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Monday 19 December 2011

The Beatbox Nativity

If you haven't seen this elsewhere, you'll enjoy this new take on an old message, even those of you who can only take it with a pinch of salt.

Don't forget to turn your speakers on and click the full screen button to the right of the progress bar at the bottom of the window.

Happy Xmas, and a slightly more prosperous New Year to all.



  1. If you are having difficulty with this transmission, you might do better by going to the original at:

    The performer is the Reverend Gavin Tyte, a Devon vicar who produced a beatbox version of the Nativity to win a national competition. Mr Tyte, 40, the vicar of Uplyme Church, said he was "over the moon" to have won.

  2. Many thanks for the transmission , Keith. Be well and healthy at all times.
    David Hardy ( Montreal )

  3. Dave,

    Thanks for responding - the clip has now been viewed 96 times since I posted it, but yours is the only response so far. Presumably everyone else is either gobsmacked, or too busy doing last minute shopping.

    I thought the clip was ingenious - wondered what the Rev'd B.G.Brown would have made of it at Hatfield Church all those years ago if Don Boyall and I had used hip-hop instead of just reading the lessons in his service of nine lessons and carols.

    I am wallowing in memories of unforgettable Xmas parties in Broadway (Rhodes's) and Dunscroft (Ashton - The Crescent) in the early 40s, not forgetting the equally happy times at Hatfield Secondary Modern and TGS Xmas celebrations later in that decade.

    Regards to you, Marion if she is still with us, Michael and Sylvia


  4. Thank you Keith. I managed to see and listen to the YouTube version. As I'm on an iPad, Apple don't allow Adobe on those or an iPhone.

    It's definitely a different version to the story that's depicted here in Garda..........

    Greetings from Italy where I'm spending Christmas and the New Year with my son, his wife and a small baby........I met last week for the first time.

    A Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy 2012

  5. I shall pass on the regards to Marion ( in AdelaideSA ), Sylvia ( Didcot ) and Michael ( Cleethorpes ) as they are all doing well and in good health.I have shown my own childrenDunscroft ( Lloyd's Terrace ) and instilled in them the importance of knowing where you come from. As young Canadians they are also stressing origins to their own children.Have a safe and happy Christmas in Winchester , a city I loved for three years whilst I was at college there ( now a university, I believe ! ) Be well !
