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Thursday 27 November 2008

Reunions - OT's Reunions - 1989 & 1996

Adrian Kirkham, Tom Hughes, Bill Hughes & Jack Randall.

Photos supplied by Adin Stafford.
First posted by Keith Williams on 26.11.2002


  1. it would be nice to have the pics labelled with names attached to faces!
    Gavin 62-64

  2. When I transferred these photos from the old site, I also copied the names etc, for each photo. To view them you need to click on the photo to enlarge it and see the script underneath it. If you start with the first one, you can then move to the next one in turn. You can also zoom each one for a clearer picture. I hope this helps, Gavin. This applies to everything, including the Actas and Memorabilia.
