allanswales wrote on May 8
To try and improve my knowledge a bit I looked up "Emeritus." Discovered it can be a postpositional adjective or a prepositional adjective. Why do I do these things? Think I would rather remain ignorant.
Be Happy Doc (sounds like one of the Seven Dwarfs)
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ronmalta wrote today at 7:18 PM
I am also deeply grateful and highly honoured to find myself elevated to the rank of a postpositionally adjectival and prepositionally adjectival emeritus and even more gratified by beng congratulated, after years of study, as a fully qualified digital watch adjuster.I was however baffled by a toaster oven door with a diabolically obstreperous hinge.I couldnt get it to close, after hours of effort. Then my granddaughter came along and fixed in in three seconds.
Of course, I awarded her a diploma in mandibular technology and a toasted cheese sandwich.
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allanswales wrote today at 7:19 PM
Knowing me, it was bound to happen. Did any of you spot that the infamous Michael Masden, a.k.a. ear slicing Mr. Blonde (ex Reservoir Dog), was in the news for misbehaving on a cinema set in Cardiff? And Louie keeps popping up all over now. I think it is Cosmo this week, where he celebrated his 41st by appearing in the nude, apart from a rather large, strategically placed, pineapple.
Catch you later. Got some ironing to do. Bowls kit from Saturday is back on parade tomorrow. A Hamster on a wheel springs to mind.
Be happy Allan