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Sunday 2 January 2011

Winter draws on

Posted on behalf of Shirl


  1. Best Wishes for Christmas and A Happy New Year to you as well Shirl. The sketches remind me of preparing to go ice fishing when the temperature is down around -20.
    Couldn't find a thread for Christmas but yours is the closest so wanted to tell about a new toy I saw when looking for my grandsons and gran'daughter. You can get either a shark or a clown fish, about 3 feet long and quite realistic.They are inflated with helium
    and remote controlled. They move forward through the air by moving their tails side to side, again realistically, and you also can control up and down movement remotely as there is a small weight that can move forward or backward to alter the inclination. Hope you have them in England too. This is a very neat toy but keep it away from hot lights. The only drawback is that the helium lasts a couple of weeks then has to be refilled.

  2. About the previously mentioned fish. They are called air swimmers and there are a couple of short videos on you tube. Just enter air swimmers in Google and it will take you there.
    Shopping again today and two nice things happened. At the first store I was buying the clown fish air swimmer. The price is $39.00 but today was 25% off for Grandfathers so that was a nice little saving. Even better was at Shoppers Drug Mart where another item at $39.oo was on sale for $24.00. As it happened the sale was over yesterday so the original price should have been shown. Because they had neglected to remove the sale price the store policy was for the sale price to apply and the customer receive a further $10.00 off the item.Whoeee. Give me three.
