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Saturday 18 August 2012

Trinity Academy Results

I thought members, particularly those from the teaching profession, would be interested to read the results achieved in Trinity this year.  It is seven years since TGS (Comprehensive) closed and the first set of pupils to go through the Academy from 1st Form (Year 7) to Upper VI have just received their A level results and confirmation of their university offers. Click the link:


  1. My great niece is part of the success story. She got her grades and is off to Loughborough University.Great article .It seems the Academy is proving a success.

  2. My grandson is also part of the success story. He is going to Hull University.

    He was in the same study group as the successful twins for English and History and he said their English work was out of this world...........he was full of admiration when he was talking about them.

    But congratulations to all the students and staff for all their hard work.

  3. Congratulations to Headnaster and staff for the encouragement and nurture of these students and the encouragement of their aims and aspirations which will give them all a base for future development.
    I know this sounds daft and my part in Thorne was in the dark ages but I was there at the first reunion at the Acadamy and I feel right now so proud and delighted of the Academy success and defeat of all the people who seemed to give these schools a hard time.

    Shelly and Eileen I hope you have a huge treat for your young relations well done to them


  4. So has someone been putting something in the water?

    Do we really think the Children of Thorne and the surrounding area have become more intelligent over the last 7 years?

    Was the old TGS a failing school?

    People have been leaving TGS since the very begining of time and going to Uni.

    It is just a more popular thing to do these days.

  5. No no no to first three lines but I was not expecting very much as these schools did not have a good reputation and it is the unexpectedness of these results which has been a surprise.
    Naturally we Old Thornensians who are scattered around the world are the best of the best and I anyway continue to "Live Boldly"

  6. Today there's a fountain of information * in the computer.

    The Children of Thorne have the ability to apply it.

    If there were league tables in the days of chalk and slate TGS achievements would be equally highly rated.

    Todays parent says 'When my child gets into university.....' It used to be said 'If my child gets into university......'

    I'm pondering those remarks.

    * I edited this because I couldn't decide between 'knowledge' and 'information'.

  7. The old TGS of the 30s,40s,50s,60s and most of the 70s was successful. I am not sure the 80s and 90s were as successful.Trinity has changed the culture ,raised expectations of the pupils and broadened visions.

  8. I don`t think it is possible to make comparisons with the TGS of the thirties etc. Of about 100 entering in my year (1935) five or six entered university after leaving Thorne. But conditions,events and attitudes were so different then.....and now,with the wrong people making decisions about education I fear that we are on the way back to the thirties or before.


  9. .

    You asked:

    "Do we really think the Children of Thorne and the surrounding area have become more intelligent over the last 7 years?"

    No, but perhaps they've been better taught.

    "Was the old TGS a failing school?"

    I seem to remember that OFSTED had either put it "in special measures" or had stated that it had "serious weaknesses" in the three or four years before it was replaced.

    "People have been leaving TGS since the very begining of time and going to Uni. It is just a more popular thing to do these days."

    You are right. Between 2004 and 2012 applications for admission to degree courses across the UK increased by 30%.

    But perhaps you missed the following bit of Ian Brew's report referring to applications from Thorne:

    "seven years ago ..... only 11 students had the confidence to apply for university. This year, 78 of the 96 in Year 13 applied and gained offers for university, including Durham and Imperial College, London."

    That's an increase of 700% - more than 20 times the national percentage increase.

    Even in the heyday of the selective Grammar School, when only the brightest kids from a much bigger catchment area went to TGS, entrance to Oxbridge was a rare event. This year the Academy has two. How often did it happen at TGS in the years after the school went comprehensive?

    "So has someone been putting something in the water?"

    I doubt it. But perhaps there has been a glut of sour grapes.

  10. An entry to Oxford or Cambridge was a rare event for a TGS student during the 50's. Certainly there were many years when no applicants were successful. I would guess perhaps one every three or four years on average and never two in one year. Those two young ladies did exceptionally well and I hope they are blazing a trail for others at the Academy to follow.
