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Saturday 9 January 2010

Technical Support for Beginners.wmv


  1. So now we know. I seem to remember having the same sort of trouble when I first came up against books. Our dog,who was always in too much of a hurry when dealing with intellectual matters, thought the best way of opening things was to tear them apart.
    Anyway Keith hasn,t committed the sin of mistaking Danish for Swedish, as he once did. These monks are talking the Norwegian dialect known as Bokmal,thats why they are so keen on opening the Bok.

  2. I was about as good as these the first time I opened my laptop!

  3. When you think about it it ia quite a deep sketch and typical of the learning process, I wish the operating instructions on some purchases were as clear, one of my favourites on acqiring a new vehicle was "go foreward in a backards direction.

    keep warm it is a very cold Southport Joy R.L.P.

  4. I forgot to say thank you Keith. I don't know where you find them, but they are very entertaining, and good.

  5. I like it! It reminds me of a time in the late 60's when I worked as a volunteer on a "learn to read scheme for adults in Sunderland". The levels of awe for books was amazing. Has anyone looked at electronic books? The link is worth a look. There are some real howlers in it as it is obviously electronically converted and not "humanly" perused for errors. Anyone have a Kindle or a Sony portable book electronic reader? Personally I prefer my fortnightly visit to the Central Library for six of the best.

  6. I confess. I spent 5 minutes trying to open my new pocket computer, a Compaq Mini. The catch is, there is no release button. It opens just like a book.a mere technicallity really.

  7. This seems to be one of those things handed down from Father to Son (or the other way round) with no selectivity. I am talking A.V.G. My son started me off 10 yrs ago with freebie "Grisoft". My son in law on Monday was having a bit of a fiddle round and condemned Grisoft and installed "Avasti" (another freebie) for me. So what is the best of the bunch? Who runs a scan and finds out they have a virus and have to manually remove, when they think they have protection? I am afraid I have no answers for you, even tho it is very important for us.

  8. Messing about on here, I pressed some button by mistake and got a full explanation from Multiply why they were off line for a few hours one day last week. One of the things they installed was a button to click to give you the choice of viewing the threads either A-Z or Z-A, chronologically speaking. "Go to top right and hit Post and then just do it." Nothing there for me. Anybody know how to do it? The Threads are getting so long now it would be great to have the new stuff at the top instead of so far down you get vertigo travelling there. We are only a step away from it being a bungee jump.

    Be happy Allan

  9. Allan,

    That facility has always been available, but only if you are viewing the messages on the site, not as an e-mail. First, make sure that you are looking at the messages through your browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Opera etc) and not in an email that you have downloaded in Outlook Express etc. Then look at the space between the first message, the one that starts the thread (blog), and the subsequent "Comments". There you can choose between a "Chronological" display, a "Reverse (chronological)" display and a "Threaded" display.

  10. That was why the number of blogs were limited to nine when we first moved over here from MSN. Keith explained there would be a problem if too many threads were on the go. and he tried to choose threads to suit us all. I agree with you, it is a nuisance, and the original ones are moving further down.

  11. Ta Keith - found it first time. Lo and behold it worked first time. Doesn't tie in with what Multiply think is happening, but that is their problem.
    I am now typing with this at the top. Any comments on my entry of Feb. 10 (just 3 down)? Mebbe difficult for you to be totally definitive, but there might be a hint of a pecking order.
    Hope you and Anne enjoyed yr hol. It's been lovely here - hot as the hobs of hell and bright bright sun every day.

    Be happy Allan (It's been ruddy freezing really!)

  12. A

    Sorry - I can't really offer advice in that area. In recent years I have used only Norton or McAfee because they were supplied for "free" by BTinternet. I know that they are not really "free" because I pay for them as part of my monthly subscription to BT, but using them saves a lot of hassle and reminders. I also used Windows Live One Care for a couple of years because it simplified the use of other utilities (defrag, removal of redundant files etc) that helped maintain the efficiency of my hard disk, but MS are withdrawing that service. McAfee's latest offering now does some of the things that I admired in WLOC. But for all I know other AV packages are now doing the same. I certainly have no reason to complain about McAfee or WLOC.


  13. HEEEELP PLEEEEZ. A guy up at the top table in Bowls regularly emails us common lot with stuff that is quite important we get, and react to pretty quick. The block mailing list of abt 40 have not had a prob with this all season until................just lately 2 or 3, including me, do not receive. But he does not get any info from Maeler Daemon that he has not delivered to us 3. So I ring him and ask for the info. He sends the same info, but with the 2 or 3 same old adresses, newly selected from his address book, and we get it. So our addresses are accurate in his address book. Our P. C.'s are talking to each other. So why are they not doing what they used to do? And more specifically - what has to be done to get back to where we were before? i.e one letter, one block of 40 addresses, click "Send", 40 recipients,


  14. Allan,

    Have you checked your Spam folder in Outlook (if you use it) or on the Tiscali web mail site (if you are still with Tiscali)? This evening my granddaughter languished for three quarters of an hour at Winchester station waiting for me to pick her up because BTYahoo decided that an email with the innocent subject matter "Re: This Week" was spam. I check the spam folder about once per week, last time on Monday, but she emailed me on Tuesday.

    I have found it impossible to fathom the decision making process in these spam filters. But the fact that your missing mail is part of a block mailing exercise could be part of the trigger.


  15. I must admit I also consulted my son on this. After checking my Spam etc and not locating it anywhere. Plus no Maeler Daemon report being indicative of no blockage at my end. According to him you cannot overload the address box on yr emails, so the addresses were being overlooked for some oddball unknown reason. He recommended to the guy sending, to add on again from his address book the addresses which had stopped working and give it a dummy run. This might not be resolving the "WHY". But it might resolve the "HOW". Watch this space, Keith.


  16. Keith - I condensed all the help I had been given with this thorny email prob, and passed it back. And bingo, I am back in action. I've let it run for a day or two just in case I had got lucky. But it looked as tho a permanent cure had come from somewhere. Phoned him today to check if I had missed anything and I had got a full house. But he got all cagy when I asked what had he done. No point in pushing him. His job is to send stuff that I receive. That is happening, so subject closed for now.

    Thks very much for your input...................Allan
