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Thursday 14 October 2010

80 Years On Reunion - 9 October 2010


  1. Not surprising - you weren't even there!

  2. It's a shame that there are no 'names' added to any of the pix. I didn't realise that I might also not be recognised anyway.

  3. I have trouble recognising myself these days ..................

  4. Thanks for sharing the pics with the 'out-of-towners' - It looks like a good time was had by all - like last year.
    Tootle Pip
    Ron Carr
    South Australia

  5. Thankyou for the pics you shewed, but like peterg, I would have liked some of the names to add to faces.
    June Firth
    Gympie ,

  6. Great photos.......except mine!!!!!!! Look as tho' I've had a face transplant.....perhaps not such a bad idea???

  7. Great to see you all looking so welland happy sorry not to have been there but had trouble arranging transport.

    Take care everyone

    Regards Joy R.L.P

  8. Joy,

    I looked for you at the reunion and was disappointed that you were not there, but am relieved to find that it was only a question of transport. Many others were missing for health reasons. Some, like Bert, Tony, George and John for even more pressing reasons. (Its funny how the girls just seem to go on and on!)

    Perhaps we were expecting too much, asking people to make the pilgrimage twice in two years. That happened because we couldn't agree among ourselves what kind of reunion we wanted - informal lunch or less informal dinner - so we ran both in successive years. More than three times the number signed up for the less informal dinner than for the lunch. That was because we put more investment into it by mailing everybody. But that meant we had to raise at least a 100 diners to avoid making a loss. In the event there were 180.

    In fact, the combined profit from both events was £1224. In addition the events stimulated a further £150 in donations. This has now been passed to Trinity Academy to supplement the Alumni Fund we started five years ago. Jim Lawson also handed a cheque to Ian Brew for a further £165, bringing the total contribution from his book "Teachers Tales" to £2165. The total of all known contributions to the fund since 2005 exceeds £8000.

    It should be noted that the average age of the organisers of this years event is about 85. The probability that they will still be capable of repeating the exercise in five years time is therefore very low. We hope that some of the younger members will step up to the plate.

  9. [only one I recognised was mike gallagher - put on a lb or two since playing days with old boys when i last saw him in the flesh. Bill Anderson

  10. A flash in the pan has it's moments and as one who with unreasonable justification believes one's photographic likeness to be a distortion of one's features, a Statute of limitation that sets forth the number of hours one's photographic likeness is allowed to be on public display is a good idea.

