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Monday 24 November 2008

Plays & Musicals


1936 When Knights Were Bold

1937 The School for Scandal

1938 St Joan

1939 She Stoops to Conquer

1940 Busman's Honeymoon (staff play)

1941 H.M.S. Pinafore

1942 The Mikado
See album for programme including cast.

1943(Dec) Iolanthe

1943(Feb) The Gondoliers
See album for programme including cast.

1945 Ruddigore

1946 Princess Ida
See album for programme including cast.

1947 The Pirates of Penzance
See album for programme and picture of full cast.

1948 Patience
See album for programme and pictures including full cast.

1949 The Mikado
See album for photos and programme including cast.

1950 No production.
Laurence Ward was ill, so Gondoliers was cancelled

1951 The Gondoliers
See album for photos and programme including cast.

1952 Ruddigore
See album for photograph

1953 HMS Pinafore, Trial By Jury

1954 Merrie England

1955 Princess Ida

1956 The Rivals

1957 Iolanthe
I am glad to see TGS branched out later into more modern shows. We only ever did Gilbert and Sullivan with an occasional foray into Merrie England. Ican't remember much about the production itself but I still remember all the tunes.

1958 The Pirates of Penzance

1959 The Gondoliers

1960 No production
Building new school hall

1961 The Mikado

1962 Ruddigore
I remember playing the role of Mad Margaret - talk about type casting !!!! I even took the name as an e mail name. John Woodhead played an equally "mad " Sir Despard Murgatroyd. Stef Kitchen, Dick Dunham and Russ Watson are all names that spring to mind from the same show. Bronwen Harries was also a lead player. Loved all the G and S productions we did with 'Pop Ward'.

I was in this as well I had my portrait painted by an art teacher (forget his name) so I could emerge from the picture and sing 'When the night win howls'. I had the picture for years but sadly it was lost when I left home.

1963 HMS Pinafore & Trial by Jury
See album for pictures and programmes

1964 Iolanthe
What fun I think I even have photos somewhere.

1965 Richard III
  • Liz Symons=Queen Elizabeth
  • Liz Taylor=Queen Anne
  • Peter Brookes=Richard III

  • 1966 Caesar and Cleopatra
  • Liz Symons=Stateeta,
  • John Brotherton
  • Jean Painter=Cleopatra

  • 1966 or 67? Dido and Aeneas
    Dido - Liz Taylor, Aeneas - John Bratherton, Belinda - Melvyne Aldred, Sailor - Tom Devine, Witches' messenger - Susan Cherowbrier. I think this was the first production by Mr Hodgson, following Pop's retirement and the end of the G and S annual productions.

    1967? Hobson's Choice
    Josee Symons et al

    1967? The Duchess of Malfi
    Stephen Perry and Linda Nicklin. Margaret Palfreyman and Terry Rogerson.
    When my parents came to watch my brother in a leading role, my Mum was horrified during a fight scene because she thought he'd been stabbed! He also had a sheep's eye that he threw on the floor & stamped on - one night it squirted into the audience! Margaret & Terry were chosen to play the young children as they were by far the smallest pupils at TGS

    1968 Merrie England.
    I played Jill-All-Alone. I was Janet Farnsworth then I had a stuffed cat that only had front legs!!!! Gail Ratcliffe played Elizabeth Ist. Lesley Garrett was the Herald. Also in the production was Susan Tasker, Alan Wilson, Michael Hicks, Sheila Chester, Shaun Tyrer, Angela Burchick. It was great fun and the rehearsals were occasions I will always remember and not for musical reasons!!
    Shaun Tyrer here - I played the Jester (or was that the Fool?!). Silly hat and tights to kill for!! Suffice to say that a life treading the boards was not for me - but great fun at the time. Have found a photo of the cast and this is now posted on the web site - happy viewing!
    Well, I'll be........Just logged onto the old school site. In fact, I was in Merrie England too - Earl of Essex (Philip Harrison) - the soon-to-be beheaded lover of QE1 - obviously a sufficiently unmemorable performance..........but I certainly had no inkling I was on the same stage as the great diva...........nor can I even remember her as a pint sized.

    1968? Animal Farm
    Written & performed by 3B under the guidance of Pete Cluer - our Form & English Teacher - whatever happened to him? Can anyone else remember this? It was great fun! I've got a programme somewhere in the loft! Helen Perry - I think I was Boxer the cart-horse & Lesley Garrett was a hen! Other names that come to mind are Susan Shearman. Kathleen Davies, but I can't remember any lads who were in it!

    1970 Summer Song.
    I sang a duet with Lesley Garret and we got an encore!!!!! . It was a great show with wonderful music by Dvorak. Do I remember correctly that there was a live rabbit on stage - Cottontail?

    Janet Farnsworth, Lesley Garrett, Linda McCloud, Shaun ?????, Chris Atha, Chris Goodwin, Chris Lawson

    1970 - April 15, 16 & 17 Summer Song
  • Abe ....................... Brian McMinn

  • Milli....................... Lesley Garrett

  • Blodek ................ GeorgeLockett

  • Karolka .............. Janet Farnsworth

  • Uncle Marek ....... David Waugh

  • Ma Flanagan ...... Linda McLeod

  • Mr Gilmore ......... Graham Aldred

  • Shaun ................. Adrian Bollons

  • Tomashek ......... Stuart Allison

  • Anton Dvorak ... Mike Hicks

  • Feeney ...............Michael Hussey

  • Joe .....................Christopher Atha

  • Jake ...................Charles Smith

  • Barstow ..............Graham Ball

  • Priest ..................Christopher Garnett

  • 1st Reporter .......Susan Day

  • 2nd Reporter .......Jean Parkin

  • Concert Hall Attendant ......Jonathan Turner

  • Asking Lesley Garrett to sing one of my songs because I was too nervous to sing it myself!! Yes there was a rabbit, and Brian McMinn sang Cotton Tailwhich is the more famously known 'Hovis' tune - Coming Home. Did you know that one of the dancers was Kathryn Waller alias Kathy Botham!

    1971 My Fair Lady
  • Lesley Garrett - Eliza

  • George Lockett Eliza's Father (Dustman)

  • Charles Smith - Prof Higgins

  • Chris Lewis - Higgins mate(??)

  • Andy Powell - Freddie

  • Susan Shearman - Mrs Pearce

  • If you read Lesley's book, it was this musical that inspired her to go on stage

    1971/2 Night Must Fall Mark - you need to help me out here. All I can remember is something about a head in a suitcase.....

    1972 Oliver Copy of an original programme is in the Photo Album

    End scene where Bill Sykes is shot down form the roof (by me) ... on the first night the gun failed to work, so someone shouted "bang". The dummy Bill Sykes fell, his head came off and rolled into the pit.

    1972? The Rivals Produced by Liz Symons

    1972? Emil and the Detectives Produced by Liz Symons
    According to Liz it was after seeing this done that it was decided that the school could manage Oliver

    1973 Trial by Jury
  • Lesley Garrett - Angelina

  • Dave Garnett - The Judge

  • 1974 1066 and all that A Revue - one of the best productions I was ever in - absolutely hilarious

    1974 Half A Sixpence Mark Lloyd - Tommy Steele (can't remember the character name - Arthur Kipps??)

    1975 The Sound of Music
  • Katie Greathead – Maria
  • Mark Lloyd - Mr Von Trapp
  • Paula Trippitt - Mother Superior
  • Karen Mellor – Liesl
  • Baz Gilson - Liesl's Nazi boyfriend
  • Sue Flower - one of the many nuns (come on any more nuns out there)
  • Lynn Donkin - a Postulant (baby nun) and also a dancer in the ballroom scene

  • Baz here - a most memorable moment was opening night when I reached for my revolver upon discovering the Von Trapps. It was one of those 'hold your breath' scenes when you could hear a pin drop - instead you heard my revolver hit the floor. What a clutz! Lynn here - I recall a visit to the church with Miss Wood to record the nuns singing and I also recall Paula waiting to go on stage in a right old state worrying about hitting the top note and she did!

    1975 Dracula
  • Mick Cooper – Dracula
  • Lindsey Waller - ?

  • Remember Mick's fangs - they were specially made by a dentist and were extremely real-looking especially with the stage blood coming out of his mouth!

    1975 South Pacific I remember it well: 'When you laugh at different comics/When you root for different teams' and a pair of jungle shorts which did nothing for my little fat legs !! Lily Ann Dawes (Lt..)

    1976 ? Fiddler on The Roof Anyone remember this one ?

    1976/77 South Pacific
  • Tim Greathead

  • Sue ... (Weston?)

  • Jacqueline Wright

  • A rousing chorus of testosterone singing "There is nothing like a dame"..

    1977-80? Joseph Tec. Col. Dream Coat A fantastic musical


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    3. I was there in "The Sound of Music" 1975
      I played Friedrich, the eldest son. What a brilliant time we all had.

    4. PS. I was the only person in the show that played their correct age. I was 14 years old.

    5. South Pacific featured Richard Greathead not Tim Greathead, who’d left long before!
      And I have many happy memories of the Sound of Music….hugging Paula T after her high note, which she eventually got, having to practice lifting Gretl, who was aged 12 not 5 years so substantially heavier, joking with Mark L about the ‘bedroom scene’ when Maria sings Lonely Goatherd to comfort the children during the storm scene, joking with Mark L in the love scene as the script was so corny and kiss super-embarrassing….but singing with the kids was great fun and will be always grateful to Lesley Wood for casting me as Maria.
      Plus Graham Henderson gave us a treat with directing Dracula….and I got chance to do a spine-chilling scream ….needing special practice time in the hall to perfect my technique! He did a great production of The Royal Pardon the year before and a musical history sketch/review later in 1975. Both in which I got great character parts. TGS had an excellent drama and musical tradition! 👏👏🌟🌟🎉🎉
