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Wednesday 13 April 2011

Books written by or about TGS Alumni

Kathy Botham (nee Waller)
"Living with a Legend"
Grafton Books 1987 219pp
Attended TGS 1966-73 (approx)

This album contains details of all known books written by or about various TGS alumni. Note that TGS is mentioned by name in some but not all. They are presented by date of publication, not by date of attendance, hence Sir Graham is, at the time of writing, last on the list.
Most are out of print, but all except "Teachers Tales" (limited print run) and "From the Tools....." (print on demand) are available on Amazon. Enquiries about Mr. Lawson's memoirs should be directed to the administrators of this site.


  1. Well done, Ray. A great initiative.


  2. Another alumni book was co-authored by myself J C Clark and P D Buckinham whilst working at The Medical Research Council Cyclotron Unit at Hammersmith Hospital London.
    "Short Lived Radioactive Gases For Clinical Use" Butterworths 1975 ISBN 0 407 39770 1.Now out of print.
    J C Clark TGS 1951 to 57

  3. Also Phil Horsley has written
    1) Land's End to John O'Groats: The Great British Bike Adventure
    2) The Islands and Highlands of Western Scotland: Island Hopping Bike Adventures

  4. Also my sister, Janet Horsley has written;
    1) Bean cuisine
    2) The Weekend Cook
    3) Sugar-free Cook Book
    4) Making do without salt
    5) The New Fish Cookbook
    6) The Yorkshire Post Cook Book

  5. About 300 titles published. See Amazon for the ones still in print.

  6. I had a look for them last week. Am I right in assuming that you are Phil Horsley.......if so congratulations. They get very good reviews.

  7. Hello Hoss2, I had a look for the books last week. Are you the Horsley who wrote the books? If so. congratulations! They get very good reviews in the Amazon site.

  8. No. Check 'Ron Holt author' on internet and 'Ron Holt' on Amazon Books.
    The courses I wrote for China are not included. All the Primary school kids in Shanghai are using one of my courses.

  9. I want a copy of James Lawson's book, but do not know how to contact the 'administrators' as indicated. I was in his A level English History class from 1951 to 1954 and have always tresured the memories of a talented and humerous teacher, Brian Bristow (

  10. If you send me a PM, I'll tell you how to get his book Brian. I believe he has one left.

  11. Brian, if you go to my site and click on Personal Message, I will tell you how to get a copy of Mr Lawson's book. I believe he has just one copy left.

  12. Geolab 1 and Geolab 2 published in the early 80's and co-authored with William Derry.Still a few on Amazon, rather dated now but still pulling in a few bucks in royalties.

  13. I don't know if anyone is still reading this but here goes anyway...

    I was at TGS in 1965-72 (John Redmond email - -). I have (co-)written or (co-)edited around a dozen books, mostly academic books. The latest is published this month (August 2020) and is called "The Alternative Christmas Letters"(second edition). It is not academic. It is available on Amazon and/or you can get an extended flyer with extracts from me by emailing me. The book is meant to be (and hopefully is) largely humorous and contains some passages that feature TGS.

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