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Thursday 4 February 2010

Thorne Colliery

At last we have a memorial to all the miners who worked at Thorne Colliery, in whatever capacity.

When I heard about it just before Christmas, I went to find it. I didn't have to look very far! You will all know where the Welfare grounds are.....and the rec. We all must have spent hours there during our childhood, and in many cases as adults playing football and cricket and a bowling green. There was once a thriving tennis club, and a nine hole golf pitch and putt course. happy memories.

I found it just inside the main entrance next to the pit lane. Half of one of the pit wheels which have been stored at Hatfield main, is sunk into a cement base. It stands proud, and in front of it, again set into the base is a marble plaque, with the inscription as follows.

                       TO COMMEMORATE
                                   THE CENTENARY OF THE OPENING
                                       OF THORNE COLLIERY IN 1909
                                             AND IN REMEMBRANCE
                                       OF ALL WHO WORKED THERE

I have taken some photos, which I had hoped to display in this thread, but I haven't mastered it yet, so I will be uploading them in the Thorne & District photos thread. Please keep any comments in this thread for members who wish to say anything about the memorial, or anything relating to the pit.

Some photos are now on page 4 in the Thorne and District site, at the bottom. If you zoom in they are very clear. It was a very bright, clear, and very cold day.