time, thanks to Reg Clayton, and have had a tremendous time travelling the world playing and coaching.

Remember Jim Cook. We used to play soccer together in a Sunday League team called Ashfield Albion. Anyone else out there who also played?
Played a couple of times with Dave Hardy for Old Thornensians during holidays from University.

Would love to hear form anyone who remembers me from TGS and if you are ever in Hong Kong let me know.

Nickname Narajim
Name Jim Rhodes
Location Crowle Norh Lincolnshire
When at TGS 1959 - 1965
Comments: Hi to anyone who remembers me. Left TGS Eatser 1965, I think P.T.Griffiths wasn't too sad when I departed with no qualifications. Went to work in London until 1968 joined the army unitl 1974 served around the world. came back to Thorne 1974, joined the Fire Service serving with Ivor Ridgill and Gordon Gravil (Old Thornensians), Following the firmans strike in 1977 I decided I needed educating went back to college then university at Hull, Leeds and laterly at Warwick, married by this time to Lynn(ne Chapman also ex TGS) became an FE lecturer in the Isle of Man. Re-quainted with Kath Ball, same year as me from Moorends. Returned to UK left FE and went into the food industry working in Human Resources where I stayed albeit in different companies until 2003. Set up my own HR Concultancy Wiltshire Rhodes Ltd based in Thorne also set up another company MRM Leisure Ltd with Steve Garbutt also ex TGS opening our first Continetal style cafe bar in Thorne mid August 2005 planned to the first of many.
For relaxation and sport I used to play rugby for Thornensians finally stopped at 45 when knees where telling me to pack in. Still see a number of ex TGS regularly, Mick Carlin, Howard Wroot, Reg Clayton of course,Dave Price(RE teacher and cricket coach TGS), Dennis Best and many more. Now spend my time sailing, in Summer that is.

Nickname angie
Name Angela Chapman (nee Twidale)
Location Walsall
When at TGS 1959 to 1967
Comments: Left school and went to work in a Summer job that lasted 2yrs! Then decided to go to College and became a Primary teacher which lasted 25 yrs! Leftteaching 4yrs ago to set up my own Educational Consultancy business. Married in 1973 and have two grown up children and one grandchild. Would love to hear from anyone from those years who remembers me

Nickname hahti
Name Jane West
Location Louth Lincs
When at TGS 1959-1964
Comments: nee Dalton
I remember my time at TGS fondly apart from maths and when I hadn't done my French homework. My parents ran Fourways cafe and shop whilst I was at school. I left TGS (at 16) when my father got a job at Manby near Louth where I now live. I qualified as a cook but got married soon after. I have 3 offspring, the oldest nearly 34 and the youngest 19. I now work as a Basic Skills tutor in Grimsby having got my Humanities degree as a mature student at Humberside uni. I am also a cub scout leader (hence my user name - other scouters will understand) and would love to hear from other scouters whether they remember me or not!

Nickname Col
Name Colin Coward
Location Manila, Philippines
When at TGS 1959-1965
Comments: I joined the RAF in 1966 and stayed for 22 years! Served at various bases around the world some exotic and others not so including Malaysia, Singapore, Germany, Falkland Islands, USA. I have been married now to Judy for 31 years have 2 children and three grandsons. When I left the RAF I joined the civil service, immigration department, and worked at Heathrow Airport for 12 years until I was "loaned" to the Foreign Office. I am now working in the British Embassy in Manila, we have been here since June 2002, its a three year tour and we are enjoying it at the minute. Hope to get in touch with anyone who remembers me.

Nickname Cocky
Name Malcolm Cockayne
Location West London
When at TGS 1959-1966
Comments: Left in 1966 and went to Borough Road Teacher Training College in West London. Leftand never taught but joined a Pharma co in London where I've had various jobs over 30 years. Now working in HR as Service Delivery Director


Nickname tel
Name Terry Elks
Location Wellington New Zealand
When at TGS 1959-65
Comments: Great to find this site. I left UK in 1970 to live in NZ, returned from 1974-79 and worked in Scarborough, got the travel bug again and returned to NZ. Married Christine (Squires) from Thorne, have 3 children and 1 grand child. I remember going to Spain in 63 or 64 with Mr Wallace with a whole bunch of other pupils, had a great time, also having to stand on the desk in art classes with teacher Sam Butcher (I think he was the teacher) showing us up in front of the rest of the class. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me at TGS.

Nickname Patricia
Name Patricia Woodward nee Burnikell
Location Saudi Arabia
When at TGS 1959-66
Comments: After graduating from Hull University I started my teaching career at Boothferry Junior High there. I then got wanderlust and went travelling in1975. Have since taught in Kuwait. UAE, Cyprus, Brazil, Poland and Germany! Did try coming back but didn't like it. Would love to hear from anyone from my year as I've seen nobody since I left. Still have parents in Thorne and go back in the summer.Spent last year in Romania - lovely country and people but am now trying to save money working in the depths of the desert in Saudi - locked in at night and wearing black - someone said it reminded her of boarding school!!!!.

Nickname SKELLY
Name John Skelton
Location Atlanta Georgia USA
When at TGS 1960 - 1967
Comments: Thank you Mark for sending me this site link.I now work for Beazer Homes in the USA, a NYSE company (BZH) no relation to the British version.I came over to the states in 1985 having worked for Leech Homes in Newcastle. I am married to an American and our son is just about to enter dental school. When at TGS I played rugby and captained the cricket team. I managed to play both sports into my 40's and even played them in the states.I played for Life University who were national champions last year. I got tp play cricket in Atlanta against West Indian test players such as Conrad Hunte.I still pay my dues to Old Thornensians but judging from their league results last year , they need a few players.It would be great to hear from any of my contempories. I still get to Thorne occasionally and have a grand nephew and niece attending TGS.


Nickname Pete
Name Peter Mordue
Location Keelby, North Lincs.
When at TGS 1960~67
Comments: Worked for the Queen for a year before getting a proper job with Shell. Sailed with them for 15 years, five of which accompanied by my wife Marilyn (nee Walker) also of T.G.S. Lots of exotic places, including Teesport. Met Freida Nash in New Plymouth, New Zealand.
Was so impressed with the Port of Immingham ? (East of Scunthorpe, West of Grimsby) that after the arrival of offspring took a temporary job with Associated British Ports. Been at Immingham ever since doing things nautical.
When not at work can generally be found at or near the Ancholme Rowing Club on the River Ancholme, Brigg, North Lincs unless we are rowing at some event in foreign parts such as Middlesboro', York, Newark , Boston, Doncaster, London and even Amsterdam.
When the weathers too bad to row, spend time thinking about the next visit to Norway where we spend our hols as often as possible. If you see a caravan and a car with a rowing boat on the roof heading for Newcastle (ferry to Norway), that will be me.
'Maz' also rows, which for anyone who can ever remember her indulging in any P.E. or Games voluntarily will come as a bit of a shock.
Two boys, one finished uni, one still there.
Love to hear from anyone who remembers either of us.

Nickname daphne55555
Name Daphne Pleace
Location North Yorks (for now)
When at TGS 1960-1967
Comments: Currently writing my autobiog and interested to hear from anyone who remembers me. I was a scared mouse most of the time at school, really hatedmy time there, so probably no-one does!

None of the messages mentions a teacher nicknamed Beatnik - cannot remember his proper name. Does anyone remember him? Also Mrs Mount who was responsible for my love of (and improvement in!) the French language.

I notice Malcolm Cockayne on the website but there's no email address..... we lived next door to each other in Kirk Sandall, so if you read this Malcolm, I'd appreciate a contact.


Nickname Matt
Name David Matthews
Location Christchurch New Zealand
When at TGS 1960-67
Comments: Stumbled acrosss this website and was intrigued with information etc and also appalled to read about the end of TGS - well I suppose all good things must come to an end sometime!! My brother John went to TGS ( 1956 - 1958) and had an early unplanned departure. He is retired and spends half of the time in Guildford and the other half in Spain. My sister Linda attended 1958 - 1965 and currently lives in Hathersage. My other sister Elaine attended 1967 - 1973 and currently lives in Hope. Have some great memories of TGS especially friends I made and SOME of the teachers - on reflection some were less than desirable!! Good memories of sports and especially Old Thornesians who I played for during holidays - had some good social nights there!! Names from my year that I can remember are John and Steve Harrison, John Reynard, Pete Raper, ? Warriner, ? Wade, Phil Southcott, Junior Roberts, Keith Platt, Lesley Gregory, Kate ? (now Bates), Kath ? as well as those who have left info on this site. Left TGS in 67 and went to Sussex Uni with John Reynard (Foxy) - had good time there and then tried to find a job and / or higher qualification. After some frustrations, opened the paper one day and saw that NZ Govt wanted graduates for teaching positions - free travel to other side of world - why not - only had to stay 3 years BUT have stayed for 35 and really love the place and opportunities it has provided me with. Met Helen and eventually we married and have 3 children (now grown ups) - Andrew (31) works for Merill-Lynch in London - develops software systems and programmes for "traders", married an english woman and they have one child. Elizabeth (28) is a clinical pharmacist in Hastings NZ and will marry her pilot partner later this year. Jonathan (22) is taking the long route to a computer science degree and competes with me for the couch!! I started off working as a teacher, then moved into guidnace and counselling work and then became a school adviser and inspector. 1989 the Govt turned the ed system upside down and I took up the position of regional manager for the newly formed special education service and then comuted to Wellington for four years to work as a national manager trying to keep the Minister happy and meet all the demands with very limited resources. In 2000 I decided I had had enough of keeping the Minister happy, left the Govt service and took up a position running a disability community organisation covering the top half of the South Island - one of the best changes I have made! Helen my partner coordinates staff education and training at Christchurch Polytechnic and we both support her parents who are 95 and still live in their own home!! Have got back to Uk a few times and caught up with my old mate Pete Raper a couple of times. Last year I came home for my mother's funeral and met up with Jim and Lorraine Pickering - they are good friends of my sister Elaine. Interested to see that there are a couple of ex TGS in NZ and will try and make contact - also very pleased to hear from any of you out there who remember me (or still want to remember me!!) AND if you are ever in NZ - always pleased to meet up for a coffee or something stronger - we have some great wines over here!!

Nickname Loose_Grip_99
Name Pete Hackney
Location Leicester
When at TGS 1960-67
Comments: After 3 years at Sheffield doing Geology & 3 more years at Birmingham doing Geophysics, where I married Anne, I have worked in the oil industry for the last n years (where n>30) in various places around the world. We came back to the UK in 2001, although we ask ourselves why on a regular basis, & I have been consulting on a part-time basis since. Along the way I acquired an uncurable railway madness & I now spend most weekends volunteering on the Great Central Railway at Loughborough firing steam engines. We have two kids, Mary, our older daughter is living & working in Colchester & Sarah, the younger, is at Reading doing Pharmacy.

Nickname ivy
Name Susan Herborth née Wilkes
Location Black Forest
When at TGS 1961 - 1966
Comments: I remember lots of detentions, mainly handed out by the red-haired bus prefect from Finningley. Miss Oliver detested me for being so "insolent".I have a recurring dream: wandering through the corridors looking for Mr. Thorpe`s Art classes which I loved. Also Mr. Colvin`s German classes (they have come in quite handy, now!) I also remember hiding a transistor radio in the teacher`s desk during Mr. Wilson`s history lesson. He stormed out of the class to complain to Mr. Ward about his loud music lessons. I left TGS in 1966 because Dad was posted to RAF Watton. Later I worked in London (Diplomatic Service) from 1970 - 1973 then went to Germany to get married.I went to University in Hamburg and left with a degree in Social Work and a son, who is now 22. My husband and I are living apart together - he is in Thuringia and I live in the Black Forest, where I work as a social worker with the mentally ill and as an English Conversation teacher.My spare time is spent writing short stories and poetry(published), dancing Raqs Sharqi and fighting towards my black belt in karate (a long way to go!!). I don't remember many people, but was contacted recently by Rowena Turner, who I did remember. Has anyone heard from Astra Vaughan, Lorraine Sprakes, Anne Leyshon, Sheila Watts?

Nickname rowena
Name Rowena Stewart (Turner)
Location London
When at TGS 1961 - 1968
Comments: Hello, everyone! Thank you, Mark. I have just discovered this site and have been reading for the last hour or more! So many memories! Catching the school bus in Branton, and hoping it would be foggy enough not to be able to go! Sharing a seat on the overcrowded bus with Josephine Riley, Margaret Keenan, or Joan Hanson (now Woffinden). Remember the berets and books into the canal at the end of term? I loved tennis with Mrs Best; art (Mr Thorpe); Spanish (Mr Wallace). Was annoyed when I wasn't chosen for the school choir one year - too many people, when I consider I have a very good voice. I remember drawing horses throughout the chemistry lesson with Mr Brooks (back bench), and loathing my first year General Science with Minnie! I even survived Latin O Level in the Lower 6th with P T Griffiths - I was fortunately one of his favourites, but lost that accolade with a "Tut, Tut" when I only achieved a Grade 3. He didn't know that myself and Anne Leyshon thought the exam started half an hour later than it did, so that we didn't have time to finish! Maths - now there's a thing! From top class in Form 1 with Mr Burkill to Mr Best and down to AEB group. No wonder I'm not happy at the computer! Main memories: locking Mr Price (RE) into the cupboard at the side of the teacher's desk for a whole lesson! Watching Alan W burning chairs in the 6th form room in the "Cowsheds" and seeing Gaff's gown floating by as he approahced outside. My brother (Jonathan "Charlie"'s class (left 1970)) creating havoc with most of their French and English teachers - such as books dropping from classroom doors as they walked in, etc. Figaro actually climbed up the wall using the heating pipes in the cowsheds when I couldn't answer a question!! Renton in a fit of rage broke a girl's ruler! Pop Ward putting his full weight down on the piano keys when he was annoyed, or wanted to get attention. etc etc. I was in Upper Arts. Jonathan studied at Aberystwyth (Agric Econ) and got his Ph.D (amazing, as he was in a Lower form). He has been a lecturer in Agric Econ ever since, enjoying cricket and has 5 children. My older brother, Tim (left 1966 I think), worked for British Sugar as an agronomist. He now lives in S W France. I was at Portsmouth Poly studying Spanish, French and English Lit, then at Ealing - bi-lingual studies, then work before emigrating to Toronto, Canada, where I lived for 5 years. I went to work in a Christian radio station as a broadcaster in Quito, Ecuador for a while, then returned to study Occpational Therapy with a view to returning to Ecuador. Instead I met and married Iain, and we now live in Tooting, S W London, where Iain is a Church Minister. He is a grandfather to 7 grandchildren.

Nickname Joseebutler1
Name Josee Butler (Symons)
Location Bromsgrove Worcestershire
When at TGS 1961- 1968
Comments: I left TGS in 1968 and then studied for 3 years at Southlands College of Ed. Wimbledon; taught in London for 3 years then moved to Leamington Spa. Married in 1979 and had 2 children, Vicki (1982) and Ed (1985); they're both now at Uni. We moved here to Bromsgrove in 1987. Divorced in 1990. I am now Head of French at a local Middle School and have recently acquired a BA courtesy of the Open University!! Some good memories of TGS, have been in contact with Coral Fox and Rowena Turner but would like to know what became of others in the 'X' stream! For those of you who remember I was in 2 'X' streams as a result of stuffing up my O levels first time round!!

Nickname Wils
Name Alan Wilson
Location Nassau, Bahamas
When at TGS 1961 -1968
Comments: I left TGS in 1968, went to Westminster College. Trained to teach in music. Taught at Armthorpe High school until1976 when my wife & I came to The Bahamas to teach at Queen's College. My wife being Bahamian we have been here ever since. I now manage the Bahamas branch of Mercedes-Benz. I return to UK 3/4 times per year to visit Stainforth.

Nickname Susie
Name Sue Ekins (nee Raper)
Location Derby
When at TGS 1961 to 1967
Comments: I left Thorne Grammar School and went to Culham College in Abingdon to train to be a teacher. I have been a Head for the past ten years and am presently Head of a 52-week Residential Special Needs College for students with autism, Severe Learning Difficulties and associated Challenging Behaviour in Doncaster. I have been married for 28 years to a member of Thornensians rival Rugby team ( Doncaster) and we live in Derby. We have a son aged 26, a daughter aged 23 and a delightful grand-daughter aged two and a half. I remember Dave Hardy and I remember very well him going to Canada. I also remember John Skelton and Rachel Symons. Does anyone remember me or my brother, Pete?


Nickname Harrap22
Name Angela Harrap
Location netherlands
When at TGS 1961-1966
Comments: It was really a trip down memory lane reading all the entries on this site.I was in upper science at TGS.I remember Joyce Copley(still trying to get in touch with her),Ann Simms Carol Wilding. Batesy, Lorraine Sprakes etc. Anne Rhodes must remember me from our memorable trip to Spain. I joined the RAF in 1967 , married and lived in Germany for 2 yrs ( RAF Bruggen and Laarbruch)Returned to N.Yorkshire and then eventually back to Barnby Dun after a divorce. Worked as a training instructor for Burtons until I married a Dutchman in 1975 and came to live in Holland. Sadly this also ended in divorce in 1985.The last 19 years have found me still living in Holland with my present partner Michael,who is Croatian .This time a happy ending. I work as a psychiatric nurse and groups therapist in a psychiatric hospital for adults. I have had 2 children ,a boy 35, and a girl 28. Michael has a son 24. I have three grandchildren.I was amazed to see how many of the people i knew have either travelled to far off places for their work or actually live abroad. I have travelled a lot myself ,but purely for pleasure. I would love to hear from anybody who knew me at TGS .What a shame it doesn't exist any more.

Nickname yorki
Name Ann Rhodes
Location South Wales
When at TGS 1961-1968
Comments: Worked with children all my life in Social Services Children's Homes and, since 1978, in residential Special Schools. From the interest gained from my experience of working with different client groups I have learned Braille, a little Welsh and am presently studying Level 2 British Sign Language.
I have never married and do not have any children of my own.
I am still in contact with Sally Schofield and Mary Sadowski. I also met up with Barry Wragg a year or two ago.
Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.

Nickname Foxy
Name Coral Fox (now Bratherton)
Location North York Moors
When at TGS 1961-67
Comments: I can remember some of you, like you, Skelly! I was in the first X class too, and sat with Gill Birkett (has lived in France for 30 years), Midge Straw (married a lecturer, I think) and Linda Nicklin (married an accountant and lives in Tickhill). Next to me was Richard Bratherton, my brother-in-law. I went to London Uni (French) then Southampton for a PGCE. Then 2 children arrived. I eventually taught, and ran an electronics company with my husband John, also an ex-pupil. In 1995 we went to California for a while. We're now back here. It's fun to hear what you're all doing.

Nickname Figaro
Name WallaceJohn
Location West Kirby, Wirral
When at TGS 1961-67 (Staff)
Comments: Lovely to be in contact with TGS again. From TGS I went as Head of Modern Languages to a tough comp. in Newcastle -upon -Tyne. As the authorities ensured that the school would have no chance of prospering, we upped sticks and went to Hertfordshire where I spent 24 years as HoML and the last ten as Head of Sixth Form at a pleasant girls' school in Hitchin. I'm now happily retired in my native parts, much involved in music, as listener and choral singer, with the local children's hospice, and with Lancashire County Cricket Club. The years at TGS werre the best of my life, and I'd love to hear from anyone who knew me.

Nickname: Sticky
Name: John Stamp
Location: Hoylandswaine (Sheffield)
When at TGS: 1962-1969
1962 form 1E
1963 form 2 lower B
1964 form 3 upper science
1965 form 4 upper science
1966 form 5 upper science
1967 form 6 lower science
1968 – 1969 form 6 upper science

I was a late starter and attended an interview with Mr Griffiths. Prior to this I was at a private school in Doncaster. I recall that I started halfway through the term with only a few days notice which rather took me by surprise. TGS was a whole new world to me. It seemed huge compared to my previous school there were lots of sports activities (huge playing fields), lots more subjects and some great teachers.

I have many fond memories of the school and spent many happy days there.

I remember the 'cow sheds' which whilst I was there housed some class rooms, woodwork/metal work rooms and the boys changing rooms at the end. It was around this area (and the bike sheds) where many a cigarette was smoked ! However our teachers got wise to this and occasionally carried out raids. I was not a sporty person when I came to TGS but I was a fast sprinter and was entered in sports days (Vermuyden House) and was always on the wing when we played rugby. I recall swollen knees and many bruises, we even played in snow on frozen ground ! The swimming pool was outside adjacent to the gym and I recall we were all given a choice in one of our lessons as to whether to stay in the gym or go swimming outside – this was during a rather violent thunderstorm, I stayed in the gym !

Jim Pickering was my woodwork teacher and I still have some items that I made although I was not very good at it. Our music teacher (Mr Hodgson I think) did a fantastic rendition of Nut Rocker on the piano (this was in the charts in 1962). This event usually took place at the end of a lesson.

There was an incident with a fire hose, water and the piano in the assembly hall and I recall our whole class being lined up in the gym whilst the headmaster (Mr Griffiths) did his best to make the guilty party own up. Can't remember the outcome but I think he got the culprit (It wasn't me !).

I was always keen on science especially physics and Mr Robinson gave me so much enthusiasm for the subject (although I realise not many of my classmates shared this with me). I recall one lesson when he brought out a Van de Graaff generator and explained how it produced nearly half a million volts and then asked for volunteers to touch it ! Didn't get any so he put his hand on it and his hair stood up vertically on his head !

Looking at who's who I think Paul Stackhouse and Eric Chapman were at some time in the same class as me. I also recall Chris Jones, John Saunders, Alan Warriner, Ricky Smith, Pete Southcott , David Bulmer, John Sumner, John (?) Needham and Susan Wilmot. I am sure others will come to mind. The teachers names are easier to remember and I can remember most of them.

When I left TGS I did Applied Physics at the University of Hull obtaining a BSc in 1973. In 1974 I started work as a Medical Physicist in the Sheffield University Hospitals which is where I did a PhD in cancer therapy using medical laser systems. In 1978 I was married and in 2007 I took early retirement, time seems to pass so quickly. Since my retirement my wife and I are now planning what to do next. We may emigrate to South Africa (waiting for our application for residency to be processed) or alternatively move down to the South West - still thinking about it.

Sorry to see the old school buildings knocked down but my memories will always be with the old school and its teachers. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. Probably known by my nickname 'Sticky' what else !

Best wishes to all former pupils and staff.


Nickname Sta1nf0rth1
Name Eric Chapman
Location Louth, Lincolnshire
When at TGS 1962 - 1967
Comments: It has been very interesting reading all the entries in this section. I dont know if anyone remembers me but i would be very interested tocommunicate to anyone. I remember more teachers than pupils but probably of the significant effect they had on my life. I lived in Stainforth whilst attending TGS. My schooldays were not, i have to say, my happiest but i bear no grudges against anyone - suppose the years have mellowed me. I remember the following teachers:

Pop Ward - Music
Minnie Martin - Science
Mr Denis Best - Maths and Form Teacher (3rd yr i think)
Mr Thorpe - Craft(?)
Mr Wright - English
Miss Mount - French and Form Teacher (1E - 1962-63)
Mr Marsh - Latin
Mr Reg Clayton - PT - who could forget him!!
Mr Toon- RE
Mr Butcher - Art

I'm sad to hear the old school will be no more soon but they call that progress - still my memories will remain no matter what is there.

I am a Civil Servant working in Grimsby. I have recently been divorced but am happy to say that i have met a wonderful lady who i am marrying on 25th September and i couldnt be happier.

Thats about all for now but like i said anyone wants to e-mail me are welcome. There might be somebody who remembers my Mam, Joan(nee Harrison), who was at TGS 1934 - 39 and my uncle, Ernest, who was head boy in 1951.

Talk to you soon. God Bless you all.


Nickname Brian Cook
Name Brian Cook
Location Sussex
When at TGS 1962 - 1968
Comments: Left in 1968. Maths and Physics at A level. Went to university at the Big Smoke andstudied Maths. Have practised as an accountant since 1972, after several firms and mergers I now work from home much harder than I ever have. Married Angela in 1973 and we have 3 children: Matthew (23), Chris (21) and Laura (18) Now practising as an accountant working from home


Nickname Willy
Name Neil Wilding (sometimes Nelly!!!)
Location Melton Mowbray
When at TGS 1962 - 1970
Comments: Reading the postings on this website really is bringing back some memories!
Particularly some of the teachers - although I've seen nomention of the infamous Science teacher Minnie Martin!!
My time at TGS was, I guess, one of unfulfilled potential. In fact, for my 50th birthday a couple of months ago my current wife presented me with ALL of my TGS school reports (rescued from my loving parents I believe!). There were a couple of common themes........"could work harder",......."could do better than he is willing to show"......
Still, despite that I managed to get A levels in Maths (ably assisted by Stan Willis), Engineering Drawing (Sid Bullock to blame for this one!) and Physics (can't remember who the teacher was but he was a tall thin guy with grey wavy hair!). During lighter times I too suffered at the hands of Reg Clayton, mainly in athletics - he put me off rugby by deciding that instead of playing in my normal position on the wing I should try a spell at Hooker!!! That hurt! I quickly gave that up and have been a season ticket holder at Leicester Tiger for the past 20 years, which, as you can imagine, has been good fun.
I left TGS in 1970 and joined the National Coal Board (remember that!!) to train to be an engineer. They sent me to Sheffield Polytechnic to do a 3 year sandwich course in Mechanical Engineering. I plied my trade with them until 1978, when I left my job as Deputy Colliery Engineer at Hatfield Colliery to move to where I am now working for Pedigree Masterfoods (Chum, Whiskas,etc.etc.)
I married Glenys Mason in 1972, and we had 2 children, who are now 23 and 24. Glen and I separated in 1983 but have remained good friends ever since, both of us having remarried in 1984.
The next stage of my life looks as though it will take my wife and I to France. We bought a house in Normandy last year, and with the potential for early retirement next year we intend to make it our permanent home.
Look forward to "meeting" some old friends on the Site.

Nickname galewale
Name Gail (nee Maskill) Bell
Location Brighton
When at TGS 1962 -1965
Comments: Wow! Hearing all your Comments: really brings back memories - I was a weaker member of the tough and infamous 'Sheila Thorley Gang' - i was the skinny one that got blamed for everything, especially by the teachers. One time we were all asked to return to the class and desk we had occupied before the break - it had been a Maths lesson with the gorgeous (us girls thought so) Mr. Best. Someone had wrote, in the desk I had occupied, a phrase inside the lid of the desk starting with F and O - I was promply marched off to 'Ma'm sombody'? deputy head I think. She didnt beleive me when I said I hadn't done it, even tho' I pointed out that I could spell 'off' (the cuprit had put 'of'). IT WASN'T ME - I still protest my innocence - but who was it? Will I ever find out? Perhaps through this page??!!

What else - I was put into class 12T (stands for Transfer) as I had been shipped to relatives in Castleford for almost a year and when I returned by French and Latin was mixed up with German (not that I was any good at any of them). I left in 65 to live in Leeds so my education was further interupted - left at age 15 with no qualifacations. Got married and 17 - pregnant - and became a 'housewife'. Emigrated to Australia for 5 years, came back for 2, went again for 4, came back to Doncaster and got divorced in 1984. Immediately took up 'O' levels then Open University - then on to Humberside Uni for full time degree - Applied Social Science. So the teachers who labelled me a lost case - in particular Minnie Martin - did me no favours. Can anyone remember the name of the fabulously enthusiastic geography teacher - he had dark hair and a bushy beard??

I'd love to hear from anyone from my class and especially my 'best friend' of the time, Gillian Richardson (she could sit on her hair!), Sheila Thorley who I looked up so much to for her guts - do you remember making us all sit along the back of the class with dummies in our mouths ready for when Mr. Best came in? He just smiled and said they were appropriate!

I'd also love to hear from the boy I lost 2 years sleep over - Ive never agonised or fantased about anyone as much as you Greame Simms from my own village, Armthorpe (a year ahead of me).


Nickname Margaret Jenkinson
Name Maggie Cuss
Location Golcar, Huddersfield
When at TGS 1962 1969
Comments: I was a pupil at Hatfield Woodhouse CP School until I transfered to Hatfield Secondary Modern School in 1961. I took the 13 plus exam and then went to TGS, where I started from scratch in the first form 1D with Mrs Mount as form teacher. I have happy memories of my time there, but have always "moved on" and therefore lost contact with many old friends. I trained to be a primary school teacher at Ripon College. My first post was in the East Riding. Then I moved to Bradford. Married Jeremy Cuss (a chemical engineer with ICI) in 1978. His work took him to Cheshire, so I followed, and worked in Ellesmere Port. We have two children, Alison (23) and Peter (21). Both A and P are named after former TGS pupils who I thought of as rather special people. Alison England was 4 or 5 years older than me and lived on Station Road in Hatfield. She was slim and willowy, and very artistic. I thought she was lovely! Peter Mordue lived next door to us. We stole rhubarb from the alotments which were behind his house, and the sugar bowl from his kitchen table.
I now teach foundation stage and key stage 1 children in a small village school just outside Huddersfield. I love my work, and when I'm challenged by inspectors about my methods and practices I find that they have never taught a mixed aged class like mine, and they can never refer me to any documented evidence which shows a more effective way of working. Strangely they never come to see me again. My results are good and I'm king of my own castle.
I failed English lang O level 3 times, however I now write and deliver some very acceptable sermons! Hopefully they will be published when I have time to pull them all together.

Nickname boyd
Name Joyce Dowsett nee Copley
Location Leicester
When at TGS 1962 to 1966 approx
Comments: i left TGS in late 1966 not long after taking o levels because i just wasn't good enough to do A levels, i worked for the West Riding County Council for a little while before joining the WRAF, where I had over 2 great years, mainly in Norfol at RAF Coltishall, it was during this time that I met my husband John and we have been married 34 years come November. We have 2 daughters, one did a law degree and is teaching in Japan, the other is going to Cornwall in September to do a foundation course and then hopefully on to Uni, of course I never made it their and since getting married have done nothing spectacular, for one thing John was still in the RAF and so we moved about rather a lot and even had a stint in Northern Ireland, although the troubles were a pain we did manage to have one or two laughs. We moved to Leicester in 1975 and have been here ever since. At the moment I am working for Leicester City Council as an Admin Officer (posh name for a dogsbody!!) i remember you Coral, I always thought you very clever!! and you seem to have done well for yourself. I remember some of the names of the teachers others have mentioned, Mr Wallace Rowena was great don't you think? I remember Pop Ward, strange a lot of people remember him, must have had that sort of personality ha ha!!, also Minnie Martin was another memorable one eh? Does anyone else remember going to Spain and the bull fight and the awful hotel Liebana? Anyway enough for now, got to go and get some food before going to the pub, hope there is someone out there who remembers me. I hung around with Angela Harrap, Anne Simms, Barbara Foster and a few others. I got to know about this site from Jen Cheetham who I am still in contact with she didn't go to TGS but lived in Kirk Sandall where I used to live. Anyone older remember Maureen Deeble, as she is my sister in law.

Nickname boyd
Name Joyce Dowsett nee Copley
Location Leicester
When at TGS 1962 to 1966 approx
Comments: i have just typed a load of twaddle and seem to have managed to delete it!! Not too efficient on computers and especially the internet I have to say!! I remember quite a lot and reading other Comments: , it has started to bring back more memories, not all of it bad I have to say. Names i remember are you Coral Fox, you were always the clever one!! i also remember Rowena Turner and someone mentioned Lorraine Sprakes, these two did Spanish, does anyone remember Linda Jubb who could never remember the difference between Ser and Estar? I left after o levels and got a job!! I then joined the WRAF in 1968 and had over 2 great years, there i met my husband, and was married in 1970 (yes 34 years this year) we were late starters, but now have 2 daughters 1 is 23 and the other is 19. The older one is in Japan teaching and the other is off the Cornwall in September to do a foundation course before going to Uni. i am working for Leicester City Council as an Admin Officer (posh name for dogsbody but we have a laugh and most days I actually don't mind going to work!!) Most people seem to remember Pop Ward and The Bests. I was in 2UB and so was one of the guinea pigs for Spanish with Mr Wallace and really loved it, even now I can still remember more Spanish than French and at times it is better than my English!!. We lead quite a quiet life, enjoy our garden and going to the pub and going on holiday to our favourite place Son Bou in Menorca. Anyway anyone who happens to remember me, drop me a mail sometime.

Nickname peter3765
Name Peter Cundall
Location Menston, Leeds
When at TGS 1962-1965
Comments: I lived at RAF Finingley (Robin Hood Airport), and bussed to school on the old Leon buses. My Father was in the RAF and was posted to Singapore in 65, we as a family followed him three months later. We spent two years their and I completed my education at St.John's school.
I am semi retired now after working in the cash machine industry (NCR) for many years.

Nickname ericchapman
Name eric chapman
Location louth, lincs
When at TGS 1962-1967
Comments: Hi everybody, I was in Mrs Mount's class (Form 1D), then 2A, 3US, 4UA & 5UA. I have many memories of the teachers partic Reg Clayton, Minnie Martin and Gerald Wright. Looking forward to the reunion in October when hopefully the vague memories of my fellow pupils will become clearer.

If anyone wants to e-mail me the address is below.



Nickname mblan
Name Mike Blanchard
Location Bristol
When at TGS 1962-1968
Comments: I left TGS in 1968 to go to Brunel University, and afterwards joined the Civil Service.
I am now a Manager for Securicor Omega Express in Bristol, and am married (since 1980) to Merryl and have 2 daughters.
Two of my sisters, Margaret and Audrey, also attended TGS leaving in 1955 and 1957 . My brother Barrie also went to TGS leaving in 1953 and played for the Old Boys at rugby until he broke his thigh.
The teachers I most remember from that time are:
Mr Butcher (Art)
Mr Lawson (history), whose daughter attended our school and who I took out several times.
Reg Clayton (sports)
Dennis Best (maths) and
Mr Renton (Geography).

Nickname Barman
Name Kevin Wells
Location Spain
When at TGS 1962-1968 ish
Comments: Hi to everybody, what memories have come flooding back reading through the 'Who's Who'
I remeber happy days at TGS. I remember I was in the X-stream and enjoyed my cricket with coach Dave Price.

I left TGS in 1968 to go to Morley, since father was in the police force. Since then they attempted to educate me in Town Planning at Nottingham, that didn't work. I was Teasurer of the Student Union and then permeated into LLoyds Bank and the in 1976 into West Yorkshire Police.

In 1992 I retired from police and, with my 4th wife Linda, bought a pub in Lincolnshire selling up in 2002 and 'retiring' to Hondon de los Frailes in Spain. Where we now own another successful Bar & restaurant.

I remeber most of the staff of that era but my contemporaries are somewhat vague in my mind. Mick Kay, Barry Marks and Keith, Dave Boon,Alan Gibson Chris Chadburn Rob Elks Paul 'Geordie' Flatman (He was Sunderland I was Leeds) Stephen & John Skelton ( I lived at Miller Close).Spring immediately to mind, I apologise to those whose names escapes me.

I appear on 1966/7 photo of Cricket team I was wicket keeper. ( I had to ask my mother if it was me. I've got a beard now)

I look forward to hearing from anyone from my time at TGS and wish all the best to all Former pupils & staff.


Nickname Stack
Name Paul Stackhouse
Location Australia
When at TGS 1962-1969
Comments: I moved to Australia about 25 years ago and would love to hear from anybody who remembers me.(or couldn't manage to forget me).

Name Gavin Tasker
Location Glos
When at TGS 1962-4
Comments: Hello,
I owe TGS my love of choral singing, which I still do, and Operetta/Musicals which have declined lately.
I rmember Pop Ward [ Music] with affection, and Beryl Bean [Biology].
My stepfather was based at RAF Lindholme and we came there from Singapore to spend the owost Winter since the year I was born!
Eventually I graduted from Exeter with a B Sc in Botany and taught in the private sector for over 20 years.
I`m a cat breeder and Exhibitor, I race whippets with my wife and I take as much music as I can get though I tend not to play much these days.


Nickname Dobson
Name Peter Dobson
Location Georgia, USA
When at TGS 1963 - 1967
Comments: As an RAF child, we were stationed at Finningley, before moving to Kirton Lane, Thorne. I was in 2x, 3x and 4x before moving to Singapore in 1967. Strange that all us lads were known by our surnames - Gibson, Chadburn etc.
I became a professional photographer and ran my own business in Wales for 20 years before moving to the USA four years ago. I now work as a Graphic artist in interactive multimedia.
Would love to hear from anyone who knew me in those days!

Nickname Shaun_Tyrer
Name Shaun Tyrer
When at TGS 1963 - 1968
Comments: Left TGS after some fairly disastrous "O" level results, so most of my contemporaries will have left 2 or 3 years after me as they will have stayed on for A-levels.

Worked part time as a postman before joining the Civil Service. Some 4 and a bit years later worked as a Sales Rep for various companies before joining the Royal Air Force in 1976 at the grand old age of 24! Joined as an airman, got to Sergeant and then took a commission in 1985. Am currently a wing commander at RAF Stafford. Married to Charlene, I have 2 "children" - Matthew (born 1981) and Melanie (born 1984) - mustn't forget Rebel the dog.

I have many memories of TGS; some of the names I recall are: Paul (Geordie) Flatman, David Andrews, Richard Lyon, Margaret Cairns, Susan Tasker, Linda McLeod, Susan Wilmot, Janet Farnsworth, Susan Shaw, Glen (?) Richardson, Ricky Wakefield and, of course, the (then) love of my life Maureen Wilson.


Nickname jonah
Name Alan Jones
Location Doncaster
When at TGS 1963 - 1968
Comments: Hi to everyone and particularly those that remember me !

Just recently found the site and have had a pleasant lunchbreak reading some of the Comments: and memories.

I remember Spenner, who is entered on this site - particularly for one notorious French class, when he had his head banged against a radiator in one of the 'cow shed' classrooms, by Oink, the French teacher (what a guy he was). Doesn't anyone remember how he used to dribble saliva everytime he got angry ?, which was quite often in our class.

I also remember (vividly) getting slippered by Mr Welsby, along with approx. 50 others, for not bringing my rugby kit on a day when it was white over outside - everyone just assumed there would be 'dancing' - in preparation for the school Christmas party. Dear me, how I remember that ordeal.

I can remember classmates Steve Maxwell, Paul Hobson, Dave Humphries, Dave Boon, Paul Walker, Barry Marks (who is also on the site), Alan Hayes, Harold Jones, Maureen Taylor (who used to live near me @ Dunscroft) and Kathryn Bodidge. There are loads of faces in my head but I'm struggling to put names to them - hopefully this site will put that right, to some degree.

Other teachers I remember - Reg Clayton (good @ rugby and Maths), Master Bates (Geography and my form tutor for one of the years there - 3 Upper Science ?), Mr Reynolds, Mr Hodgson (music), Mr Cockroft (English - always wore a mean dickie bow).

Left school after O level re-sists (Christmas break) and promptly went back to school with British Coal. Had some good years @ BC, before being made redundant in 1991. Have progressed to Technical Bid Manager with my present company Earth Tech Engineering, based in Tankersley, nr. Barnsley. Happily married to Bev for some 25 years and have 1 son, Chris, who is @ Uni, doing a degree in Journalism.

Looking forward to reading more on this site.

Nickname cookie
Name Sue Wood (Cook)
Location Hull
When at TGS 1963 - 1970
Comments: Left in 1970 to train as a teacher in Hull. Married with 2 daughters, 22 and 19. I am teaching in a primary school, Early Admissions and in charge of IT.

Nickname cloddy
Name Linda Lawcock (nee McLeod)
Location Ealand Nr Scunthorpe
When at TGS 1963 >1970
Comments: Resided in Warren House, and for my sins was made Vice Head girl. Involved in representing the school at most sports, and have to say enjoyed my time there!

After a number of years as a contract draughtswoman, I decided to leave the drawing board for general management. I joined Post Office Counters Ltd., in 1990. It has now changed it's name to Consignia, and I work for the Group Centre in London as a senior project manager.

I live in a small village near Scunthorpe and spend my time working from home, travelling to London a couple of times a week or, anywhere in the country that they decide to send me.

Widowed a number of years ago, no children, and until very recently had 2 dogs and a cat. Unfortunately they were all very old, and I lost both dogs and now just have a diabetic cat for company!

I spend a lot of my spare time singing locally, and have recently taken to trekking. Having undertaken the Inca Trail in Peru last year, I am attempting to climb Mount Kilimanjaro this year (I ought to know better at my age!!)

Love to hear from anyone that remembers me


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Nickname Spiv
Name Paul Spivey
Location Burton upon Trent
When at TGS 1963 -1970
Comments: Went to Sheffield Poly 70 - 74 and Birmigham Poly 75 - 78
Chartered Surveyor and Town Planner.
Worked Bristol City, Leicestershire County and Worcester City Councils
Conder Projects, Burton (Contractors), Hepper Robinson, Birmingham (Surveyors), Trent Architecture, Sheffield, HMA (architects), Cardiff and DPDS (Planning Consultants), Swindon.

Married to Pat in 1974, Divorced 1995. Married Maggie 1995.
Two sons, James (17) and Thomas (15)
Three dogs.

Nickname John6
Name John Hagen
Location Burgundy France
When at TGS 1963-1967
Comments: Left TGS at the tender age of 15 to join the Army, must've been mad and ended up staying there 11 years . then left and went into the computer industry working as an Engineer, progressed through a variety of jobs, moved into sales and finished up by being a Divisional Sales Director for an American company. Left two years ago and now have my own business in France in the property market.

Teachers I remember

Mr Cockcroft English ( such a gentleman and a Quaker to boot)
Mr Wallace Spanish
Mr Renton Geography
Mr Asquith Maths ( Brilliant Teacher)
Mr and Mrs Best
Mr Marsh Latin
Mrs Barraclough French ( she said I was useless at French ahah last laugh for me cos I'm fluent!!)
Mrs Martin Science
Reg Clayton Maths and Games

That's about it, met Paul Flatman who was in my year a couple of years ago and been in touch with Phil Spencer, would love to hear what happened to Susan Sanders, Lynn Chapman, Lindi Smith, Helen Bryars.

Anyway anyone fancy getting in touch, I'm

Nickname John6
Name John Hagen
Location hampshire
When at TGS 1963-1967
Comments: At school for 4 years left to join the army when I was only 15!! Stayed until I was 26 and then moved into the computer industry. Now I run a Sales division of a large US manufacturer. Live in Hampshire in a nice country house and have 3 grown up ( at least they think they are!!) children. Found an old school photograph the other days and was trying to remember some names. Got as far as Gary Hartshorn, Barry Marks, Lindie Smith, Lynn Chapman, Susan Sanders. Also remember Paul Flatman who is on this site, we played in a football team together in Doncaster that also had Kevin Keegan in the team. Teachers that I remember were Asquith, Welsbey, Renton Best, also Mike Yeoman whose parents taught at the school also works at the same company as I do. Anyone who remembers me please get in touch.

Nickname Phil
Name Phil Spencer
Location Warton, Lancashire
When at TGS 1963-1968
Comments: I left Thorne GS in 1968. I joined the Royal Air Force in 1974 leaving after 12 years. Then went out to Saudi Arabia working with their Air Force for 11 years. Currently working as a Senior Configuration Engineer for BAE SYSTEMS in the North West of England, where it always seems to be raining. Very happy with my third (and final) wife, it has taken me this long to find a woman I can get on with! Spend my time playing golf and exercising our two Cocker Spaniels. Roll on the lottery win and the move south!

Nickname Sue S
Name Sue Wainwright (Shaw)
Location Doncaster (Wheatley Hills)
When at TGS 1963-69
Comments: Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. Tell you all the goss then!!!!

Nickname ptr914
Name Pete Daniels
Location Lancashire
When at TGS 1964 to 1968
Comments: Arrived in 64 from Singapore, left after 'O' levels in 68. Joined the RAF straight from school in 68. Left 27 years later in 95. Now work as a Technical Author for BAE SYSTEMS. Married in 74, still married with 2 boys aged 18 and 13. Remember hating the school when I first arrived but ended up spending 4 very enjoyable years there.

Nickname JACKIE
Name Jackie (Ward) Walker
Location Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire
When at TGS 1964 to 1969
Comments: Was an RAF Finningley child - together with Patsy Wilkes, William (Mac) MacKenzie and many more. Travelled to school on a turquoise blue Leon bus (berets on at the canal and off on the way back - and yes, in it on the very last day!). Started in the same year as Pete Bates - loved him to bits and was so disappointed when he didn't turn up for the 1993 Reunion. The last love of my TGS life was English Teacher, John Morley - whatever happened to him? Only did the school play (Twelfth Night) for him but actually loved it and went on to a part for the South Yorkshire Youth Theatre the following summer (with Rob Elks).
Am married to John now (third time lucky) and am self employed working locally doing payroll and accounts for various clients and also Clerk to Parish Council of the village where I live. Am about to become a Granny in December. Play golf at Holme Hall, Scunthorpe and a mean bridge player too.
As one of the organisers of the 1993 Reunion (held at Green Tree, Hatfield) I have the names and addresses of staff and pupils that came - we weren't computerised then so the info is not quite so hi-tech as this - so I could be quite helpful in tracking people down.

Nickname Huss
Name Mike Hussey
Location Kingston, Surrey
When at TGS 1964-1971
Comments: I left in 1971 to study Economics at Birmingham Poly, but soon discovered that I didn't like student poverty and that Economics without Pete Bates was indeed a 'dismal science', so I left Birmingham within a year. Like a lot of college dropouts in the '70s I ended up in computing and worked in Germany and Holland, before moving to Kingston in 1977, where I appear to have settled. I haven't been back to Thorne since the late 70's as my parents moved to Oldham after my Dad was made redundant from his job with Airworks at Lindholm airfield. I still work as an analyst/programmer, but as I say in my entry on the 'Friends Reunited' web site, I haven't decided what I want to do when I grow up.

Nickname Mush
Name Dennis Marshall
Location Dukinfield, Gtr Manchester
When at TGS 1964-1971
Comments: Since leaving TGS I have lived in Scarborough, Birmingham, Croydon and now here in Dukinfield. I am married (for the 3rd time) to a French womanand have 2 children (born in 1977 and 1986). I have worked in many jobs before becoming a Unitarian minister in 1985! I am a keen amateur dram fanatic and have appeared on TV game shows. I rarely visit Thorne, though I do have 2 brothers there, and have contact with nobody from TGS.

Nickname Martin_Doré
Name Martin Doré
Location Brisbane, QLD Australia
When at TGS 1965 - 1972
Comments: Loughborough University 1972 -76 Graduated Civil Engineering
Hong Kong 1981 to 1997
Australia Since - still working - Caboolture Shire Council
Married to Virginia - my Singapore girl.
2 Sons born 1985 and 1987.
Wrote this on holiday visiting my mum & dad in Hatfield April 2004.

Nickname max
Name Tony Maxfield
Location Scrooby, Doncaster
When at TGS 1965 -70
Comments: I left in 1970 and worked for Midland Bank for 14 years, in Doncaster, Lincolnshire and Sheffield.

Moved into Financial Services in 1984 and spent sometime in Ampthill near Bedford, before moving back to Doncaster in 1988.

I was an Area Manager for the Prudential Client Relationship Management (Corporate Pensions!), but made redundant in December 2003. I was an Operations Manager for a Financial Services Claims company in Leeds up until November 2006. I am now Sales Development Manager for a Mortgage Broking company, which is part of the same group of companies.

I always had a great love of Rugby at school and this never faded, I even managed a period of playing Rugby League. Far too old and decrepid now!!

I married Christine Dickinson (aka Dickie) in 1972, but sadly we divorced. Been remarried to Val for 25 years and have 2 daughters, Hayley (21) and Nicola (19), who are both at University(they get their academic ability from Val!)

I would love to hear from anyone.


Nickname Michael
Name Mike Dobson
Location Buckinghamshire
When at TGS 1965 to 1972
Comments: Left school and joined the RAF. Trained to be a Navigator and flew the Buccaneer until 1981. Then I had to learn how to teach and taught Navigators at RAF Finningley until 1984 when I was given an exchange tour with the German Airforce. I returned to Scotland to fly the Buccaneer I and eventually was place behind a desk in 1992. I am married with 2 children aged 15 and 19 and Janise, my wife is a teacher for severely handicapped children.


Nickname dodo
Name Les Dodsley
Location Washington Tyne & Wear
When at TGS 1965-1969(Dec)
Comments: Should have left in 1970 but joined the army instead.
Married my wife in 1973 (god 30 years in April) I have 2 children Joanne 28, and Christopher 25, Joanne is married with a 4 year old daughter and Chris returned from last winter playing cricket in Australia with an Oz girlfreind in tow.
When I left the army (pay not so good) I worked as an electrician for a couple of companies in the N.E. before going to South Africa for 4 years but the writing was on the wall so I returned to the N.E.
If anyone remembers me I would love to hear from you.

Nickname Mike Wraith
Name Mike Wraith
Location Gleaston, Cumbria
When at TGS 1965-1972
Comments: After 5 yrs at Manchester Univ. I worked for 17 yrs with Shell,in Kent. There I met my wife Jenny. We have 2 children, Stuart just starting university and Charlotte age 10. Having lived in Sittingbourne, York and a return to Manchester we are now settled to the south of the Lake District, near Ulverston. I am the Production Manager for a medical diagnostics manufacturer. I have good memories of school. Hello and regards to all TGS contemporaries and teachers.

Nickname shem
Name shaughan tighe
Location durham
When at TGS 1965-1972
Comments: Just found the site.I live just outside of Durham and am Deputy Head at Teesdale school in Barnard castle.I am married with two children.I was in 3D,4D,5D-Mr Driver was our form tutor .Other members of the class were John Scott who I see often,Phil Smith,Harry Harle,George Rhodes.I remember Christine Burnikell from fieldside primary school.Teachers I remember are Mr Clayton,Mr Welsby(and his slipper) Mr Driver,Mr Morrissey,Mr Swift,Mr Rogerson and a few others. In the sixth form I was in lower arts with Mr Bates as my form tutor.

Nickname Nick
Name Nick Hemingway
Location Stalybridge, Cheshire
When at TGS 1965-1972
Comments: Caught the red Felix bus from the Bay Horse, Hatfield! Left TGS in 1972 for St.Peter's College, Saltley. Have taught in Oldham since 1976. M.Ed. from U.C.N.W., Bangor in 1990. Played rugby for Oldham and was a member (forgive me) of Lancashire C.C.C. for several years. Still get over to Hatfield/Thorne fairly regularly. Married to Jill. Son Alex works in the media and is based in London.

Nickname John R.
Name John Redmond
Location Worcester
When at TGS 1965-72
Comments: Professor of European Studies, University of Birmingham. Married Carol (from Bristol) in 1978; three daughters (20,17,13) and one son (9); live in Worcester. Left TGS in 1972 and went to Universities of Cardiff (1972-76) and Warwick (1976-78). Lectured at Birmingham, 1978-83 and then worked as an economist for South Yorkshire County Council in Barnsley, 1983-86 (lived in Sheffield) before returning to work in Birmingham. Moved to Worcester in 1988.

Nickname tgs65-72
Name Ray Pemberton
Location UK
When at TGS 1965-72
Comments: Nuff Said

Nickname hutch
Name John Hutchinson
Location Sheffield
When at TGS 1966 - 1970
Comments: Mr Chappel was the form Tutor - Wellsby and Clayton the PT masters - Dennis Wright/Humph/Heppy/Graham Ball/Pauline Corkwell/Darlow/Babs-only a few of the many I remember - class 2a had to listen to the tape of me singing and playing the guitar - compliments of Phil Smith-hope they never strung you up Phil-Chris Nortcliffe- "Nortcliffe/Hutchinson - Youve been illuminated " -the day we got caught smoking(by Chappel) Been stopped 4 years now - E mail me anyone who remembers the above
E-mail j.r.hutchinson@btinternet>com

Nickname Pepsi_66
Name Brian R Pepper
Location Chelmsford, Essex
When at TGS 1966 - 1973
Comments: After TGS, I went to Trent Polytechnic. My BA in General Arts was enjoyable, but not much practical use. Joined the Inland Revenue (Boo Hiss!) in Nottingham. Became a Christian in 1978 (relevant later). Stayed with the Revenue until 1986 before morphing from gamekeeper into a poacher - joined a firm of Accountants in Nottingham then Derby. Moved to Chelmsford to work F/T in the C of E for the Diocese of Chelmsford as a Stewardship Adviser in May 1990 - until Dec 2000, when I was made redundant, became an independant Church Consultant - profitable but not vailbe. Worked for a Christian Education Charity, made redundant again! now working as an Extended Schools Coordinator.

My family:
wife is Anne (married in 1981) and we have 3 children,
Olivia (19), James (16) and Eleanor (14).

watching sport - Donny Rovers(when I can), Chelmsford City and London Leopards (Basketball)
drama - continued on the stage at Trent and then Am Drams for a few years.
music - still drumming after all these years - Christian Rock (1979 - 1984) followed by a folk Ceilidh band (1984 - 1990) and various bits & bobs since moving down here to Chelmsford.

Nickname willbedford
Name Will Bedford
Location Finningley
When at TGS 1966 - 1973
Comments: I left Thorne Grammar School for Portsmouth Polytechnic in 1973 where I did my Degree in Business Studies.
I worked for Kodak for 5 years (4 years as part of my Degree).
I worked for Berger Paints for 5 years from 1978 to 1983.
I worked for Ever Ready for 2.5 years as Senior Product Manager.
I worked for GEC Radio & TV as Marketing Manager, and GEC National Band Three as Regional Manager from 1985 - 1993.
From 1993 I sold two way radio systems around East Anglia, London, the Midlands, and the South East.
I worked for Ericsson in Basingstoke for 6 years before being made redundant in June 2001.
I've relocted to Finningley, and recently started working for Renaissance South Yorkshire - so if you are in need of information on stuff going on in the area you know who to contact......
I have a lovely 13 year old daughter, and I've very recently got married in Mexico in April 2001.
Will Bedford

Nickname Christopher
Name Chris Garnett
Location Cheshire
When at TGS 1966 - 1973
Comments: Left in 1973, went to Leicester Poly with Carole Smith, worked at Doncaster Careers Service for several years, TGS was one of my scholls. Getting a coffee in the staff room was a very strange experience even thoough I was 'allowed'. Moved to Sheffield and now Cheshire. Kept in touch for a while with Helen Wain, Lesley Garrett, Chris Lewis but really lost touch with everbody else. Meet John Oglesby in a pub years ago - story of my life. Memories 'I have a few', school productions, trip to Scarboro' (Christine Burnikell was there I recall). Lunchtimes in The Windmill (pubs again) with Scot Parkinson and George Lockett. Being caught smoking in th esixth form block kitchen, making pancakes with very strange names. I also recall a couple of trips to Ireland in very decrepit transit vans and I still have the pictures, certain folks may now be trembling with fear. Tennis in the summer when I was in the sixth form. Would love to hear from and chat with anyone who was there with me. I travel all over most of the country at the moment so who knows could even meet up, looks like we are back to the pub again.

Nickname laney6688
Name Steve Lane
Location Peterborough
When at TGS 1966 - 68
Comments: Another RAF brat who attended due to my father's time at Finningley. The photo of 1968 would be one of 3rd year for 1968. Those who remember me may also remember the last day of term, before the summer hols, when I was leaving south to Marlow - you all gave me a tin of baked beans, which I merrily ate (cold) in front of the class. Then the trip home on the Leon bus, over the bridge, and all school caps ejected through the window and left floating in the river below.
I'm afraid my memories are vague (apart from Latin) due to the number of different schools that RAF children attended, but I do remember some of the boys - Eric Scargill, Brian Syson, Martin Doré, Alan Graça, David Nutt (Dan) and a lad from Glasgow whose name escapes me.
I'm hopeful this may fill in one or two gaps some of you may have. I notice that Martin Doré has registered - so I hope others will follow.
Anyway, I left school in 1970 and have had a varied career, mainly in retail and sales management. Married a Scottish WRAF in 1976, two sons now both bigger and stronger than me, and taking it easy as a site facilities officer. In my spare time(!!) I have somehow fell into local government as an elected city councillor (Independent) in Peterborough. I'm asleep for the remaining 'spare' time.

Best wishes to everyone - Steve


Nickname MarkAHepworth
Name Mark Hepworth
Location Hull
When at TGS 1966 to 1973
Comments: Joined British Steel (Scunthorpe) as a Management Services Trainee (Computing) / sponsorship for Business Studies
Married in 1977 to ex TGS pupil (divorced in '93)

Moved to Hull in 1985 and joined Reckitt & Colman (various IT positions)
Left R&C and worked in Leeds between 1996 & 2000 (IT Manager)

Joined Associated British Ports in Dec 2000 (Regional IT Manager / IT Infrastructure Manager - Humber)

Currently working as a freelance IT consultant

Home is now in Spain but continue to work here in the UK - long commute via RyanAir/Jet2 !

I have a daughter aged 23 and a son aged 20

Creator of this site



Nickname Helen Verity [nee Perry]
Name Helen Verity [nee Perry]
Location Tamworth, Staffs
When at TGS 1966-1969
Comments: TGS was simply the best! I was only there until 4UA and was desperately sorry to leave, but it had a very positive effect on my life. I moved from Preston to do my final year at Primary school in Edenthorpe, then onto Hatfield Secondary Modern bfore attending the 'Interview' and starting in the 1st Year at TGS.

My brother, Stephen, is 4yrs older than me - he was very good at Art and was in several productions. Brooke won the inter-house Art competition when he was in charge & I made a 'War Collage'!

Finding this site is bringing the memories flooding back. It's only recently that I got rid of my Brooke House tie! I used to take part in the Debating Competitions [don't know why because i was very shy!] and just loved going to school! I recall the Christmas parties - the country dancing has come in useful - and charging round the corridors [wouldn't be allowed now because of Health & Safety], wooden/cast-iron desks, gymslips for girls & short trousers for boys, caps/berets/badges in the canal, the school song, staff wearing gowns. My claims to fame are being 'helped' by Lesley Garrett & Susan Shearman in a recorder test [they wrote the notes under the music for me] and my first 'snog' at Kathryn Waller's [Kathy Botham] birthday party - not a pleasant experience!

After I left TGS I went to a Girls' Grammar School in Preston & hated it! Then onto Loughborough College of Education for 4 great years & a BEd. Taught in Primary schools in Preston & Blackpool before going into SEN, working in Blackpool before moving to Tamworth [for love!] & currently work in Warwickshire as a Support Teacher for the Learning & Behaviour Support Service.

Teach Yoga & play golf - when the weather is warm & fine!

Names I recall are: Joanne Saunders, Joan Stevenson [on the bus from Hatfield caught near Parkways where I used to live], Dennis Wright {Man U fan], Christopher Dyer, John Hutchinson, Susan Shearman, Christine Darley, Pauline Caukwel[?], Yvonne Levy [left in 2nd Year]. Kathleen Davies - I lost touch with Kathleen whilst I was at College, just after she got married to someone in the Army, and I'd love to hear from her. Please contact me if you remember me - it'd be super to hear from you!!


Nickname MickjOman
Name Stephen (MicK) Jagger
Location Moorends
When at TGS 1967 - 1972
Comments: Left 1972, VLSc, after 'O's. The era of Mick Trown, Mick Finley, Kev Mason 1 & 2, Susan Maxwell, Jill Scarfe et al.
Spent till December '72 working hard at doing nothing.
I then joined the Army and spent 14 years giving the impression I was working hard, but got away with doing nothing.
Got married in Harrogate, got a mortgage in Kent, presented with 2 sons and what seems like a constant stream of Black and Chocolate Labradors.
Left the Army in '87 and then spent the next 15 years in the Sultanate of Oman, some would say 'Still doing nothing' but actually working in Telecommunications.
Still got the 2 sons in Kent.
Didn't often got back to Thorne over the years, and lost contact with everyone after '75,
however, 2002 finds me back in Moorends for a few months.

Nickname rob
Name Robert Shiels
Location Bath U.K.
When at TGS 1967 (leaver)
Comments: Left TGS to read Maths & Elec Eng at Newcastle Univ. Worked in both public and private sectors. Now a Senior Civil Servant settled in Bath after many moves around the country(worked for about 17 years in London). Married to hazel who went to Snaith Secondary school. I have many memories of TGS and its teachers, most of them good. I've added 2 form pictures to the shoebox album which may stir more memories.

Nickname Martin
Name Martin Jenkins
Location Wetherby
When at TGS 1967 to 70
Comments: Form 1C, 2C and 3E. Mates with Kev Mason (who also came up from Green Top School with Jacqueline but who was the girl?), Joseph Siodlak (Sid) and Jimmy Dixon (older brother Tom). I also (think I?) remember “Donkey” (Dowling?), Anthony Halloway, “Rich” Richardson, “Tich” Hardy, Oliver, “Ginger” Edwards, Johnstone, Suzanne Davidson, Elaine Matthews, Elaine Birchick, Harriet?, Spike, Stottie, Bailey, Gill Scarfe, Linda Johnson, Martin Scudamore, Mick Froud and Billy from the year below us. Teachers: D Best & Renton (Maths), Tarzan (English), Kidd (Geography). What was the name of our form teacher in 1C & 2C who also took us for music?

Went to Campsmount School and Tadcaster Grammar School when I left TGS. Did a student engineering traineeship with the CEGB. Moved over to Bingley and worked at power stations in Leeds. Did two years in Zimbabwe commissioning a new plant. Redeemed myself academically with a first class honours degree. I'm still in the power industry. Returned to living near Wetherby about 12 years ago. Haven't seen anyone from school since I left and would like to here from any of the above.

Nickname anntics
Name Ann Pickering
Location Doncaster
When at TGS 1968 - 1970
Comments: I was only at TGS for 2 years. Because I was RC I left and went to the McAuley Upper School when it opened. Big mistake! I hated the placewith a passion. I left as soon as I was able to and trained as a nurse. I am still nursing and living locally. I have been married for 23 years and have 2 children, a son 19 and a daughter 18. I think this is an excellent site and it has brought back many memories for me.

When I started at TGS I was so tiny there was not a uniform small enough to fit me. My mother and Matron Tarrant arranged for a gymslip and blazer to be altered for me. You would never believe it if you saw me now!

I remember the berets being thrown into the canal and the old-time dances at the christmas parties. I recall that we were always getting told off for not wearing the berets on the school bus!

Seeing the names of the teachers has reminded me of some of them. Can anyone remember a French teacher who was quite effeminate? I can't remember his name and it's bugging me. lol. There was also a male teacher who had a red bubble car.

Nickname Margaret
Name Margaret Bullock (nee Rhodes)
Location Midlands
When at TGS 1968 - 1975
Comments: After leaving TGS I spent three years at St John's College in York.(Steve Barret was there at the same time) studying Eng. Lit. Then I did a oneyear PGCE at Cambridge Uni. All of which was great preparation for being a Chartered Surveyor which was always my aim!
I am currently living down in the Midlands 'twixt Leicester, Birmingham and Coventry where I run my own business supplying communication equipment to people with special needs. Doesn't life take strange turns?
Married in 1982, now separated. Two sons ages 17 and 11.
My parents moved from Thorne upto York for a few years but last year moved back down so I am now getting to see Thorne again.

Nickname blankaddington1
Name eona bell
Location tunbridge wells
When at TGS 1968 Leaver
Comments: Unlike my brother I don't have good memories of TGS but hold no grudges. it certainly was an experience in every sense of the word to a bygone era. However life has moved on and we left to go to the RAF school in Cyprus. I note in the ACTA magazine 1972 Mr Morrissey on leaving TGS said he hoped he had "left a mark" As I recall he hit a boy in my class 111 upper arts with a broken desk top and made him cry. Amazing @ that time it could be made into a joke. Any other memories of him from anyone. I have been in touch with Joan Stevenson and would like to hear from Elizabeth Evans

Nickname gjw1992
Name Gary Walker
Location Milton Keynes
When at TGS 1968 to 1975
Comments: After a year at Doncaster Tech due to dreadful A levels from Thorne, I went to UCL to study Anthropology. Despite that, I've spent all my working life in IT. After college I moved from London to the Midlands - Coventry and later Ashby de la Zouch. Lived in MK for nearly ten years though in that time working mainly in HK (one amazing year), Newbury and now sunny Swindon.

Nickname honeymonster
Name Tony Sidwell
Location Norfolk
When at TGS 1968-1970
Comments: Working as New Oportunities Manager for British Sugar, building new businesses for the company. Only spent two years at TGS (1st and 2nd years) after Hatfield Woodhouse Primary, when my father was posted by the RAF to Norfolk and then on to Lincolnshire where I finished my schooling. Since then lived in Humberside, Lincs again, Cambridgeshire, and again to Norfolk.

Nickname Gill
Name Gill Cook
Location Newbury
When at TGS 1968-1975
Comments: After leaving school I studied French at University and then ended up as a Chartered Accountant! I should never have dropped Maths after O Levels.I lived for a short time in London, then moved up to the Midlands to Leamington Spa and now live near Newbury.Our year had a reunion in 1997 which was a very bizarre experience, a lot of people hadn't changed at all and others were completely unrecognisable.


Nickname Kate
Name Kate Byford
Location Ipswich
When at TGS 1968-75
Comments: Have been living and working in Suffolk for the last 22+ years as a librarian. I still go north occasionally as my parents are still living in Hatfield.

Nickname geoff
Name Geoff Sumner
Location Guildford
When at TGS 1969 - 1974


Nickname DaveBarthorpe
Name David Barthorpe
Location Edenthorpe, Doncaster
When at TGS 1969 to 1974
Comments: Left to work at Peglers as a Wages Clerk and progressed through IT starting as a Computer Operator, Programmer, Analyst etc.

Left there to join Waring & Gillow (Sheffield Head Office) in 1986 and then for NEI Mining Equipment also in Sheffield.

Made redundant so three of us went alone 1990 to current as JDL Computer Systems based in Rotherham.

Married in 1979 and still married with 1 daughter aged 22.

Play regular squash in Doncaster, and love a pint at my local, the Eden Arms.

Nice to see some of you have seen the class photo I posted. In touch with a couple of old friends but would love to hear from anyone else.

Nickname Alan Clarke (Grizz)
Name Alan Clarke
Location Tamworth, W Midlands. Formerly Hatfield
When at TGS 1969 to 74
Comments: Hi everyone,
Remember me? I was the over-weight one with the glasses in the same class as Mick Adams, Dave Wadsworth and Martin Maher, I'm on the photo of 1E from 69/70 although I only recognise myself cos I know it's me..... Left TGS after the 5th in 74 and went to work for ICI on Wheatley Hall rd at Doncaster. Trained as an Engineer, transferred to DuPont and left Doncaster in 98 to start a new phase in my career at their plant on the outskirts of Birmingham, handled the job of closing that site down within 18 months of my arrival, (boy, wasn't I the popular one) and now still work for DuPont as a roving Safety Consultant. I now live at Tamworth (the birth-place of the 3 wheeler plastic pig). Married with 2 wonderfull sons who keep me young at heart. Anyone who remembers me from school will also remember my passion for motorbikes, I've still got the bug and currently have 2 big hairy bikes, an 850 Norton Commando and an Italian Laverda 1000 Jota.
Would welcome any corespondence with people who remember me, Still in contact occasionally with Terry Duke and Dave Barthorpe.

Nickname dougall
Name John Dowdalls
Location Amsterdam
When at TGS 1969-1973
Comments: Just found the site and the names keep flooding back-all these musical memories from 1970----- who was the head of music--also played Orlando in 'As You Like it---obviously not a memorable performance but our Eng Lit teacher liked it at the time!?? Morley Liz Symonds - as for good old Reg Clayton - fond memories because I never got in the mud as he would have liked--whatever happended to Dot Barrougclough?All these mentions of the Diva - we shared a house in London in 1973/4-----Now I am Amsterdam with FCO.
great to hear any

Nickname JohnP8014
Name John Potter
Location Perth, Western Australia
When at TGS 1969-1973
Comments: Hi,

I was at Thorne Grammar school from 1969-1973. I moved schools from Wath Grammar School in South Yorks. I spent most of my time in the 'remove ' classes (not being very academic and unfocused) I became best friends with Chris Dyer, who has remained my only lasting contact over the last 30 years. He still lives in Thorne.

After very mediocre exam results, I managed to get enough O levels to apply to teacher training college in York, with the help of Mr Lawson, my History teacher (who taught me how to pass exams) and Mr Hollings Phys Ed (who inspired me to have a go) My only real successes at that time were in sports such as rugby and athletics (I turned into a passable all round sportsperson after college)

Somehow, I managed to graduate with special commendations in physical education from PE college and became a Phys.Ed teacher on the Isle of Wight where I played first grade and county rugby with a couple of south coast clubs.

I left teaching after a few years and went into leisure management, owning and operating health clubs and sports centres in London. I was a Senior Lecturer at Kingsway College in London for a while and during this time I decided to go to University and get my higher degree in Education and in the process ended up in the management program at Sheffield University and completed a Masters Degree in Leisure Management. (all this despite a school report from a form teacher saying........John sets himself a low standard which he fails to maintain)

From here I embarked on a program of further education with an application for a Ph.D in Recreation at a Universtiy in Western Australia. I moved to WA to study and met my lovely wife (eleven years ago) and I have been in Australia
ever since. I am now an Australian citizen working in universities, colleges of education and educational training companies as a national workplace trainer with my own company, and I am presently a Principal Lecturer in a College of Education in Perth WA

I love living here and I still have family in South Yorks but would like to make contact with anyone who remembers me from that era.

Regards John Potter

Nickname Jill
Name Jill Lofthouse
Location Doncaster
When at TGS 1969-1975
Comments: Hi
Jill Lofthouse as was, (from the farm at Edenthorpe). Pals with Dolly Oliver, Patsy Lawrence and Diane Goodlad. Just seen my photo on class 1E 1969/70. I was 1E, 2A, 3A, 4 Upper Arts, 5 something or other - then left half way through sixth form.

How did we all do? Love to find out. I did OK ... still animal mad, divorced (aren't we all) kids .....finally got a degree aged 43!!

By the way, am I the only one that fancied Pete Trimmingham??


Nickname Winnie4322
Name Haydn Winston
Location Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
When at TGS 1969-1975

Nickname Winnie4322
Name Haydn Winston
Location Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
When at TGS 1969-1975
Comments: Hi, shortly after I left Thorne I emigrated to the U.S.(in 1976 I think). First, I lived in Wyoming and worked in the Trona mining industry there. After a couple of years I moved to Glenwood Springs, Colorado. I worked in coal mining there also and decided I had better get educated. I graduated from University with a B.S. in Geology. After I graduated I worked for a German Mining equipment company and traveled all over the U.S. installing longwall mining systems. Then I got married. Then I went to law school at the University of Wyoming, graduating in 1989. I went to work for a big firm in Los Angeles and passed the California Bar exam. Then I had a daughter, now 12. I moved back to Colorado in 1992 (it really is a lovely place) and have been here ever since. I am a lawyer and have been in practice (civil litigation) for about 15 years. I am recently divorced, but I see my kid every weekend.

Some of my friends in high school were Adrian Crawley, Niel Severn, John Liddle, Tony Barrett, Graham Trennery, Jim McCloud and "Bernie". If you see this I hope all is well with you and your families. I saw that Jill Lofthouse had left a message. I remember you Jill and hope you are well also. Would like to hear from anyone from my old school days, it has been awhile.

Nickname barbara
Name Barbara Fleming (nee Kugler)
Location Nottingham
When at TGS 1969-1976
Comments: One of the more younger members I think. When I started at TGS there was still a certain amount of tradition but by the time I left, the school had become Comprehensive. I have been enjoying reading the accounts of school life in the earlier decades but I also hope that more members of my era get to hear of the site and sign up too.

After A-levels, I attended Newcastle Poly and later moved to London to join my boyfriend who I later married. I worked for Boots in their London buying offices and in 1989 moved up to Nottingham to Head Office. We have a 7-year old daughter and now I just work 3 days a week. I visit Thorne very infrequently as my parents retired to Bridlington in 1988. I did attend the school reunion in 1997 which was for pupils who left 1975-1977. It was interesting to see how little people had changed in the 20 years that had elapsed.


Nickname Toz Lee
Name Tony Lee
Location Thorne
When at TGS 1969-1977
Comments: Employed by the Benefits Agency since leaving school.
Played rugby for Thornensians at first and second team level until the neck advised me it was time to pack in. Played cricket for Thorne Town until I moved to play at Hatfield Main, where I still play.
Married to Lesley and have two children, Rachel(13) and Robert(9).

Nickname Geordie
Name Paul Flatman
Location Stevenage
When at TGS 1970 (leaver)
Comments: Well just found the site, if anyone remembers me, send me an Email.

After 20 years in the police decided one day to get run over, hence my new career with LloydsTSB. Regional manager covering South East England. Havn't kept in touch with anyone, but, wish I had !!!!


Nickname Chris
Name Chris Stokes
Location Deeping St. James, S. Lincs
When at TGS 1971- May '75
Comments: After I left TGS, I moved to N. Yorks. for a short while and then down to Wiltshire. I joined the RAF in July '77 and left in Dec 89. I married the girl that I met while living at RAF Finningley in 1978 and we now have two grown up children.After I left the RAF I then went to Saudi Arabia for six years, and on my return became a maintenance engineer in a double glazing manufacturers which at the time of writing this, is where I am still employed. I would really like to make contact with anyone who remembers me.

Nickname shaz
Name Sharon McGuire
Location Milton Keynes
When at TGS 1971-1978
Comments: Left TGS in 1978 and went to Newcastle University. Graduated 1981. M.Sc. from Imperial College in 1983. Lived and worked in Watford until 1998. Now in Milton Keynes, 2 children aged 12 and 10.

Nickname Chris Noakes
Name Chris Noakes
Location Geneva, Switzerland
When at TGS 1971-1978
Comments: I remember the days at TGS with mixed feelings. Some good times & some tough ones. I left to study Chemistry at Liverpool University. I left in 1981 & went to work in Kent for Marley Foam. I met my wife (a Brazilian) whilst I was "down South" at a party in London. After 5 years at Marley near Maidstone I joined one of their suppliers, Dow Chemical in the German speaking part of Switzerland near Lake Constance. My first lovely daughter was born there. Five years after moving there, Dow moved me to Geneva where I have been ever since.

My youngest daughter was born here (it hardly seems like 9 years ago). I am still practising a lot of sport, playing football for the village team, cycling in the summer (I am a fair weather cyclist!) & enjoy skiing when I can.....


Nickname Paul Wheat
Name Paul Wheat
Location Cheltenham
When at TGS 1972 - 1978
Comments: Graduated with BSc Hons (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) from University of Bath in 1982, Now working in Malvern, married with a 2 yearold Son. Occasional visitor to Thorne/Doncaster area for family & friends.

Nickname Jax
Name Jacqui White (nee Turvey)
Location Whitstable, Kent
When at TGS 1972 - 1979
I had a great time (and a good education) at TGS. I have happy memories of school plays and musicals and those Christmas parties with the old time dancing. After TGS I studied French and Linguistics at Liverpool University, then did teacher training at Birmingham Poly. I taught in Liverpool, Felixstowe and Ipswich. I came to Whitstable just over two years ago, via Lytham St Anne's, with my family. The family consists of husband Paul, an engineer, and kids, Sally, 8, and Nick, 4. I am now on an indefinite career break, bringing up the kids and trying to work out what I can do to avoid going back into teaching.


Nickname Karen
Name Karen Womersley [maiden name Thompson]
Location Leeds
When at TGS 1972-1977

Nickname Lambo
Name Brian Lambert
Location Southampton
When at TGS 1972-1978
Comments: Left TGS in 1978 and fell into an insurance career - it allowed me to continue playing sport and generally enjoy life. Left the area in 1983 to live in Chelmsford due to work opportunity, following marriage to my wife Vicki the previous year. Returned to Doncaster in 1988 where our first child, Rebecca was born - qualifies to play for Yorkshire at cricket!! Built our own house in Bessacarr before moving to Milton keynes in 1995 where Jack, our son was born in the same year. Moved to Southampton in 1997 where we have several general insurance and sevice sector interests (see bdml Rebecca is now 13, an intellect and golfer - well she was a;ways going to have more sense than me but golf as well ! - taught her everything she knows !!) Jack is 6 and hard to keep up with - a budding sportsman! Southampton is a great place to live but still get back to the area every so often. Cannot help driving past the scholl and remembering what were superb days, but didn't appreciate it at the time - did you?? The website has enabled me to get in touch with many old friends and have met up on several occassions with Nigel Boothroyd who lives about 15 miles away. Time really does fly - 24 years since I left TGS - would not have changed any of it - have a wonderful family and great life and think have experienced enough to support and guide the children towards happiness and success - although they too would have benefited from 6 years at TGS...
anyone who remembers me - love to hear from you..


Nickname linda
Name Linda Cross
Location Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
When at TGS 1972-1978
Comments: Left TGS in 1978 for Birmingham University and graduated in 1981. Married with 3 children and currently living in Milton Keynes (for my sins!!!!).
Work for an IT company specialising in Education-curriculum software and networked systems in schools.

Remember schooldays with fondness especially the sport and am still in contact with several people from school. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.

Nickname roja1946
Name Rod Jacobsen
Location Doncaster
When at TGS 1972-2005
Comments: I worked at TGS for 33 years finally retiring in 2005.

Beginning as an A grade payscale teacher, reached the heights ( some may so the lows) of assistant headteacher. I had the real privilege of working in the "Grammar School" for one year before the re-organisation of 1973 and the change over of LEA in 1974. Staff at the beginning included Reg Clayton, Stan Willi, Brenda Willis, Ron Asquith, Les Robinson, Jim Lawson and with the then headmaster PT Griffiths, a real and polite gentleman.

Lots of stories - many too near the knuckle to post on the internet and some whose participants are still ablr to bring the laws of defamation into operation.

Good times were had. The difficult or bad times do tend to become faded as in a vignette with time. Anyone who wishes to contact me please use the e-mal address below.

Nickname Headsie
Name Allan Head
Location Huddersfield
When at TGS 1973 (leaver)
Comments: I was only at TGS for the A level years. Was Deputy Headboy in '73. Played a lot of rugby! Trained as a PE teacher at Alsager College and then took up a post in Maidstone, Kent. Am now an Assistant Headteacher at a Special School in Huddersfield. Would love to hear from anyone who can remember me at TGS

Nickname shaun
Name Shaun Beal
Location Hatfield Woodhouse
When at TGS 1973- 1976
Comments: Son of Ellen Jean Beal ( Swift) who also attended TGS.
Mum went on merit, I went when it became comprehensive as I declined to sit any entrance exams and wear a cap, preferring the "senior boys". ( How foolish).

Managed to get sufficient "O" levels to join the Merchant Navy as a cadet with P&O group.

Still at sea, presently in the telecoms industry.
Living local in Hatfield Woodhouse.
Married in 1982 with two Children.


Nickname Mothdiver
Name Vince Robson
Location Norf London
When at TGS 1974 to 1976
Comments: Left School in '76 to become an apprentice with Post Office Telecommunications later to become BT Plc, Ran Thorne Telephone Exchange for 7 years, nobody noticed ( I hope ). Married in '83 divorced in '90, moved to Leeds in '92 and moved to London in '94. Had two short stints in Atlanta Georgia in '96 and '97, before finally quitting BT in '99 after 23 years.
I then worked for GECITS who have now become Computacenter, contracted out to Seagrams Spirits and Wines Group who have bought Univeral Media groups including Music, Studios and Theme Parks etc. they have also been bought out by a French company called Vivendi.
I have been the team leader looking after there global wide area network for Vivendi Universal, VU are setting up there own Network Operations Centre(NOC) in Paris and L.A. I managed the Paris NOC for 9 months throughout the most of 2002.
2003 is best left ignored as it was not one of the best parts of my working life, by a company that is so incompetent, that it believes to survive in the real world making 4 employees redundant from a staff of 10,000, will prevent it from going under.....
I was working for a sensible company called Omnetica, after a name change and 20 months I have just returned to BT by the backdoor via BT Radianz, this company set up to look after the Reuters and other financial networks.

Hobbies include juggling, ballon modelling, riding a unicycle, ice skating, building web pages using Flash, raising cats (I have 4) and DIY ( Destroy It Yourself ).
If you do look at my home page it is in temporary suspension as I'm doing work for a friend in Atlanta and waiting for him to make a decision. So be kind to it.

Nickname stutz
Name Mark Scutt
Location Thoprne
When at TGS 1974-1978 i think

Nickname cozzer
Name Corrinne Cooper
Location Doncaster
When at TGS 1975-1978
Comments: Currently working for Doncaster Health Authority as a health information officer.
I have two sons and a grand daughter, not living in Thorne now but still in the Doncaster area.

Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me and especially from anyone in Mr McCabes class - boy was he scary ?


Nickname Shell
Name Michele Felters
Location Moorends
When at TGS 1976 (leaver)
Comments: I was part of the first year that 'went comprehensive'.
Married Pete who I met and dated at TGS, now married 18 years. 1 daughter whohas just finished her GCSEs at TGS, lots of animals.
Trained as a nurse, now working in general practice and specialising in Diabetes and Asthma. Still in touch with lots of old friends and have been in contact with some through 'Friends Reunited' another brill site.

Nickname DFlatters
Name Donna Fleetwood (Flatters)
Location Luton, Bedfordshire
When at TGS 1976-1980
Comments: After leaving school I went to work in mainly dead end bar jobs before becoming involved in transport. I qualified as a driving instructor and HGV driver and spent many years as a transport manager (much to the annoyance of many drivers I'm sure ha ha). I am now back behind the bar and am in the process of buying my own public house. WATCH THIS SPACE !! Let's hope none of the staff give me as much trouble as I gave the teachers. And honestly, that chemistry lab wasn't me!

Nickname kids-fun
Name Kay Hobbs
Location Hull
When at TGS 1977
Comments: My name was Kay Ketley at school and I have a brother named colin and sister named Jean. We lived on Wykegate Road, on the south commom estate. I am a single parent now of four children from the age of 18 and 7 and now live in Hull. I work as a superviser looking after pre school children.

Nickname kids-fun
Location HULL
When at TGS 1977
Comments: Just found this sit and it has brought back a lot of memmorys from the photos. When I was at TGS my name was Kay Ketley and I left school at 17 to work in an office, a yeaar later I moved to Hull. In 1987 I married and had two children Jonathan now 18 and Tanya now 14 but I became devorced just after having Tanya. I re-married in 1997 and had another two children James now 8 and Charlotte now 7, but once again are going through a devorce after being seperated for 5 years. I have gainged my NVQ 3 in childcare and education and am working as a senior superviser for the Pre-school learning alliance who are at prescent putting through an adult teacher trainer course to enable me to deliver level 1 and 2 child care crouses in other adults, (although I stil can not spell correctly).

I would like to hear from anyone who knows where Tommy Criten last seen in Stainforth just after leavig school, Tracey Barker, the Reed twins Jean and Elieen, Stephen Tate whos lived in Moorends and has a sister named Trish, Debbie Longbone, who married Geff Thompson and moved close to Hull. (Last seen about 2-3 years ago at my home, I have lost her contact details and would like to see her again)

Nickname greenybean
Name joanne green
Location costa del sol
When at TGS 1977 - 1980 ?
Comments: Well this was a blast from the past !!! Don`t know whether it was good or bad my time at tgs. I remember being bullied even though I was tall, Iwon`t name names but I know who they were. I am not in touch with anyone apart from family in Thorne. I left at 16, pregnant at 17, left Thorne for good at 18.
I have lived allover England from Bridlington to Land`s End. I have had 3 children in total, who are 24,22 & 19.
I moved to Holland in 96 and then came here to Spain in 04.
I have worked in many places and loved every minute. I have worked mainly in catering and bars owning a few on the way.
I chose greenybean as a nickname cos that`s what some of you called me, mostly it was greeny but some I won`t repeat.
I went to school with Yvonne Widowson, Susan Shadlock, Zoe Todd, Caroline Scholes, Kay Ketley, the Read twins Jean & Eileen, Sue Hollier, Michelle Freeman (FREAKY),Stacey Hammond, Janet Bruce, Sonia Jones, Tracey Tabbiner, Diane Hartley, The Reed twins Jean & Eileen.
These are just some of the people I remember, most of them I have decent memories of. MY best memories are those of Janet Bruce.

Nickname isjustme
Name Diane nee Hirst
Location Nr Howden
When at TGS 1977 (leaver)
Comments: Started out at TGS in 1A Mrs Best . Lived in Stainforth, now lives near Howden . On the banks of the Humber on a lock . Has been married for 22 years in feb, has a son and a daughter . Now works as a care assistant in a residental home run by Sue Ryder Care .
Cannot recall all my classmates and lost touch with most . has enjoyed reading the pages and messages .

Nickname kids-fun
Name Kay Hobbs
Location Hull
When at TGS 1977 Starter
Comments: My name at school was Kay Ketley and I started in the B group and then moved to A2. The teachers that I can rember are Old Mr Green and Miss Thompson both in English, Miss Piper Music, Mrs Lyons for cookery.

I moved to Hull when I turned 18 and a few years later married and had two children, but the marrage did not work. I re marred in 1997 but that end up in devorce and left me with another two child.

I work as a senior supervisor looking after children across Hull and East Yorkshire and have just past my 7302 diploma course which means I can now teach adults child care courses.

Nickname Brad Chappell
Name Brad Chappell
Location Forres, Scotland
When at TGS 1977-80
Comments: Left TGS in 1980 and worked down the pit (Rossington) for a year, then I joined the RAF as a Photographer, having now served my 22 years I have set up my own photographic business here in the north of Scotland, I spent most of my service in either Cambridgeshire or Scotland with the odd tour in Northern Ireland, the Middle East and the Balkans. I am married with one daughter (born 1990).

Nickname Paul S
Name Paul Stretton
Location Brierley (North of Barnsley
When at TGS 1978
Comments: Joined the Army in Sept 78 and trained in Winchester.

Been in since then and will finish 24 years service as a Warrant Officer in May 2002. I know a lot of others joined up at the same time but can't remember who.

Left the Army in May and moved back to Yorkshire in April 2002. Bought a house and am happy there

Would love to catch up with some old pupils sometime.


Nickname Kezzzer
Name Keith (nectar) Gillatt
Location California, USA
When at TGS 1978-1982
Comments: hiya people of the past, stayed in Thorne for a while despite constantly working abroad then moving out here to find a better life. All these stories are bringing back so many fond and not so fond memories. Anyone out there remember me feel free to drop me a line.

Nickname NiceGuyKevy
Name Kev. Morris
Location Perth Australia, Mate
When at TGS 1978-1983
Comments: After leaving TGS I went to Sheff Poly and graduated in nerdy computing. I moved down to London where I worked for BT for 9 yrs. Emigrated to Oz in 1997 on my own. Got married in May 2005.

Nickname Russ
Name Russell Higham
Location Doncaster
When at TGS 1978-83
Comments: Hello everybody. I left TGS studied in London to be Surveyor/Engineer. Worked and lived all over UK. I have gone full circle and now reside in the Doncaster area. Slight change of career also, with my correct title Pc Higham of the SYP. I am onto the 2nd Mrs Higham and have a boy and a girl offspring.

Nickname Kenr
Name Ken Richardson
Location Leicester
When at TGS 1979 leaver
Comments: Kenny Richardson left TGS April 79 to join the army, spent 10 happy years traveling the world, now settled in Leicester and would love to hear from any of the people who remember me.

Nickname flippinmental
Name JANICE WEST (prev.Walton)
Location Herne Bay, Kent
When at TGS 1979-1983

Nickname Big H
Name Howard Taylor
Location Vigo , Nr Gravesend , Kent
When at TGS 1979-1983
Comments: Now married with two young daughters and living in rural Kent. Spent a couple of years living in Greenwich and Bromely , but now well and truly settled in loveley woodland setting . Working as a Police Officer in London for the last 16 years - now flying around on a motorcycle engaged on Traffic enforcement. Still remember the fond days at TGS , being forced out into the rain and snow for rugby or football practise , the thought of it still brings a tear to my eye.

Nickname Fay
Name Fay Emmerson
Location Luton (Beds)
When at TGS 1980-1985
Comments: Left in 85 and studied Business and Computing, married in 89 (now happily divorced). Returned to Uni in 93 to study Law and left with LLB (Hons) in 96 but still working in IT. Work as an Oracle Analyst Programmer for software house in Stevenage. I'm hoping to trace Mark Sandland, Alison McCrawie, Elizabeth Bathie and Joanne Simpson.

Nickname Mart
Name Martin Horner
Location South Wales
When at TGS 1980-83
Comments: I worked for British Rail for 6 years after leaving TGS before going off to join the RAF . After my stint in the mob I had a year in the Sultanate of Oman before returning to the UK . I am currently living in South Wales and employed by MOD .

Nickname Gary Stapleton
Name Gary Stapleton
Location Doncaster Area
When at TGS 1981 - 1984
Comments: Oh what wonderful memories this site had brought back! I have just read the entry by Mr Alcock (who I have great memories of) and couldnt stop laughing as he recounted a tale or two that I remember. Mrs Kennedy springs to mind as the teacher that taught sex education by placing a condom on her thumb to demonstrate usage. I now have 16 kids!!!!! ONLY JOKING! but it is a memory i have retained all this time! Mr Lindley was perhaps one of the most underated teachers of his time. He allowed me to work in the 'Tuck Shop' and on the lighting crew for school productions. Mr Santiusti (French & Spanish) why oh why did I have to have him for french! I didnt stand a chance! I hankered after the other french teacher (cant remember her name) but that body of hers saw me through puberty! I have mixed emotions about TGS. I know that I left my mark with some of the teachers, 'Ickabod' Green was a favourite target, as he shouted his face would go bright red but his whole body remained still. Mr 'jackanory' Morris (Metal Work) now I know he was a nice guy, but was undeniably funny. I have to admit it was me that put his register in the furnace.He also used to have some nicely polished brogues that he always changed before class...yet again I have to admit that it was me that tried polishing his shoes on the metal polishing wheel. I have fond memories of Art (cant for the life of me recall his name) but i vividly remember the photos of his wife he showed us cos they were all nude! I recall I was a bit of a rebel at school...but I never had a detention, slipper or any other major form of punishment. I always remember Mr Asquith's attempts to belittle everyone he came into contact with ( I think he HATED TGS) he once told us how crap Thorne was and that he lived in Bessacar which I replied 'well Bessacar is just a suburb of Black Bank, where all the gypos live' I remained a target to him fro the remainder of our term. Mr Croft was also a memory I could have done without, no matter how many times I tried to tell him, he never believed it wasnt me that shouted 'backs against the wall lads' as he walked through a crowded corridor. When I left school I went into the army(like a few of us did at that time) I left after a few years and went to london to seek my fortune! I ended up in North Africa serving with the French Foreign Legion (oh how i wish i listened to Santiusti !!!) After I completed ny service I went back to London and worked for a number of years as a bodyguard for vaious arab families and celebs. I then worked for a number of different companies as a security specialist until last year when I returned 'home' to Doncaster. I set up my own company providing specialist security services. I still live in the area, but my work involves a great deal of travel through out the world. my company web site for the nosy ones is I would love to hear from ANYONE that remembers me from school. I havent seen anyone since I left in 1984 ( I moved from Thorne at the same time).

Nickname Thornies
Name Paul Stead
When at TGS 1982 - 87
Comments: After Notts Uni, went South to become a management consultant, currently growing a consultancy with a few collegues, married Victoria Lunness and 1 child is on the way, living in Surrey. Still a rebel at heart though I act quite responsibly at times.

Nickname Kirsty
Name Kirsty Singleton
Location Doncaster
When at TGS 1982-1987
Comments: Left Thorne and got a degree at Salford University in Biological and Biochemical Sciences worked for a year as a Staff Training Manager for Safeway then finally succumbed to the family career of being a teacher. I am Head of Science at Hallcross School Doncaster. I have a son called Ben who is 14 years old. I enjoyed my five years at Thorne and took part in a lot of the music side of things. I still play the clarinet in Doncaster Concert Band. I got married on 30th July 2005 becoming Kirsty Greenwood.

Nickname Dobbin
Name Ian Singleton
Location Germany
When at TGS 1983 - 1986
Comments: I was at Peel Castle Infant School, Green Lane Middle School and then Thorne Grammer. My best mates were Peter Wain, Shaun Brittain, Julian Horton, Anthony Deecey, Waney Philipson, Simon Marshal and a bunch of others who I´ve forgot. I would love to get intouch with any of the above. I left Thorne in 1986 straight from school to join the Army, I came to Germany in 1987 and basically have stayed here ever since. There was a period of 6 months from Sept 1991 - Feb 1992 when I was back in the UK but I did´nt get chance to see many people. I was in the Rugby Team, The Football team, the Cricket team, the Athletics team etc. I used to box and ride that damned BMX (put me in hospital twice). Since I´ve calmed down abit (I´m almost crippled with arthritis) I read alot and have my own music studio. Lifes not been bad to me sofar I´ve been married to the same German lady (Monika) for 12 1/2 years now. We have no childeren but we have our own house 2 cars, 2 dogs a big garden and all the trimmings (no swimming pool) Germany is too cold for that. If anyone knows me and wants to get intouch PLEASE PLEASE do. My email adds: or Also if anyone knows the whereabouts of any of the above listed people give me a shout please. Tahnx and I hope to here from you. Ian. PS. i do pop over to the UK every now and then!

Nickname KingMobUK
Name Marcia Allass
Location Slough
When at TGS 1983-1987
Comments: I attended South Common First School, where my Mum was the school's clerical assistant, then went on to Northfield Middle School before ending up in the melting pot of Thorne Grammar, where despite the odds I managed to get a decent edumacation, and learned to love the school motto. After meeting many folks who had school mottos relating to dying for their country and serving others, I treasured VIVE AUDACTER! even more!

I left in 1987 with 4 A-levels to study English Language and Literature at the University of Reading. After gaining a BA (Hons) I left to find myself in the midst of a recession with arts students in low demand. Worked in a factory for a while to make ends meet, and then managed to land a low paid but promising job as a general office assistant for a company in Reading that sold commercial kitchens. In the end I stayed with them for nine years, progressing through sales administration to starting up and running the purchasing department. In my spare time I was in the Territorial Army for a few years serving as a signaller.

Left that job in 1999 and took a job in Wokingham as a network administrator (bit of a change, but I was up for a challenge!). Also left the T.A., as my interest in comics as a medium caught up with me when I got on the internerd and started travelling to the USA to visit fellow comics readers and creators. This led to the formation of, an all-female website about comics, which I have been Editor-In-Chief for since 1999. Sadly, though this is my first love, we do it for the fun and not for profit!

In 2000, I met my partner, Antony, who is a graphic designer and comic book writer (quelle surprise!) and can be found at When we first met he worked for WHAT DVD but since the magazine folded last year he has been freelancing full-time as a writer, and has at several books coming out next year. We currently reside in Slough, due to the convenience of travel to both my work and to London, but we are looking to return to the North to live nearer to my parents at some point - although of course I would have to find a job up there first. (Anyone know of anything going in the Yorkshire area? I can turn my hand to most things as I learn fast and work hard!)

We have no children and no pets, but we do have two lovely Godchildren in the Midlands, plus a bunch of local hedgehogs who hang out in our back garden snuffling for water and Spike's Dinner! When we're rich and famous I plan to find time to do volunteer work at a hedgehog hospital or the like, provided we end up somewhere where there's one nearby!

E-mail mallass@claradotcodotuk

Nickname Cooky
Name Stuart Cook
Location Deal, Kent
When at TGS 1984 - 1989
Comments: Went to Donny art college after grammar, didn't get to do a degree in graphic design as planned. Worked for a few years before goingback into education. Graduated in 2000 from Sheff Hallam.

I am now living in Deal in East Kent where I am an associate director of a data management organisation. I am engaged to a wonderful French girl called Katia and everything is going swingingly!!!

Nickname alikenwo
Name Alistair Fulcher (now Kenworthy!)
Location San Francisco
When at TGS 1984-1987
Comments: Hey all......

I was in Mr Lynch's form situated in the music block....Had crazy Kazmarick for drama....Remember Miss Sheardown (many a boy got through adolesence thinking of that lady!!), Mr Potts, Mr Marks, Mr Bucknell, Mr Shay and Bod (Mr Green!)......

I am now living in San Francisco - great city......

Looking for Andy Holgate, David Moss, Tanya Featherstone,Nicholas Lane and any of the kids that were in Dracula, Scrooge, Wizard of Oz....

Nickname DICK
When at TGS 1984-1989

Nickname Nog
Name Nicholas Farmer
Location Chicago, USA
When at TGS 1985 to 1988
Comments: Currently working as a quantity surveyor in the USA. Lived in Thorne until 2 years ago when I moved to the US with my job. If anyone remembers me get in touch.

Nickname Paul Robinson
Name Paul Robinson
Location Los Angeles, California, USA
When at TGS 1985-1989
Comments: Working in the Video Game Industry - moved out to America in late 1992, spent time in San Jose, San Francisco and Los Angeles, all in California.
Getting married in April 2002 to a girl from Texas called Ruth.
Not sure if anyone I know reads this site, but if you do, email may and say hi...
Will be in Thorne December 22nd 2001 - January 30th 2001.

Nickname Pamela Yates
Name Pamela Smith
Location Hatfield, South Yorkshire
When at TGS 1985-1991
Comments: I now live in Hatfield, and am a civil servant. I will shortly have been married for 9 years andI have two children, aged 2 and 6. It would be great to hear from some of the people in my year as the only people I still see from school are Lisa Asquith, Ricky Butler and Kerry Smith (I married Kerry's brother).

Nickname Ricky
Name Ricky Butler
Location Newcastle
When at TGS 1986-1991
Comments: Just moved to Newcastle after working in Brussels of a while. Before that lived in Aberdeen where i went to Uni. Did first dgree in Aquaculture and have worked in fish health for the salmon farming industry since graduating. Jut finished PhD in Veterinary Pathology and then stint in Belgium working with European Community on fish health legislation. Live with Kerry Smith who some of you will know from school. She's a very well paid accountant type person and so we moved back to UK when her job in Brussels relocated. Not much call for fish vets in Newcastle, so am looking for "proper job" at minute. Think we should modify this alumni site to a TGS Masonic lodge, all wear dodgey aprons and devise weird handshakes and give each other top jobs in their companies - no ?? , well, worth a try. Would love to hear from others i went to school with, been really bad a staying in touch. For those that aren't aware of it, there are quite a few of us listed at - take a look.

Nickname Mark Irvine
Name Mark Irvine
Location Solihull
When at TGS 1987 - 1992
Comments: Well after doing my A levels went and did electrical and electronic engineering at Birmingham. First job was at the now split Rover group. I stayed there for 4 years and left when the "ship" started heading towards the rocks. I now work for Jaguar and have been here for 2 abd a bit years (time flies!).

I live in Solihull and have been here for about 6 years now. Bought a house last year and am decorating etc when I get some time free.


Nickname Hudson
Name Wayne Hudson
Location Whitehaven, Cumbria
When at TGS 1990-1994
Comments: After I left Thorne Grammar School I went into the Army (Royal Corps of Signals). I spent 4 years in there including a 6 month tour of Bosnia in1997.

When I discharged myself in 1999, I went to live back in my home county of Cumbria and have been there every since taking a number of jobs including Data Entry Clerk and Heavy Goods Driving which I earned from my time in the Forces.

I've just got online this year and I'm looking for former class members. Everyone from Mort Vivant (our seriously crap heavy metal band) to old friends from classes.

Nickname joey
Name joseph holderness
Location thornes
When at TGS 1996-2001
Comments: cool weby dont recignise ne1 from wheni was there :(

Nickname eeyore
Name Ian Robinson
Location Thorne
When at TGS 1996-2002
Comments: I am a current member of TGS....thats all i got to say about my life, lol. I am a member of the upper 6th and it makes me laugh to think you had a school song :)

Nickname Rachey-D
Name Rachel Durant
Location City of London & Thorne
When at TGS 1999 ~ 2004
Comments: I enjoyed my times at Thorne Grammar School, even Chaired the School Council for a while. I represented the School in many a way, including picking up the Arts Mark on its behalf! I was studious during my times there, working damd hard. I was pro-active in my time there, participating in the orchestra (played Alto Sax. and the Flute) and entering the variouse talent contests hosted by the Ledgenary Mr. Hale! I thought the school was the most beutiful building in Thorne and have a lovely I will cherish forever!
Anyway...I moved on from Thorne Grammar School on 2004, choosing to further my studies at John Leggott College, possibly one of the best decisions of my life to date, primerily because it reaffirmed the path I will take to my chosen career. 'ROUND OF APPLAUSE!'.
Well ... 2006 saw me make the move to the 'big smoke', now down in London, Im reading the Law at the Inns of Court School of Law. Im only in my first year but already Law feels like my life.
I will progress onto the BVC around the year 2009, enabling me to be called to the Bar in approximately 2010, yes I aim to become a Barrister and follow in the footsteps of Cherie Blair, possibly one of the Worlds best Human Rights Barristers, ever, as much as you may hate her, shes an excellent Barrister.
So Thats who I am. I dont know if you can keep updating this if you have anything to say, or to ask then don't hesitate to drop me some electronic mail ...........