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Tuesday 5 June 2012


I went to London to see the pageant and to go to my son's street party. He lives at no.7 and I got chatting to the man from no.22. He has lived there for 40 years. I asked him where he was from and he said " a little village in Yorkshire" which of course turned out to be Thorne. He went to TGS and left the year after me in 1958. He is Bob Robinso. He has an older sister. Ros, who still lives in Thorne and brothers, one called Paul. He became a headmaster and taught abroad for a number of years. Coincidence or not?


  1. I went to school with Bob and can vouch that there are not many people around who are as authentic and outstanding.He invited me to stay any time I am in London and I hope that I can do that next time I come back to the UK.I have just finished watching th Jubilee concert and if you were in tht crowd, Anne, you obvioulsly had a good time.
    David Hardy ( Montreal,Canada )

  2. That's amazing! Seems to happen in life though, and with TGS people. I live round the corner from Roger Williams who attended TGS for 2 years same time as me. Trust you enjoyed the pageant, despite the cold and rain. Though I am in Guildford, I stayed at home, having been to the Hyde Park event on Saturday. Best wishes to all, Rowena

  3. Hoping to meet up on Saturday with Mary (Coulthread) Wood in Bessacarr - first time we will have met since 1971! Lots of water under the bridge! Rowena

  4. What a pageant !!! We are so good at this sort of thing. Pity about the unpaid stewards who were bussed in .....unemployed and told they would lose their benefits if they didn't do this for "training". Stilll the queen's diamonds sparkled and some one made a profit.

  5. Looking at the big picture the experience worked for those stewards.
    So it rained on their parade, what an adventure for those fit young people.

  6. Ros has been known a Ros Woolley for many years now. Her husband died about four years ago. I often see her around Thorne. Definitely a big coincindence.
