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lished blog at this new site, click on "Join this site" below this message.
If you do not already have a Google account (with a gmail address), you will be prompted to create one, and get your own personal web page. Your user name will be good for anything that Google owns, including Blogger, Youtube, Picasa, Google Plus, and lots of other things. One password covers all.

Saturday 18 August 2012

Trinity Academy Results

I thought members, particularly those from the teaching profession, would be interested to read the results achieved in Trinity this year.  It is seven years since TGS (Comprehensive) closed and the first set of pupils to go through the Academy from 1st Form (Year 7) to Upper VI have just received their A level results and confirmation of their university offers. Click the link:

Thursday 9 August 2012

Closure of TGS site on Multiply

Many of you will have seen the notice published by Multiply management yesterday announcing the 1st December closure of the facilities that host the Thorne Grammar School web site.  If you missed it, a copy is available below.  

The site was started by Mark Hepworth as an MSN Group in 2001, and transferred to Multiply in Dec 2008 when MSN Groups closed. It has been used to organise 3 major reunions each attracting hundreds of former pupils, and dozens of smaller reunions of friends and single year groups. It has provided a forum for an exchange of views on a surprising number of topics over a period of nearly twelve years.  It has reunited many old friends and created many new ones.  And it has provided an archive of photographs and documents consisting of nearly 3,000 images and text files. These archives are by far the most popular feature of the site, attracting many more visitors than any other feature.

The present administrators have run the site for the last 10 years, and organised the transfer of the site in 2008.  Being conscious of the difficulty of finding a new host who will provide equivalent facilities at no cost to the members,  they have decided that they will take no action to keep the TGS site in operation after December 1st.  

But they will offer every assistance possible to anyone who wishes to take on the challenge of finding and managing a new TGS site, including any help required to transfer documents, photos and other records pertinent to TGS.  We have yet to see precisely what migration or download software Multiply will provide to facilitate the transfer of the site (see the notice below). 

In the absence of a volunteer to take on the task, the site will no longer exist after 1st December.    

Keith Williams


Notice from Multiply HQ in Jakarta, Indonesia. 

As most of you are probably aware, Multiply's mission has evolved over the past year and a half to become the biggest and most beloved ecommerce marketplace in two very exciting markets, Indonesia and the Philippines. As our focus has shifted, we have reviewed all of our operations, and made some decisions that will affect everyone here.
  • From December 1st, we will unfortunately no longer be able to support Multiply in its current form - notably we will be removing the social networking and content sharing part of Multiply (photos, videos, blogs, social messaging, etc.). We have decided to discontinue providing and hosting these services, as we have concluded that other Internet sites who are committed to social networking services will do a better job serving you than we can.
  • For our existing users of social networking features, we will be providing easy ways for you to either download your stuff (photos, blogs, content, etc), or migrate it to other online services. We'll announce the precise details shortly. It will be your choice whether to download, migrate or just let your content lapse (and get deleted).
  • For our existing ecommerce users (both buyers and sellers) in Indonesia and the Philippines, there will be no action required.
  • Regarding any existing Multiply Premium subscriptions we will refund any unused balance, and apologize for any inconvenience this will cause. Please contact customer service to request a refund. Note that this is for Multiply Premium, not the ecommerce related Multiply Trust product.

I am aware of how disruptive this news may be, and understand the disappointment that it may cause. Ultimately this was a business decision, critical to our to success moving forward. Instead, we are excited to pursue our own mission to give the 350 million consumers in Indonesia and the Philippines a great way to buy and sell items online. Our singular focus now is for Multiply to retain its status as a vibrant e-commerce destination in Southeast Asia in the years ahead. 

I suspect that many of you will not like this news, and am sorry to have to deliver it now. I hope that you will be able to understand the reasons for our decision and thank you for being a part of the Multiply community over the past eight years.