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Wednesday 25 July 2012


Anyone from Thorne going to the Olympics? I have tickets for the Eventing dressage and Xc.

Travelling by train, tube, river Clipper ship and coach over 2 days. Should be interesting if it all works out!  Getting quite excited by it all now. Unfortunately not like normal Horse Trials as there are no stalls to spend all our money on so at least it will be cheaper than usual!



  1. Trust it all goes well getting there and have a fantastic time! Family will be at the dressage too.

  2. Men's Football at Old Trafford and lucky enough to have got Athletics tickets in the application lottery. An evening session too so a couple of finals and medal ceremonies!!!!

  3. Enjoy the Olympics.It's been there done that for me,as we had the Games in Atlanta in 96.I saw Athletics twice,basketball and the soccer finals both men and women. I hope the Games pass safely as in Atlanta that Bomb in Centennial Park really did put a damper on proceedings.I see they called the military in ,which did not go down well with my grand niece ,who had her planned vacation cancelled.I hope American TV over here shows the Brit coming in first and does not focus on the Yank coming in sixth!

  4. I hope you enjoy the Dressage Anne. I've watched Zara Phillips who did quite well, but the best is yet to come. I hope it's this evening you are there.

    I bet you're looking forward to the athletics Nick...........and with some finals and medal ceremonies. Lucky you.

    I thought the opening ceremony was well done on the whole. I also enjoy the Olympics, and I pick and choose, but I always watch the rowing and the Athletics. I'll also be cheering Doncaster girl Sarah Stevenson and Sheffield girl Jennifer Ennis on in their efforts, with hopefully gold medals.

    Sarah had the honour of making the oath for all the athletes during the ceremony.

  5. Had a super day. Travel arrangements worked out well. No hassle at security (overwhelmed with soldiers and sailors!) All the helpers and guides cheerful and happy AND the sun shone! XC tomorrow so hope no accidents. We have seen many over the years and it really puts a dampner on the day

  6. Right. Been there, seen it, done it! We had a wonderful couple of days. The support for the British team was absolutely fantastic. We could tell from the cheers exactly where they were on the Xc and how they were doing. No "OH s" of disappointment as they went round. Zara got a special roar when she came in to do the Xc jump in the arena. Lots of people thought she was chosen because of who she is but I am involved with the eventing scene and I know she is good. After the intitial feeling that the Olympics would be dreadful I am fully converted to the fact that we have done them proud.
    And what about Bradley? I follow Le Tour avidly on ITV4 and am so glad he won a gold. Pity about Cav though. Let's hope the rest of Team GB do well now.

  7. What an experience Anne. I watched the GB team in all their ups and downs, and they did deserve their silvers. I also watched the gymnastics, and I was amazed with their efforts......seemingly impossible but appeared to be effortless.

    In fact I've watched more Olympic events than ever before. The rowing and swimming, in fact everything that's been on......barring the boxing!

    Rebecca still has to swim, and there's more cycling this afternoon.

    Good luck to all who still have to perform.

  8. Four gold medals for Yorkshire !!! thats more than Australia!

  9. ......and hopefully more to come......

    Our local news is so full of it. It's brilliant, and there are two brothers by the name of Brownlee competing today in the triathlon, hoping to get silver and gold. Sarah Stevenson, from Doncaster, who made the oath for all athletes and is world champion at Tai Kando competes tomorrow, and there are others competing from Yorkshire.

  10. Yes, if Yorkshire was a sovereign state it would be ranked 10th in the medal table. I am always proud to say I am Yorkshire, followed by English, British and reluctantly European in that order. Well done the Tykes! (Shows what a stubborn, determined lot we are!)

    And hasn't the TV and radio been so positive about everything? They are usually so negative and depressing to listen to but these past couple of weeks everyone has really enjoyed themselves.

  11. I am so afraid that the Brownlee brothers have been hyped up so much that they might fail. I'm watching it now, and am willing them on. Wouldn't it be great if they did pull it off.

    If some of the others countries do the same to them as the cyclists did to the GB team and ride strategically and thwart them, it could put them back......but I'm keeping my finger's crossed.

    I've just heard that the brothers feature on the front cover of Yorkshire's phone directories......and when I checked mine....they do! I've had it for nearly a year, and it hadn't registered. This is the 2000/11 edition, so we must be due another one any time. I wonder if Jessica will feature on that one...or Bradley many to choose from.

    The post box outside the City Hall in Sheffield is now golden, and it showed queues of people waiting to have photos taken standing beside it....mostly the children, but some adults. The things the authorities are going to do when Jessica arrives back in Sheffield are numerous. They are so thrilled, I think they would offer her the moon if they could. Her photo is everywhere......massive ones, she really is their golden girl, and rightly so.

  12. Wow, that was good.

    Another gold medal....and a bronze, and brothers from Yorkshire winning them!

  13. Many of us aside from Pat Allan and Eileen (?) are 1st generation Yorkshire folk like me and I, who married into an old Yorkshire family, suspect many of us who moved away to other counties/countries remain Yorkshire folk at core. As a child travelling along the old route from Stainforth to Sheffield I marvelled at the grim industrial valley, like the Brass Bands it brought a tear to my eye and shivers down my spine.With silver bronze gold and grit Yorkshire makes Great Britain - we're only little - very proud.

  14. You are correct Shirl, I am 1st generation Yorkshire, my older brother was born in Derby, and I married into a very old Thorne family, and I have remained in Yorkshire. My younger son has lived in Italy for the past 23 years, is married to an Italian girl and they have an Italian baby boy of 10 months. He has an Italian Christian name,but he also has his Granddad's name. He also has a small cricket bat and a Yorkshire tee shirt. He is also the only Italian baby wearing clothing sporting the Doncaster Rovers logo, courtesy of my older son who lives in Thorne.

    He will definitely know all about Yorkshire. My son had white rose buttonholes at his wedding, wears a Yorks cricket club tie, and is still Yorkshire through and through. His wife who has a degree in English, now uses words that are peculiar to Yorkshire and my grandson is only spoken to in English by my son, and he has his funny old Grandma who only speaks to him with a Yorkshire accent. I'm sure he will learn how proud his Dad is of his Yorkshire roots, as I am proud that he hasn't forgotten his roots.

  15. We lived in Cookridge (Leeds) for 40yrs. and I've just been surprised to read that the Brownlee brothers were brought up in Horsforth and live in Bramhope all three villages within a radius of 10km. yet we never caught up with them.

  16. .
    A fitting tribute to all who took part, including those who, like me, never left their armchairs. Turn on your speakers and click the link:


  17. Oh I do like that! It's very clever, and as you say Keith, a fitting tribute.

    I've had the TV on all day and every day. I've watched, been excited a lot, and cried a bit.

    Yorkshire has done us proud.....and we would have finished eleventh overall if we'd been a country, but well done to all who took part.

    Team GB have certainly excelled this time.
