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Wednesday 28 December 2011

Benedicto benedicatur

Did you enjoy your Christmas dinner?

Oculi omnium in te Sperant Domine;
et tu das escam illorum in tempore opportuno
Aperis tu manum tuam,
et imples omne animal benedictione.
- - - take a look at 'Ultimate Dog Tease' on YouTube



  1. Shirl,

    A brilliant find, and I'm sure it's a most apt quote, because we have come to expect no less from you.

    But are you going to offer a translation for we lesser mortals?

    Thanks anyway for the laugh!



  2. The eyes of all wait upon you O Lord;
    And you give them meat in due season
    You open your hand
    And fill every living thing with blessing.

    mmm yummie!


  3. Happy New Year to all you TGS ers who still achieve access to the site .

  4. Same to you Brian and to all Thornensians everywhere.

  5. aand a happy new year to all TGS ers from Denmark.By the way ,has anyone heard from Ron Bidmade? I can't contact him...

  6. Happy Healthy and Prosperous New Year to all.
    I spent Christmas with my youngest son's family. Andrew and Lou + Byron(aged 6) and Rhiannon(aged 4 and half)....I have never seen so many toys outside a toyshop! All greatly appreciated and played with enthusiastically.
    I spent the last 2 days with longtime friends, Jenny and John, before I drove home through the 3 hour long traffic !!
    Brisbane is only 190kms from Gympie (where I live). That road is part of the M1..the major highway between Sydney and Cairns.
    It is great to be home:)


  7. Gott nytt aar Peter, and to everyone else everywhere. I am as usual,in Malta in winter and in Quebec in summer.Very occasionally I contribute to this website under the name ronmalta.

  8. 2012 here's to a vibrant future and a well remembered past
